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5/20/2016 11:52am Lesson with my guide "The age of all things". |
Posted by: Windy - 05-20-2016, 03:02 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
- Replies (11)
I am in a yard (side yard) of a business, the yard looks like there used to be a building here but the building was torn down long ago. The yellow grass is being cut down by someone though, and there is a tattered metal fence around the street side opening. half of this lot is paved for cars, but the only thing in this space is a large dumpster which that too looks like it has not been used in a while.
I am sitting behind the dumpster getting some fresh air. It is warm outside and I am enjoying the feeling of the sun on my skin. Break time is over however and I go into the door way of the red brick building/warehouse that is connected to this lot.
There is no longer a door hanging on hinges, and due to the smell no one cares to put one on. There are rows of human encampments. My camp is made of two green and blue folding chairs, and a tent used at soccer games, with three blankets covering three sides of the tent.
The camps are in rows like at a flea market or swap meet. For some reason i go to the camp directly across from my own and there is a guy there, i know him well and i am sitting on his lap as if he is my boyfriend. He though has a girl friend at his camp with him, and i know they are together.
I still do not understand why i was acting like this. I was not given a clue as to the emotions of this event. The guys mother comes out of a hand made tent, which is made from a patio swing, tree branches, and tarps. It is dome shaped and reminds me of a sweat lodge in its style and shape.
I sit down on a bench seat covered in patio cushions across from the dome tent, and i begin to take screws out of some of the patio furniture and i am showing his family how they can best use this new patio swing.
Soon i am tired of sitting here with these people and I wander out to the office buildings, there are people coming and going from the encampment to the office buildings as if they are going to work.
I walk up to one of the building and i go inside of a glass door which leads me directly into an outdoor patio area. There is a small path of cement and the rest is rocks. As I look down the patio i notice that there are several patios but they are divided up by glass doors and windows.
In the first patio is a big black dog. In the second patio is a cat and her kitten and there is something wrong with the kitten. I go over to see what is wrong and the kitten is moving in circles and is meowing like it is in pain.... I can see the dog trying to dig under the glass and i think the dog has bit and hurt the kitten.
Some guy walks up to me and we are talking and i start to follow him over the inside of the building and we all cram into the elevators. The guy begins to kiss me in the elevator. I find myself acting with this guy like i did with the guy in the warehouse. I still have no idea why, none of these guys are my boyfriends. The guy asks me if I want a job, if that is why i am here.
I tell him No i was just bored over at the camp, and needed to get out for a bit. We all get out of the elevator and i see my reflection in the glass to the business he is going into, and from the side I am a very heavy girl. Yet all of the time i was in this body, really believed i was skinny and the hot girl. This delusion shakes me to the core and i step back away from the guys.
The guys all begin to argue and soon a fight has broken out in front of the business with glass doors and one of the guys has grabbed the other and they are shoving each other down the hall away from the glass doors.
I turn to walk away and out of no where there is a child of about 10 years of age standing behind me. He is looking down at the floor and something about this boy is not right. He is wearing a red plaid shirt, long sleeve and a pair of blue coveralls. He does not look like these clothes belong to him. They don't fit him. His skin is a silky white, flawless like a babies skin.
I ask him "Are you lost?" He does not answer.
so I ask him "What is your name?" Still no answer.
But he slowly starts to move his head to look up at me. I make eye contact with the boy and that is when i realize he is not human. His eyes are black as night. As I am staring into his eyes I feel and see myself falling into a giant black sink hole. It has dirt for walls, and the light above me from the opening of the sink hole is getting smaller and smaller, I feel a horrible sense of dread, dread gives way to terror and soon i am in a full blown panic!
I begin to fight my falling into the abyss, to find i am still standing in front of this boy. I take a step back away from him, and as if the air had opened up a man steps up behind the boy. This man just stepped into existence and now i am really freaking out.
I try but can not make my feet move to run away. The man behind the boy also has all black eyes, and his clothes too look out of place. His skin is also milky white and smooth, as if his body was just created in a lab. I can feel something sinister about this man and the boy. Yet I can not place it. I hear the man speak to me in my mind. He says "We are the children of the darkness".
((Ding)) the elevator door dings and opens, i start to move back toward the elevator with all of my might. I feel like i am moving in slow motion. The boy opens his mouth now and says "Invite us in, we want to ride with you" just as I am stepping into the elevator. Panic at the boys voice which is completely unnatural to the child standing in front of me, i begin to push all of the buttons at once.
((Ding)) The elevator door closes and I am standing their holding my chest. My heart is racing and I can hear my heart beating in my ears as the blood rushes to my brain.
