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Transfer of Jets |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 09-01-2015, 09:03 AM - Forum: Dreams for Project September
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Intention: I will receive a dream that will explain the Project September relocation meme.
I am standing beside someone else and looking at two jets. Oh wow, these are two old F-15Es. Closer inspection, one by one, and I notice there are no names on the planes. All identification has been wiped off. The remaining paint scheme looks horrible. As I was thinking this, someone went over and touched up the main circular pattern with a paint brush. It looked better, but was still awful.
Instinctively I knew that these jets now belong to someone new. They have been transferred to someone else. Unfortunately, I don't know to whom they belong, and I don't know where they were physically located.
NOTES: If this dream was a true and full answer to my intentional request, my first inclination was that a new air war has started, but in reflection, I'm not so sure that this is what the dream was saying. In fact, it could be the opposite to where many of the older US jets get relocated to the boneyard in Arizona. Of course, the US is not the only country with F-15E-like jets (F-15S and F-15I basically the same jets from Saudi and Israel, respectively). But then again, I believe the F-15E in this case might be a metaphor since it was a big symbol in my life experience. F-15E symbolizes war and that would be a huge catalyst to get people moving even more than they are now.
COCKTAILS (9 A.M.-9/1/15) |
Posted by: aletalete - 09-01-2015, 08:51 AM - Forum: Dreams for Project September
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Runde der Politiker, Angela Merkel und Castinaten |
Posted by: Jenafor - 09-01-2015, 04:37 AM - Forum: Foreign Language Dreams
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Traum Sonntag, 11. Januar 2015
Hinweis: Keinen der hier genannten Politiker habe ich jemals persönlich getroffen. Ich bin weit von diesen Kreisen entfernt, es sei denn -- sehr gelegentlich -- in meinen Gedanken.
Zur Technik:
In der letzten Zeit (Jahreswechsel-Pause) gab es durchaus einige lange Träume mit vielen Ereignissen, aber die Erinnerung (= videre) war schlecht. Diese Inhalte reichen gerade nicht gut ins R4-Bewusstsein herüber.
Am Mittwoch, 7.1.15 gab einen Kp7 Wert nach Planeten-Aufreihung von Erde/Merkur/Venus (http://www.theusner.eu/terra/aurora/kp_archive.php). Seither spielt das Wetter verrückt, es gab mehrere Attentate (vor allem Paris gegen 11:30 Uhr http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anschlag_auf_Charlie_Hebdo) und meine Mutter hatte am 7.1. eine Erscheinung. Am 10. Januar habe ich mit ihr zuhause eine halbe Stunde lang irisierende Wolken beobachtet.
Die Atmosphäre ist also elektrisch geladen, daraus folgt: sehr gute Bedingungen für multidimensionale Arbeit
(vgl. Corey Goode "Electric Sun" http://sitsshow.blogspot.de/2015/08/summ...ic_30.html;
Immanuel Velikovsky 1931, http://www.varchive.org/tpp/energetik.htm).
Gorbatschow Denis Sinyakov 2015.jpg (Size: 14.58 KB / Downloads: 10)
Am 10.1. sah ich ein neues Foto von Michail Gorbatschow im Spiegel Nr. 3/2015 von Denis Siniakov (s. Bild ), das mich "angesprungen" hat (daraus folgt: Kontakt in seinen Noossphäre-Bereich möglich). Er warnt vor einem großen Krieg in Europa. Ich hörte im Radio die Stimme von Angela Merkel, die auf angenehme Weise etwas Nachvollziehbares und Vernünftiges zur Flüchtlingsproblematik sagte (http://www.bundeskanzlerin.de/Content/DE...onFile&v=4) (daraus folgt: Kontakt mit ihrer Noossphäre möglich)
Ich las den Text von Steven Greer "The Crossing Point" (1998), der mich von unserem Planeten-Szenario loslassen ließ.
