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3/6/25 Active Still
Forum: DreamBot Runs
Last Post: Eagle1
Yesterday, 10:25 AM
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2/26/25 Morning Hustle Bu...
Forum: DreamBot Runs
Last Post: Eagle1
02-26-2025, 11:15 AM
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Tanks Attacking Castle/Ma...
Forum: Public Dreams
Last Post: viejasombra
02-24-2025, 04:18 PM
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2/19/25 Collective is Hav...
Forum: DreamBot Runs
Last Post: Eagle1
02-19-2025, 12:04 PM
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2/12/25 Air War
Forum: DreamBot Runs
Last Post: Eagle1
02-12-2025, 09:53 AM
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2/5/25 February Killer
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02-05-2025, 12:38 PM
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1/29/25 Universal Frequen...
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01-29-2025, 12:29 PM
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1/22/25 Mercury Extremes
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Last Post: Eagle1
01-22-2025, 12:07 PM
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1/15/25 Motivated by Feel...
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01-15-2025, 12:23 PM
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1/8/25 Gnosis
Forum: DreamBot Runs
Last Post: Eagle1
01-08-2025, 10:38 AM
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5/30/16 Red Alert: Trade Containers are Empty |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 05-30-2016, 09:24 AM - Forum: DreamBot Runs
- Replies (15)
Trending: trade booth huh containers blank practice hours stare today mind road tar show shadow sea meditation dice dorm fragment dark labor arrested sorry attached electricity awoke less probably view heres
Waning: story late were hair starts waking dreamed father sun ladder purple taxes wow creepy last sat dream fri yesterday eden
<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Trade booth huh containers blank. I’d say that sounds pretty self explanatory. We have ourselves yet another financial/economic bot run. The past few days worth of bot runs have been strangely weighted towards economic matters:
5/27/16: Taxes (http://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/T...ts-Cleaned )
5/28/16: Housing market (http://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/T...reclosures? )
5/29/16 Labor and housing markets (labor arrested): http://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/T...29-16-Dorm
5/30/16 (Today): Trade appears to be halted as the containers are empty. The collapse of international trade??
....Oh, and let us not forget the run on 5/20/16....the death of the dollar, which fits in perfectly with today's empty trade containers. http://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/T...-US-Dollar
I find this very interesting that we have an array of economic words in back to back runs, some of which exceeded the red alert threshold. As we saw recently with the Queen bot run, the predictive linguistics are still taking about 6 weeks to manifest in real world headlines. Thus, if the collective is predicting something economic, our best guess is about 6 weeks’ time til we see it play out in waking reality. Target period of July 4th through July 18th 2016. I'm thinking labor and housing problems (as well as poor trade data) spur a discussion on tax overhaul. We probably need to include the 5/20 run in this discussion, as the dollar's burial would happen first, as 6 weeks from 5/20 is July 1st, 2016. These dates are all bracketing the July 4th holiday. Hmmmmm.....
By the way, the highest surge score through all this was 149 points, given to the word DORM on 5/29/16. This may signify a strong educational flavor in all of this (i.e., university financials, student loans, educational housing issues, or something along those lines. The second highest score was the word LABOR in yesterday's run, with a score of 139.5. The third highest economic word was TRADE, garnering 119 points in today's run. TAXES was down at 68 points even though it was the #1 word on 5/27/16. The reason I bring this is up: This is our first exploration of a series of bot runs all describing a bigger meme (in this case, the economy). If any of this series is accurately predicting the future, I'm anxious to see whether the surge scores can accurately predict severity levels or emotional releases of the eventual news stories.
For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see: http://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/s...?tid=17460
President Obama Buys Property from Oprah |
Posted by: Iris - 05-30-2016, 07:31 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
- Replies (1)
I worked in an office and was out at lunch. A male, dressed in business attire, approached me; we knew each other well and I believe he was President Obama's Chief of Staff. He told me that the President wanted me to undertake a task for him. Since I knew (or worked for?) Oprah, he wanted me to initiate a conversation with her about a property she had for sale. He did not want her to know he was interested in the property, but he wanted me to find out more and determine how firm the price was. I agreed to this, and left to return to work. I removed my long dress coat, camel colored cashmere, and returned to my office. Somewhere along the way I saw President Obama, he waved to me, with a big smile, and winked.
