
Dual Citizenship: A Return to Project Uno

One of our Proj Uno contestants projected that the “New fed chief will make a major announcement on that day.” On the days leading up to August 1st, our new current Fed chief was, in fact, being intently watched as economic experts were awaiting specific words from her. However, nothing significant made it into the headline news that [...]

By |August 12th, 2014|Categories: Came True, Project August|1 Comment

Headline #90: “We are currently experiencing a riot” (updated)

We have ourselves a double-whammy hit here (which is quite unfortunate if you look at the type of predictions that were made.) On the 27th of July, we made a petition to our readers that had to do with racial tensions appearing imminent. This warning was derived from a substantial overlap between dream material and linguistics phrases, and [...]

By |August 11th, 2014|Categories: Came True, Project August|0 Comments

Headlines #111, 112, 113: All about Bus and Hillary

These three headlines weren’t perfect hits, but they are nonetheless striking and worthy of discussion. Let’s go in order… Bridget writes: “Headline #111 looks like you got a hit!” Agreed. I’m willing to bet that most people have already seen this news out of Tibet. When I first saw the news, I saw a very high DreamSeer score, [...]

By |August 11th, 2014|Categories: Came True, Project August|1 Comment

Headline #60: The Coup and the New Parliament

This headline came from Report #4, and it was a mix of a couple different dreams, but one those (from dreamer named “Deedeespirit”) knew she was in the Middle East somewhere: i dreamt i saw a young fair skinned woman stationed at a base in the Middle East, i think it was viet nam or korea The dream [...]

By |August 11th, 2014|Categories: Came True, Project August|0 Comments

Headline #92: Citizens are fleeing by the droves

(Also hits on HL#17 and HL#3) Prelude: When we conducted the very last DreamBot run on Project August dreams, one of the biggest themes was RUNNING, but that was just the linguistics. A single word never gives us context and detail. That's why the actual dreams are so important. As I discussed on Coast to Coast AM, when [...]

By |August 10th, 2014|Categories: Came True, Project August|1 Comment
Team 2