Traumzeit von 05:00 bis 07:30 Uhr (videre in der Erinnerung nur schwach)
Ich bin in einem großen "Hotel" o.ä. auf einer Etage recht weit oben. Hier findet gerade ein Treffen von etwa 30-40 Politikern statt. Einzelne Politiker kann ich nicht erkennen, denn ich stehe in einem Flur und blicke von außen in den Sitzungssaal. Im Flur laufen viele Leute vom Staff der Politiker und Service-Personal herum. Ich stehe dazwischen, habe aber keine Aufgabe sondern beobachte nur. Ich weiß zwar nicht, ob sie mich sehen können, aber ich verhalte mich zur Sicherheit unauffällig, damit mich niemand rausschmeißt (bin nicht luzide genug).
Es gibt im Flur keine Fenster und die Vorhänge im Sitzungssaal sind zu. Also nirgends ein Blick nach draußen möglich. Das Licht ist düster, nur in der linken hinteren Ecke des Saales gibt es eine Lichtquelle, die mattes, düsteres gelb-grün-bräunliches Licht verströmt. Hier also sitzen die Politiker auf Stühlen in einem großen Kreis (etwa 7m Durchmesser) ohne Tische davor. Die Sitzung hat noch nicht begonnen, es herrscht geschäftiges Treiben und Gemurmel.
Der Staff und das Personal im Hintergrund haben alles getan, was nach den Regeln guter Gastfreundschaft zu tun ist, damit jedem Gast optimale Wertschätzung zuteil wurde. Alles hatte Stil aber keinen unverhältnismäßigen Aufwand. Soweit sind sie also schon, dachte ich. Beste Bedingungen also für Gespräche auf Augenhöhe. Mir war aber auch sofort klar, dass ich selber für einen solchen Rahmen nicht die Möglichkeiten hätte und auch das "Protokoll" nicht ausreichend kenne. In dieser Welt der 'professionellen politischen Begegnung' kenne ich mich nicht genug aus...
Dann fällt mir Helmut Kohl ein, der früher auch zu diesen Menschen gehörte. Er hat, zwar gefangen und schlafend in seinen inneren Befindlichkeiten (s. Vermächtnis − Die Kohl Protokolle, 2014), sein Bestes gegeben für die Weiterentwicklung Deutschlands. Er war als Entität völlig eins mit diesem Ziel (aligned) und hat das Äußerste aus sich herausgeholt: Arbeit an diesen Zielen 7 Tage die Woche von früh bis spät, auch ohne Schlaf. Er mag aus seiner mangelnden Orientierung in der Noosphäre heraus (emotionale Inkontinenz und damaliger Zeitgeist) viele Menschen verletzt und auch Fehler gemacht haben. Aber unterm Strich haben wir ihm viel zu verdanken. Er konnte die Teilung Deutschlands aus der Welt schaffen helfen und dazu beitragen, viele Kriegstraumata zu überwinden.
In diesem Kreis hier und in so einer Umgebung wird also heute über solche Dinge verhandelt, denke ich mir. Ich finde den Kreis ohne Tische gut, aber die Umgebung mit dieser Lichtstimmung und mit verhängten Fenstern finde ich der großen Bedeutung der Runde absolut nicht angemessen...
Denn es wird um das gehen, was heute = 2015 auf der Tagesordnung steht. Aber immerhin hat sich der Zeitgeist gewandelt, die neuen Medien bieten eine noch nie dagewesene Möglichkeit der Partizipation, wir können auf den damaligen Erfolgen und Misserfolgen aufbauen, der Kollektiv-Psyche live zu sehen. Ein enormes Potential zur Aufklärung und Weiterentwicklung...
Wenn die Gespräche beginnen, werden die Türen geschlossen werden und der Staff und ich werden keinen Zutritt haben. Das weiß ich. Diese Tradition der Hierarchien hier verwehrt mir den Zugang. Sie werden reden und verhandeln ohne mich. Ich kann auch nicht zuhören [daran muss ich arbeiten...].