I yell out loud. WHO OR WHAT WERE THEY. ((Ding)) the elevator door opens and my guide is standing their in the door way. His face looks like a damaged doll from fire, it is cracked and I can see an Angelic white light coming from the cracks in his face.
My guides appearance begins to crumble away, and like ashes they drop to the floor. He is now standing before me in his true likeness, a being of light and he says to me. You could call them demons. Tell your people to remember their bed time story's of old, their legends and myths of vampires, and monsters. It is in your story's of old that you will find the information you need to fight them. Hold tight to your faith and do not falter.
Seeing my guide made me realize I was dreaming and so i asked him, does this dream have to do with the comment i posted to someone else's dream recently?
My Guide replied: "No, this is the age of all things" My guide waved his hands and now I can see everything like a negative of a photograph, we waves his hand as a beckoning for me to follow him, so i do.
We walk over to the window, and outside by the kitten I can see a little troll like being hurting the kitten and the dog trying to crawl under to save the kitten from the torture it is enduring.
My guide points up to the sky and I can see another planet in our sky. My guide waves his hand again and now i am seeing everything as if there is a black light on, but everything you cant see when the lights are off instead of glowing white is glowing red. I can see the black eyed people walking all around us. I look up into the sky and I can see flying gargoyles or dragons!
I turn to my guides and i asked what this means. He says "this is not a planet alignment, this is a multiverse alignment, and when it happens things can walk into and out of your world much easier, some good and many not so good.
I woke up from this wind walk by my daughter opening my bedroom door, to make sure i got my package that was just delivered! I looked at my daughter, breathing heavy, and i kept asking WHAT, WHAT, in a panicked voice.
White Wolf Vision, 5/20/16, 6:35 am |
Posted by: Cassandra - 05-20-2016, 09:20 AM - Forum: Miscellaneous
- Replies (2)
Before going to work, I had some extra time and decided to say my daily prayers at home. Normally I do this on the way to work. As soon as I closed my eyes I saw a forest with a meadow of long green grass. Then I saw something white walking in the grass. As it came closer to my field of vision, I see a big solid white wolf. I had the feeling that the wolf is on a journey.
I remembered the Loki wolf Dream that Maysea had so I posted it there also. Sometimes I do get visions when I pray, but it's been a while since that happened. This was totally unexpected. I googled White Wolf and found various meanings. This one resonated well with me.
http://mariahsvisions.blogspot.com/2010/...lives.html. If a Lone Wolf, particularly a White Wolf, has come into your life... via visions, dreams, thoughts... that is a beautiful thing indeed. The White Wolf, although seemingly alone, is never alone. White Wolf is your guide, your guardian providing truth to you on four paws. White Wolf is there to let you know that trials will be coming but, you are blessed with a true guardian who will be with you through thick and thin. White Wolf is there to let you know to watch-out, don't let your guard down, be prepared. It's always good to know when something is up rather than having it thrust into your face when you're least ready for it. When we're prepared for something, it never turns out anywhere near as bad as it would had we been un-prepared
5/20/16 Red Alert: R.I.P, The US Dollar |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 05-20-2016, 08:43 AM - Forum: DreamBot Runs
- Replies (8)
Trending: dollar burial laid remain meant opening tears truth relationship tree grocery deep wow annoyed birthday view putting request show hello fades lesson stove hour cake powerful work nights shows watching previous mostly throughout ceiling higher preface read woods dream bed
Waning: realize story park space crazy dad pissed sexy pizza first already potter parking dog boy nap lots wild mirror fucking length odyssey driveway class congrats twice chocolate basketball stuff mon
<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Holy crap! Could this finally be the end of the dollar? For those unaware, what does that even mean? Well, I could explain here, but it would be too lengthy. Currently, the world trades on American dollars. The dollar enjoys “reserve status.” It is inevitable that the dollar eventually becomes nothing more than any other currency, and the world trades it’s goods based on a different currency. Here’s more information: http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article49739.html
Back to our bot run results….. Dollar burial laid remain. The collective might be seeing the final nail in the dollar coffin. Of course, there is a chance that nothing will come of this. The surge scores are below 100 points, but we don’t have probability data yet for the various surge scores. Personally, I’d get ready for the world financial stage and get ready to live in a third world country, because that is exactly where USA is headed if/when the dollar loses reserve status.
Meant opening tears….grocery deep wow annoyed. These are the after-effects of a crashing dollar: Lots of tears and deep, empty grocery stores.
Bottom line: We don’t have the surge scores for a full Red Alert, but I’m issuing one anyway. This is our first Red Alert issued that is based on surge scores less than 100. Better safe than sorry.
