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12/18/24 Really?
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12-18-2024, 09:48 AM
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12/11/24 Winning the Lott...
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12-11-2024, 09:40 AM
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12/4/24 Where Mind Goes.....
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12-04-2024, 10:04 AM
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11/27/24 Mercury and the ...
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11-27-2024, 09:50 AM
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11/20/24 People and their...
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11-20-2024, 09:58 AM
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11/13/24 WWG1WGA
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11-13-2024, 09:20 AM
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11/6/24 Cosmic Bonfire
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10/30/24 Power Comms
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10-30-2024, 09:05 AM
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10/23/24 Comms and Willpo...
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10-23-2024, 12:32 PM
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10/17/24 October Stories ...
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10-15-2024, 07:29 PM
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flood + baked mud |
Posted by: sraosha - 09-03-2010, 11:25 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Two children or teenagers are swimming through a lake. it is night or heavily overcast. They have been running away from home together - a boy and a girl. When they almost reached the intended shore and were already in shallow water where water plants were growing, a huge boiling wave appears behind them on the horizon. The boy urges the girl to carry on faster to get out of the water before the wave hits, but they have no chance to avoid it. The boy then says, that they should dive together and calms the girl that everything will be all right - which it somehow strangely is.
In a next scene they (or I) are diving down to their former village, here they lived. Their parents are still in their houses, which are not severely damaged. They are dead, drowned, but have a smile on their faces - apparently because they know their children in safety.
Then I am the observer of another scene, which is some hours, days or not more than weeks later in the same area. I witness a 1980s Peugeot car slowly carwling over a muddy surface on a mountain/hill. A handful of people are walking near it in the same direction. The mud has dried completely and seems to be almost rock-hard. I will later wonder after waking up, whether there was an additional cause to 'bake' the mud and harden it so much. It actually covers the whole mountain - which seems to be about 1500 - 2000 m high above the lake. It is rather steep but there is something like a pist on its ridge, where the small group is traveling. It seems they have not much fuel and are very carefully preserving it by regularly cleaning the air filter/oil filter - which strangely is situated on the top of the car. Not unlike a snorkel of an Land Rover, I think, but different. It is hidden in a flap on top of the roof. The driver explains to me that he is cleaning the filter with "sand and water". The baked mud crust on which they are driving has a hole in it at one place where one can see beneath it. Below is still the rocky surface of the former mountain. The baked mud layer is not thicker than about 30 cm and there is a gap between it and the rocks below. Maybe due to the drying process, where the mud seems to have expanded, like the ice of a glacier where it joins the mountain face, where also there is a gap between ice and below's surface.
Despite the fact that the baked mud layer is so thin, it seems to be very strong and able to carry people and the car.
Another thought appears in my mind: This seems to be the 'new' surface of the earth and that all below it is now for archaeologists. As with the children after the wave, an enormous peace is surrounding this whole scene. Everything is new, clean and pure. The sun is bright and the sky looks friendly. Though those people with the care don't really know where to go, they seem not frightened - just doing what they have to do.
Dreams of things to come |
Posted by: virtuousvalkyrie - 09-03-2010, 09:51 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Below are some of the things I have had dreams about all occuring before 2032 (this was orginally posted to my blog on 19 July 2010 & these are dreams that I have been having over the past several years & more frequently & vividly since January of this year).-Nuclear Explosions: Cities having nuclear explosions in the US are NYC, Austin TX, Atlanta GA, San Fransico CA, and Washington DC. There is also one in BC Canada, England, Japan, India, and France. Whether they are causes of natural disaters or actions of terrorists I do not know.-Volcanic Eruptions: 3 Volcanoes will erupt around the world: one in the United States, Indonesia, & Europe (stay at least 500 miles away from these)-Earthquakes: Several major earthquakes shake the earth and tear land apart. One in California above 7.5; one in South America (near Chile) above 7.2; one in Europe (in or around Italy) above 6.9 (this was followed by a volcanic eruption); one in the South Pacific above 6.8; not sure where the others are but I do know that in the Americas the West Coast's landscape is transformed and in South America seperates into two pieces.-Flooding: I have seen water covering both the East and West Coasts of the US as well as most of middle America (safest places seem to be above 3000 miles near the mountains). In South America, a portion of the Amozonian Basin is flooded. Most of England and the UK have disappered underwater, as well as parts of Europe (Finland, Denmarck, and Germany). Only the Eastern half of Africa is above water. Japan & many of the islands in the Pacific are also wiped from the map. A huge swarth of water cuts most India off from the continent. Australia northerm portion has sunk into the sea and New Zealand has lost about 10 miles of its coastlines.-Meteors: Just scattered meteor showers and impacts throughout the world. Northwestern US, Northern China, Western Russia, parts of the South Pacific (in the water not on land), and South Africa. These only cause minor damage where the radius of damage is only 3 miles from the impact sites. -Famine: In most of the world but it only lasts a few years.-Economic Collapse: Happens first in the US, then China, and the rest of the world. -Plague: This one scares me the most as it causes 95% of the world population to be wiped out. Those that are immune find that it is heredity. Females get their immunity from their moms and males get it from their father. The reason this one scares me is because this virus is man-made (Don't get the flu shot!). -Blackouts: All over the world - you will not be able to see any lights on Earth from space.-Satellites: Two are hit by meteors and completely destroyed. Three others crash to Earth, with only one making landfall in Western Europe; the other two land in the oceans.