Sofort bin ich in einem anderen Raum des "Hotels". Es ist eine Art Lounge in Rottönen gehalten. Sie ist etwa 90m² groß und max. 3m hoch. Die Außenwände der Lounge bestehen an zwei Seiten nur aus Fenstern. Mir gegenüber ist die lange Fensterfront (etwa 12m), links von mir biegt die kurze Fensterfront (etwa 4m) um 90° um. Es ist Abend und wir sind in einem Hochhaus hoch über einer Stadt. Die Lounge ist von vielen kleinen, hellen Lichtquellen angenehm lauschig erhellt, gefüllt mit Polstersesseln und voller Leute. Ich sitze mit Blick in Richtung Fenster in einer Gruppe von etwa 10 Leuten und man unterhält sich über die Welt... Ich beobachte.
Mir gegenüber mit Blick in die Lounge hinein sitzt rechts Angela Merkel ins Gespräch mit einem Mann links von ihr vertieft. Er stellt ihr Fragen darüber, wie sie Prozesse in ihrem Team und in der Politik steuert. Möglicherweise ist er Reporter; ich weiß es nicht. Angela Merkel gibt bereitwillig Auskunft. Sie hat einen dünnen, anliegenden roten Strickpullover mit V-Ausschnitt und kurzen Ärmeln an. Ihre Frisur entspricht etwa der realen Welt. Sie hat stark abgenommen, fast schon die Idealfigur und ich denke mir: "Wow. Schau an, Angie hat das Leib-Seele-Problem es also auch schon gecheckt und gelöst..." Ihr Gesicht wirkt aber nicht jung. Sie sagt zu dem Mann nichts über Ernährung, sondern andere Dinge aus der Welt der "Schlafenden", die ich etwas abseitig und nicht wesentlich finde.
Angela Merkel bewegt sich während ihrer Erläuterungen sehr feminin und strahlt Eros aus. Manchmal sucht sie nach Begriffen, ich würde gerne soufflieren, aber die Worte fallen auch mir gerade nicht ein. Ich bin beeindruckt, denn diese feminine Seite kennt man nicht von ihr. Ich werde sogar einen Augenblick lang neidisch, weil sie das geschafft hat und auch noch Kanzlerin ist... Ich zügle diese Anwandlung, denn Angela Merkel hat eigentlich Anerkennung verdient. Aber ich denke mir, sie müsste doch eigentlich über andere Dinge sprechen!
Auf einmal sitzt sie um 90° nach links um die Ecke herum nun mit der kurzen Fensterfront im Rücken und wendet sich im Gespräch jetzt anderen Leuten links von mir zu. Sie kann auch zumindest im Augenwinkel die große Fensterfront sehen. Angela Merkel kritisiert die Wissenschaftler und sagt, sie könne nicht verstehen, dass man manche Sachen bis ins kleinste Detail erforscht. Das behindere doch die Arbeit am Großen Ganzen. Es genüge doch, jeweils den Rahmen zu erkennen und dann vielleicht noch zwei oder drei Ableitungen zu beobachten und zu beschreiben, aus denen sich dann das weitere Innere quasi von selbst bis ins kleinste Detail ergebe bzw. hochrechnen ließe. Es gehe deshalb kreatives Potential für das Arbeiten an der vordersten Front zu dem neuen Wissen verloren, das wir dringend und schnell zur Welterkenntnis und Weiterentwicklung bräuchten. [hier geht es um die Grundfrage der deduktiven oder induktiven Wissenschaft]
Ich denke kurz nach, ob die Kritik gerechtfertigt ist. Mir fallen Dinge ein, wo für Forscher anderer Disziplinen diese Detailerkenntnisse unvorhersehbarerweise nützlich sein können. Ich fange an in dieser Richtung zu sprechen, aber gerate ins Stocken. Angela Merkel greift meinen Anfang auf und sagt: "Man kann das schon machen, wenn es jeweils um verschiedene Mechaniken geht, so wie Sie das in ihrem Text über Bogentore gemacht haben."