For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see: http://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/s...?tid=17460
Knee deep in celebrities |
Posted by: ThePaladin - 05-19-2016, 02:41 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
- Replies (5)
19 May 2016
No intention set
Two separate dreams:
1) I'm part of what feels like a movie/TV show, yet I'm watching but not actively taking a part. No one in the show notices me. It's a mystery-thriller type show. Main characters are the couple from the show "Castle" and Ellen deGeneres, who is playing the Castle guy's sister. She talks constantly, babbling really, and I find her very annoying. I have no idea what her part of the plot is beyond she's wandering around, telling people she's looking for her brother but really doing nothing active to find him. There's also a Bad Guy, played by Robert Davi. He doesn't speak, he just keeps showing up and watching the characters, who don't seem to notice him lurking about. This scenario goes on for some time, with locations shifting from being in the city to being on a crowded tour bus to being somewhere wooded and isolated. Point of view shifts from Ellen to the Castle guy. Not much focus on the Castle woman. I have no idea what's going on, this seems to be the most plotless show I've ever watched.
There was a scene with the Bad Guy being accosted by an overweight middle-aged man with thinning hair. OW Man is all up in the Bad Guy's face, yelling and carrying on, but the Bad Guy just stands there and smiles at him the whole time. I wanted to yell at the OW Guy to back off, that he doesn't know who he's yelling at, but I know he wouldn't hear me since I'm not really part of the show. Scene jumps and Bad Guy is coming out from a stand of trees. He's dragging OW Guy by a rope/chain around OW Guy's neck. OW Guy is covered with blood, choking and crying. I watch as Bad Guy drops the rope and pulls out a large knife. He begins slicing into OW Guy, who screams and screams. There's nothing I can do to stop what happens and I really, really, really don't want to watch. But I can't seem to leave and I'm there until OW Guy has been gutted and disemboweled and the screaming has stopped. Then I can leave, so I go to find the main characters. Somehow, I don't know how yet, but somehow I'll make it possible for them to hear me so I can warn them about the Bad Guy, so I can help them escape from the Bad Guy. At this point I'm no longer a watcher but have become part of the plot. I also know that Bad Guy is aware of this development and is coming after me to stop me.
2) On a plane, watching a "Cosmos"-type show on the movie screen. The show is hosted by Michael Douglas and Jack Klugman. I comment to no one in particular that Douglas may be getting older but he seems almost ageless, depending on makeup and lighting. Guy sitting next to me glances up from his reading and says, Excuse me? I recognize the guy. It's Jack Klugman. Sorry, I say, I was just blathering to myself. Then I tell him how much the spouse and I enjoyed this show-the "Cosmos" type show-and how we actually scheduled the time the show was on so we'd be sure to be home to watch it, we enjoyed it so much. He smiles and thanks me for the compliment. Just one thing, I say, How did you do the show when you've been dead for several years? He laughs and says that maybe we'r all dead so it worked out. Besides, he says, you're a shaman, you know how things work. Yeah, I say, but I'm going to survive the plane crash. You sure? he asks. Positive, I say. The plane begins bouncing and jolting, then it drops, plummets. People are screaming. Klugman sticks out his hand. We shake. Good luck, he says. I thank him, then close my eyes. Going to be a rough ride down and I want to sleep through it.
The Castle characters could be day residue because I read an article about the cancellation of the show, which I've never watched(Loved Nathan Fillion in "Firefly" though ). However, that doesn't account for the presence of the other celebrities.
The plane crashing could also be day residue because I read about the Egyptian plane crash not long before I went to bed. However, I have had other dreams where I meet people who have crossed over and we're in a sort of halfway space, not in this reality but not in the next, either. Sort of a halfway point where we can exist together. That's what being on this plane felt like, a sort of halfway point. Why Jack Klugman was there, I have no idea. And I'm intrigued by the idea that he did a show with Michael Douglas, even though he was dead at the time.
I really don't like watching people die in grisly ways. Nope. Don't like it one bit.
5/19/16 Evil Intimacy? |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 05-19-2016, 07:29 AM - Forum: DreamBot Runs
- Replies (8)
Trending: evil nap naked pure presence odyssey breast wed imagination grew wild cheese effort potter pain leaves mouth kissing breath former brown throat wrapped fit student wanted kidding darkness diet steps bear bags twice boots planning consider watched driveway stepped chocolate
Waning: box dreamt guess pothole taking forgot quo stove personal mirror truck view mon dream brief hour college movie understand deep happy sun opening parts must ice imagine space present candy
<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Head’s up: Twice is in our lineup yet again. This time, it has everything to do with warplanning (Twice Boots Planning…)
Top word of Evil, which doesn’t sound all that great, but after that word, the run gets, well, risqué (naked, breast, wild, mouth kissing, wrapped, etc.
For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see: http://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/s...?tid=17460