Before I had an opportunity to talk to Oprah, I was sidetracked by an incident. I was once again outside. I observed a female, perhaps a co-worker, out on the sidewalk. Many people, again dressed in business attire, walking by. A male drove up in a car; I was under the impression he was recently released from jail and was the female's husband. He started yelling at her and got out of the car and began to approach her, verbally threatening her, saying he'd kick her with his steel toed boots. All of the people around were just bystanders, but had stopped to watch. As he got closer, I kind of internally sighed, then walked up in front of the female, blocking his path, and told him he'd have to kick me first, and if he did, I would have him arrested and thrown in jail. Then other people around me surrounded her as well to enforce the idea. He then said he wouldn't help support the kids then. Someone in the crowd said well then he'd donate some money to help her. Then I said that as well as did others. The male then backed down, became apologetic. Someone had called the police and we heard sirens. The incident seemed over, so I once again returned to my office.
I stopped in to talk to Oprah. The property in question had a price of $350 million (or perhaps $35 million, but $350 is what I recall). I had rehearsed in my mind what to say to her, and I had decided I'd talk as though the potential buyer was female. I don't recall any other details.
A new place to live |
Posted by: ThePaladin - 05-29-2016, 10:25 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
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29 May 2016
I'm moving into a small apartment/house. Carrying boxes up some steps and through the doorway. There's a porch of sorts with a railing. The window into the living area lets in a lot of light. The place is so small that not a lot of furniture is necessary. The apt/house is surrounded by forest. One of the neighbors stops by to introduce herself. We talk for a few minutes. She helps carry in a couple boxes, then has to leave. I thank her for her help. I'm excited about being here, even though I don't know what comes next
Spouse is on a waiting list for an apartment where he works and this dream feels like an indication that it's happening soon so I'm posting this dream as a marker. I'm curious as to the amount of time elapses between this confirmation and getting the notice in waking reality.
If it follows my dream pattern, there will be a series of dreams, in sequence, as the time grows closer. Now I was just moving in. Next may be me unpacking, then arranging furniture, and so on.
Memorial Day Songs/Tributes/Etc...~ |
Posted by: Nanny - 05-29-2016, 01:01 AM - Forum: Miscellaneous
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Takes a lot to make me cry sometimes. None of the others quite did it. This one...was almost like a catharsis.
The war still rages for way, too many of our Veterans and troops living among us today.
Memorial Day for them is a storm within, as many of them remember faces of those fallen near them. Others suffer the recurring memories of being on the receiving end of war's "shock and awe." Talk about Pavlovian conditioning, we have living victims of what Memorial Day stands for. They are victims of memories.
Many are tormented in their minds to varying degrees. Many call it PTSD, others deny they are suffering to the extent they are while others of them are "checking out" in committing suicide to a reported daily-average of 22 suicides per day.
Yet some exist that proclaim there is healing available.
Please, if anyone surfed by this website and read this and are suffering from such horror, listen to and consider using this 7min. Mental exercise.
We have doctors as well as chaplains that personally vouch for this exercise's potential help and healing.
**The Endorsements**
MG (Major General) -
“In my own experience as a commander, I have seen Soldiers make rapid and sustained improvement through use of these [Coping Strategies] CDs. I was relieved to have these CDs available as a tool our Chaplains could hand out to Soldiers and their spouses. Soldiers, who otherwise refused to seek help, benefited by using the CD in the privacy of their home.”
- MG® George R. Harris, recently retired West Point General assigned to the Office of the Secretary of the Army
Wife -
“May I have 10 copies. I am a family member of an active duty soldier. I am also a clinical psychologist working with soldiers who have combat stress and PTSD. I think the cd would be a good resource for my patients."
Thank you, D. L, PsyD RN FNP (Clinical Psychologist)
Army Chaplain -
The Be Still and Know Exercise works for me. It calms my soul, enhances my thinking, and improves my emotional regulation. I am thankful to be a more resilient chaplain. Read the chaplain's letter (PDF)
----Chaplain (LTC), U.S. Army (Southern Baptist)
Walter Reed -
Patriot Outreach Coping Strategies CDs. "I have rendered a positive opinion to TSG (The Surgeon General)."
- Dr. (COL) John Bradley, M.D., Chief of Psychiatry, Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Iraq Warrior -
"This is basic training for the mind!"
- PFC J. Oehring, U.S. Army Infantry (Deployed to Iraq)
Veterans Administration Clinic -
"I received my [Coping Strategies] CD and love it. I would very much like to request 30 more for use at the VA Clinic and to provide to soldiers and families.
This is a wonderful resource!
Thank you," T.P., Addiction Therapist (VA Clinic)
Father Loses Son in Iraq, Joins Marines -
"On the third try, all hell broke loose and it was an epiphany... It energizes me, it enlightens me and it gives me strength... I am ready and proud."