Ich bin überrascht, aber dann fällt mir ein, dass ich ihr mal diesen Text geschenkt habe [stimmt nicht für Bios1]. Sie hat offenbar sogar reingeschaut :-)). Ich setze wieder an zu sprechen: "Es kann schon nützlich sein selbst im kleinsten Detail über etwas zu forschen, womit man früher Problemen begegnet ist und Prozesse gesteuert hat. Nehmen wir z.B. ein vergangenes Theater und die Frage, wie viele Castinaten man eingesetzt hat, um dieses Theater zu betreiben, damit es stabil bleibt. Das mag im Detail für dieses spezielle Theater nichts mehr bringen. Aber als Beispiel für eine Mechanik kann diese Beobachtung ob es 2 Castinaten oder 4 oder 5 oder 6 waren und in welcher Situation wer wie viele eingesetzt hat und was das Resultat war, für den Vergleich mit dem heute zu lösenden Fall nützlich sein."
Wir beginnen uns über Castinaten Gedanken zu machen: was sind Castinaten überhaupt, welche Funktion haben sie, was weiß man drüber...
Ende des Traums
Sonntag, 11. Januar Recherche zu den "Castinaten"
John Henry Blunt, Dictionary of Sects Heresies Ecclesiastical Parties and Schools of thought (1874)
Hier: https://archive.org/stream/dictionarysec...6/mode/2up
2 pdfs heruntergeladen (eines erlaubt die Suche; das andere ist unvollständig)
General Castinat gehörte zu den sog. Camisards (Dictionary... Buch S. 99-101), einer calvinistischen Glaubensgruppe in Frankreich, die ab 1685 bis 1705 gegen die Tyrannei Ludwig XIV. revoltierte, auch "French Prophets" (s. Digitalisat S. 145) genannt.
Mitglieder u.a. (Buch S. 100): Among these may be named Castinat, Catinat, Salomon, Cavalier, Rastelet, and Ravenal. ... In 1705 Castinat was broken alive on the wheel at Montpelier.
Sie haben gechannelt, sprachen in unbekannten Sprachen und hatten Erscheinungen [sights and sounds] (Buch S. 100, 229 Anm.1). Von ihnen leitet sich auch die Glaubensgruppe der Shaker ab (S. 281, 610). Der Leiter der Camisards war ab etwa 1702 ein gewisser Roland (Buch S. 100). Cavalier wurde auf dem Feld von einer Riesen-Prophetin begleitet. Vor allem von 1702 bis 1705 führten die Camisards einen blutigen Glaubenskrieg gegen die Katholiken Louis XIV. Castinat wurde 1705 schließlich als Ketzer in Montpelier lebendig auf das Rad gespannt und ermordet.
Erwähnt auch hier (allerdings unergiebig) auf Buchseite 162 (erschienen 1755)
Group of politicians, Angela Merkel and "The Castinates" |
Posted by: Jenafor - 09-01-2015, 04:11 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
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Dream Sunday, January 11, 2015
Group of politicians, Angela Merkel and "The Castinates"
Please note: I never met Angela Merkel or any other of these politicians in person. I'm far off this kind of people, unless -- very occasionally -- in my thoughts.
Dream-technique guidelines:
In recent days (turn of the year), there were quite a few long dreams with many events, but the recall (= videre) was bad. This content does not reach R4 - awareness properly.
On Wednesday, 01/07/15 we had KP7 after planetary alignment Earth/Mercury/Venus (http://www.theusner.eu/terra/aurora/kp_archive.php).
Since then, the weather is crazy, there were several attacks (especially Paris around 11:30 clock http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anschlag_auf_Charlie_Hebdo) and my mother had a visitation on 7.1.
On January 10, my mother and I observed iridescent clouds at home.
Which means the atmosphere is electrically charged. Very good condition for multidimensional work!!
(comp. Corey Goode "Electric Sun" http://sitsshow.blogspot.de/2015/08/summ...ic_30.html;
Immanuel Velikovsky 1931, http://www.varchive.org/tpp/energetik.htm).
I read Emil Stejnar, The Thebaic Calendar (2012) the chapter about the "I am", simply marvelous.
On January 10, I saw a new photo of Mikhail Gorbachev in "Der Spiegel" no. 3/2015 of Denis Siniakov (see picture).
Gorbatschow Denis Sinyakov 2015.jpg (Size: 14.58 KB / Downloads: 17)
It pounced on me (hence contact in his noossphere was possible). He warns about a great war in Europe. I heard the voice of Angela Merkel on the radio saying something about refugee issues in a pleasant way, comprehensible and sensible (see http://www.bundeskanzlerin.de/Content/DE...onFile&v=4); hence contact in her noossphere was possible.
I read Steven Greer "The Crossing Point" (1998), which led to complete detachment from our planet-scenario.
Dreamtime from 05:00 to 07:30 am (videre in recall only poor)
I am in a large kind of 'hotel', a high building, on a floor near the top. A meeting of about 30-40 politicians takes place. I can't identify those politicians, because I am standing in a hallway outside the meeting room and only look at them from a distance.
In the hallway members of their staff and 'hotel' service are busy running around. I stand between them, but have no job to do. I'm just watching. Although I do not know if they can see me, for safety reasons I decide to behave inconspicuously, to prevent them kicking me out (I'm not fully lucid).
There are no windows in the hallway and the curtains in the meeting room are drawn. So nobody can have a glance outdoors. The lighting in the meeting room is gloomy. In the left rear corner of the room there is a light source which radiates dull, dark yellow-green-brownish light only. In this atmosphere the politicians sit on separate chairs in a large circle (about 7m diameter). There are no tables. The meeting has not yet not started, everybody is busy, murmur of voices.
The staff and the service had done everything according to the rules of good hospitality, every single politician was given optimal appreciation. Everything was done in proper style and no disproportionate effort occured. They already have come that far, I thought satisfied. Best conditions for talks on eye level. But I also immediately felt clearly that I myself was not able to put up this professional framework. I don't know anything about official protocol. I'm not at all versed in this world of 'professional political encounter'...
Then I remember Helmut Kohl, who formerly belonged to these people. He has (still "sleeping" and caught in destructive mental patterns [see Legacy - The Kohl Protocols , 2014]) done his best for the development of Germany. He as an entity was completely aligned with his aim in life: he worked for it 7 days a week, sometimes 24 hours a day, without sleeping. Due to his lack of orientation in the noossphere (emotional incontinence and former Zeitgeist) he may have hurt many people and also may have been mistaken sometimes. But the bottom line is Germany owes a lot to him. He helped to overcome the division of Germany and many traumata of war.
In this circle and in such an environment they negotiate about such things today, I think to myself. I appreciate the circle without tables, but the environment with this kind of lighting and with curtained windows in my opinion was absolutely not appropriate to the great importance of the meeting...
Because the subject will be = the actual agenda of 2015. But Zeitgeist has changed at least: the digital media offer an unprecedented possibility of participation, we can build on former successes and failures, observing our collective psyche live. An enormous potential for enlightenment and evolution ...
When the talks begin, the doors will be closed and the staff and I are are not allowed. I know that. This hierarchic tradition denies me access. They will talk and negotiate without me. I even can't listen (I have to work on that)
Instantaneously I'm in a different room of the "hotel". It is a kind of lounge kept in red shades. The lounge is about 90m² size and max. 3m high. On two sides the outer walls of the lounge are built as huge windows. Accross from me there is a long window bank (about 12m), to my left bends a short window bank (about 4m) to 90°. It is evening and we are in a skyscraper high above a City. The lounge is lit of many small, bright light sources pleasantly and cozy, filled with upholstered chairs and full of people. I sit facing towards the the long window in a group of about 10 people and everybody talks about the world... I watch the scene.