- Mike, U.S. Marine Corps, Deployed to Iraq
Sergeant USMC -
"Thank you, It saved my Life! The peace and joy I now enjoy makes life worthwhile! "
- SGT J. Shiposki, U.S. Marine Corps, (Homebound Quadriplegic)
Air Force Chaplain -
“The distribution of these [Coping Strategies] CD's has been a great success.
My thanks to the Lord and staff. I have been busy at the Mass Military Reservation on-base. Units from all over New England come here.
May I request 50 more CD's. One veteran has commented 'thanks for looking out for us!"
Respectfully, B. C., U.S. Air Force
Doctor -
“Hello I am a Professional Counselor in private practice and a volunteer in the 'Give An Hour' program. I anticipate needing no less than 6 copies of this product to use in conjunction with current and future active therapy cases. If you can supply this request i will be grateful.
Thank You,” Major W. K.
Navy Vet, Vietnam -
"Amazingly, it (the Exercise) keeps showing and reaping benefits. I've never been more patient and alive. The secret is in the watchful observance without struggle."
- L. Brown U.S. Navy, Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam
Iraq Warrior -
"I am no longer in denial of what happened in Iraq. I am freed. The exercise helped me overcome my past; it;s not haunting me any longer. it's a winner!!"
- PFC J.M., U.S. Army, Anbar Province, Iraq 2004-2005
Lastly, hearing from a Civilian Physician...
Dr. George Hayter, M.D., Psychiatrist and Diplomat of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, says the Exercise "…is the only program of self-therapy which achieves the desired end-state of therapy; to lessen the dependence on the therapist – the goal is self-awareness.” Also, he says, “It’s the only approach that I have ever seen in the whole field of psychology which allows you to become independent, competent and effective.”
Something came over me.... Let me explain. |
Posted by: Windy - 05-29-2016, 12:57 AM - Forum: Inspiration...Art...Creativity...Poems...Positivity
- Replies (4)
I had a wonderful day today, BBQ and pool party with my family.
There was food left over, and after everyone left the party I packed up the car and proceeded to head home.
In the front seat of the car was a bag of food that was never opened including two bags of Hill shire farms little smokies, Crackers, Cheese cubes, and an entire pitcher of Hibiscus tea with fresh black berries, strawberries, and blue berries in it.
As I am driving the same route I always drive from my mothers house to my house, and I have been driving this route now for years... I hear a voice in my head (just like when i am wind walking) which sounded like my guide. The voice said to me, pull over.
I pulled over, and there I was now parked on the street in front of a park I have driven past for years and never stepped foot in. I get out of the car and walk around to the side walk. The voice then says take the bag of food and the drink into the park.
I open the passenger door, get the food and the picture of tea out of the car, lock up the car and proceed into the park. I am looking around and I see families running and playing sports, BBQing, and parents watching kids playing on the play ground.
As my eyes are scanning the park I see an older man, African American decent, graying hair. He looks homeless and he looks like he is having a very rough life. His skin is dry and weathered like a parched desert.
The voice then says to me, give the man a message. I walk towards the man, who has his head down looking at the grass in front of him, and he looks up at me, I say hello to him as i am approaching. He looks to his right over his shoulder then his left. He looks back at me and once again I say Hello. He says hello to me.
I say the man, "I have a message for you" and I proceed to give the man the message that the voice is telling me to give to the man. "He has not forsaken you, and when you believe you are all alone he walks beside you".
I set the bag of food down in front of the man, and the pitcher of tea. I take the unopened smokies from the bag and hand them to the man. Tears are forming in the mans eyes.... Then I finish the message. "You will never be hungry or thirsty as long as you hold true, and complete the work that he has for you to do". The man at this point is balling his eyes out.
I stand up and turn to walk away and the man utters "Thank you", I reply to him... "Do not thank me, I am just the messenger, you are clearly the one doing his work, and it is I who should thank you". Now the man is both crying and laughing as I walk away.
The feelings I had as I walked away were this... I was just in the presence of man of Grace, his face and feet were dirty, but his soul was the cleanest I have ever seen. With a humble heart and an honest ear this man exists, so I would know and understand the true grace of GOD.
Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ, Aho!
Anything that annoys you, is teaching you patience.
Anyone who abandons you, is teaching you how to stand up on your own two feet.
Anything that angers you, is teaching you forgiveness and compassion.
Anything that has power over you, is teaching you how to take your power back.
Anything you hate, is teaching you unconditional love.
Anything you fear, is teaching you courage to overcome your fear.
Anything you can't control, is teaching you how to let go.