Across from me, looking into the lounge, sits Angela Merkel absorbed in a conservation with a man. She is on the right, he is on the left. He asks questions about how she manages/controls processes that occur in her team and in politics. Maybe he is a reporter; I dont know. Angela Merkel willingly shares her knowledge. She wears a thin, close-fitting red knit sweater with V-neck and short sleeves. Her hairstyle is about the same as in the real world. She has lost weight considerably, almost reached pefect shape and I think to myself. "Wow, Angie already checked and solved the mind-body issue..." But her face but does not look young. She does not expand on diet, but on other themes from the "sleeping world" that I would rate kind of negligible.
During her explanations Angela Merkel moves very feminine and radiates Eros. Sometimes she is at a loss of words, I would like to prompt, but the terms do not come to my mind either. I'm very impressed, because this feminine appeal is really hidden in her normal daily appearance. I even momentarily get a bit envious of her, because she both radiates this feminine aspect and managed to become chancellor of Germany ... I restrain this impulse, because Angela Merkel actually has earned every appreciation. But I think she ought to actually talk about other things!
Suddenly she sits at 90 degrees to the left around the corner. Now the short window bank is in her back. She turns into conversation with other people to my left now. At least in the corner of her eyes she can see the large window bank.
Angela Merkel criticizes the scientists and states that she can not understand that scientists love to explore everything down to the smallest detail. Because this hinders the work on the whole. Would it not be sufficient to understand the framework and then monitor only on two or three sub-categories and describe them. And then from this data-base extrapolate the whole issue as far as possible. Her point was that we would loose a lot of creative potential for findings at front line, which we badly and quickly need for our understanding of the world as a whole and for evolution. (This is the fundamental question whether deductive or inductive science serves best)
For a moment I ponder a bit whether the criticism is justified. I can think of occasions, where such detailed data might be useful for scientists from other disciplines, unforeseeable.
I start to speak about that, but I begin to stumble. Angela Merkel grabs my beginning and says: "You can do that of course when it comes to each different mechanisms, just as you have done in your study on arched gates."
I'm surprised, but then I remember that I once gave her this text [didn't do that in the real world]. She obviously read it :-)). So I get back to speak:
"It can be useful to investigate into smallest detail even earlier cases: how we faced problems and how we piloted the processes. Suppose, for example, a past theater and the question how many Castinates have been employed to operate this theater, to keep it stable. This will not alter this specific theater that already happened and is over. But as an example of mechanics it can be important whether we had 2 Castinates at work or 4 or 5 or 6. And who employed how many in which situation and what was the outcome. This can be useful as comparison to the issue we face at present."
We start pondering over Castinates. What are Castinates? What are they good for? What do we know about them?
End of dream
Sunday, January 11th: research on the "Castinates": John Henry Blunt, Dictionary of Sects Heresies Ecclesiastical Parties and Schools of Thought (1874) http://www.forgottenbooks.com/readbook_t...478240/147
2 PDFs for download (one allows you to search; the other is incomplete)
General Castinat one of the so-called Camisards (Dictionary ... Book p. 99-101), a Calvinist faith group in France, also named "French Prophets" (s. Digitalisat p.145). They revolted from 1685 to 1705 against the tyranny Louis XIV.
Members, among others (Book p.100): Among these may be named Castinat, Catinat, Salomon, Cavalier, Rastelet, and Ravenal. ... In 1705 Castinat was broken alive on the wheel at Montpelier.
They have channeled, spoken in unknown languages and had appearances [Sights and Sounds] (Book pp. 100, 229 Note 1).
Off them springs the faith group of the Shakers, too (p. 281, 610). The leader of the Camisards was from about 1702 onwards a certain Roland (Book p. 100). Cavalier was accompanied on the field by a giant prophetess. Especially from 1702 to 1705 the Camisards led a bloody religious war against the Catholics under Louis XIV. Castinat was 1705 eventually stretched as a heretic in Montpelier alive on the wheel and killed.
Another source (not really relevant): Book page 162 (published 1755)
Relocation Meme |
Posted by: Sherriann - 08-31-2015, 06:41 PM - Forum: Dreams for Project September
- Replies (1)
Intent: To obtain further information/clarification about the packing/moving/relocation meme.
I felt like an apparition looking out of the kitchenwindow at the cottage. I was looking at a man in a blue jacket sitting in a folding chair by a large campfire complete with a firetop stove. He had a tent pitched also ans it felt like he had beenthere for a while.
I looked out the living room window and saw about a dzin women arriving. They all looked the same - 50s ear length brown hair, beige long sleeved t-shirt and light brown pants. Even their faces were the same. Daughter-in-law was unlocking their trailer and didn't seem to notice them. I was happy to see that she looked healthy with her long blonde hair braided andwrapped around her head. She has very short hair now because of chemo.
Next, I am cleaning out the cottage. My grandgirlz were helping me sweep leaves out from under the bed. It was if the cottage had been abandoned and open to the elements for a time. My black sweat pants were getting dirty; full of white fuzz. I went to change them and this is followed by an episode that I'd rather not go into where I was begging one of these women to get something for me. The women had made their way into the cottage and were standing around, some smiling, some giggling and some looking shocked. Finally, one of them volunteered to help.
I am now back in the city in my house. I'm cleaning it, too, because it seemed that it had also been abandoned and inhabited by squaters for a while. The clues were the dirty machine parts I was hauling out of the basement and the red bucket of some hardened goop that I found beside the furnace that my husband told me was plaster.
Often times my dreams have double meanings - the intent and personal. I'll deal with the personal. *L*
Freeway driving, can't get the right off ramp |
Posted by: twiceblessed9 - 08-31-2015, 05:16 PM - Forum: Dreams for Project September
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I was in a city which reminded me somewhat of L.A.. I was driving a car and on the freeway. Much of the city was concrete. Concrete buildings, roads, and pavement. There were many overpasses and off ramps and the freeways were only 2-3 lanes. There was a good amount of traffic but it flowed very quickly. Almost too quickly. The speed the cars were traveling was quite fast. There was a specific destination I kept attempting to get to, but no matter how many times I tried, I could not catch the correct off ramp. I either couldn't make a lane change in time or took the wrong exit ramp which would force me in the opposite direction. I would spend extra time trying heading back to the correct location to take MY off ramp. This occurred over and over again. I woke up before I got to my destination. There was no GPS, though I don't often use one. I was frustrated because I am VERY good with directions in waking life.
Nuclear Bomb and New life in Europe |
Posted by: twiceblessed9 - 08-31-2015, 04:59 PM - Forum: Dreams for Project September
- Replies (1)
*It is highly likely that much of this is day residue since the dreambot run for the 29th was Nuclear Explosion and I was reading through that botruns last night which also have a moving theme.
I was walking round what seemed to be Washington D.C. I hovered high above in the sky and could see Washington D. C. from where I was at, many miles away. There was a feeling apprehension in the air. Suddenly, a nuclear explosion occurred. It looked like it might be near the National Mall.
It was a large explosion, but not a large "nuclear" explosion. It was somewhat like the explosion China had a few weeks ago, but taller and not as wide. Next I was in Europe, near Paris, France. The distance between D.C. and France was more like the distance between the U.K. and France. I was trying to figure out how much radiation I had been exposed too from the explosion. I wandered the European streets realizing I was homeless. I was also a teenager. I began to learn what was surrounding my new neighborhood. I discovered that the French government was going to provide some food and care for the new orphans, of which I was now one it seemed. I was unsure if I should identify myself as one or not. Another orphan I knew was just over the age of 18 and would not be allowed any help. It seemed unfair a few months difference in age would change how we were treated. We were hungry and needed new clothes.