-Specific Dates: March 6, 2009; July 15, 2011; and August 10, 2012. The March date had a personal significance for me - it was the day my 16 year career ended and as far as the other two dates, I'mnot sure if they were meant for me or not, I just know they are important.
Moons & orbs that look like moons 09-02-10 |
Posted by: Zellie - 09-03-2010, 10:04 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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This morning, I had a dream I was with some people and we looked up at the sky, and saw the full moon, but then 2 or 3 other orbs also which looked like the full moon started vibrating and sending out light and vibrations and booms, they also moved/darted about...then I noticed our cell phones no longer worked...that's about all I remember right now.
The final marker |
Posted by: The Anchorite - 09-03-2010, 04:56 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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A dream from lastnight: The end of time is approaching and one final marker on the timeline was needed, this was WWIII and I asked when this would occur. I asked how much longer and a voice said in January 2011 the marker of war will appear. An image then flashed before me of the bliss awaiting at the end of time. From the seed of the coming crisis will emerge paradise.
Great sickness might be coming |
Posted by: Katalina - 09-03-2010, 04:06 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I dreamed I was in a doctor's office.The doctor wasn't one I know in waking life. He wasmiddle-aged, with a white coat, beard, and glasses. He was telling me that there would be a great sickness unleased right after Labor Day. I got the idea that this would be a TPTB move, an intentional illness set loose. The doctor seemed very sure of this, and spoke of it in a matter-of-fact way.
They tried to tempt me to come back home |
Posted by: deborah - 09-03-2010, 01:44 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Our bodies and life onEarth isnot very important. I'ddecidedI'm not going back home to theheavens after this life. Iam escaping the Earth prison and the amnesia we all have. But I also felt a little sad since Iknew I had friends long long ago in that place. But for all I know they are now here on Earth with me so I decided even if I don't stay on Earth I am not going back.
Anyhow shortly after deciding thatI had a dream that wasprofoundly joyful and powerful. When people die often they saythey are going home. I know what they refer to. When I rejected home it came to me in a dreamto remind me of it's power.
I wasnear the top ofa mountain with a friend. Idon't know who the friend was.We were waitingat abus stop.Wewaited quite a while and saw a regular human city bus pass. Wewalked a blockto get alonger view downthe road.We turned around and our bus was at the stop. It was medium greenwith no markings orsigns. Even the windows were green.We both ranfull speed back to the bus which was starting to turn around.
We got to the drivers doorwhich wason the port side. The driver wore sunglasses and looked at us.I noticedwe both wore sunglasses too.The driversaid "Take off your sunglasses"Westood silently and made no move to remove our sunglasses. Whenhe saw thishe jerked his chin towards the back and said "Get in." Strangely enough the door inwas not the door he had opened to speak with us. It wascamoflaged on the side of the bus. We had to stare at the mechanism for a minute to figure out the secret.Some of the passengersinside giggled when theysaw we did not know how toopen the bus. Wefigured the puzzle outquicklyandgot in.
It looked like anormal busbut people frommany nationalities were there. Everyone in the busgaveoff a feeling of intense joy and relief. It wasserene and powerful.Everyonewas talking happily andelated. While we were sitting down I was suddenly overcome with unimaginable joy.It wasa feeling ofsucceeding at the one ina million chance of even getting on the bus and now we are safe withinbut most important the bus was headed home. The thought that there was a home and it was a real place was profound and enticing.Like someone cherished had died and suddenly were standing in front of you happy and safe. Overwhelming like if a soldier died in battle and suddenly found himselfhome withhis wife and children and all was well and he knew it was real not a delusion. I had not expected I would be going home ever and suddenly here I was on the only busthat goes there.
Seconds after sittingdownthe busbegan to move.It immediately left the vicinity ofEarth andjust a moment after that wasout of this solar system. Then itbegan to beeline towards the center ofthe galaxy. At that point in the bus the speakers began to fuzzilygive instructions to the passengers. It was all in an understandable language butthe instructions were different for each regionor population of people. Each region had lived with different programming and data and the announcements were telling each tribe and race where they needed to report when we arrived and what they needed to do.I was then a little surprised that the sound system was so poor. I was listening anxiously for the data for the native americans but I couldn't quite hear it.Thenjust as the dream ended I could see how worn and aged the bus was in addition to the speakers on the fritz.It's like the dream shut off quick as soon as I saw that and I was wide awake.Afterwards the incredible feeling of joy lingered. Iwas so happy to remember I had a home that was real not here on Earth.It did not change my mind onnot returning. The dream tried to reactivate my obedience by reminding me of where I came from and instead it inadvertently restored another important memory of what is real and where it is.
Universe giving me more lessons |
Posted by: deborah - 09-02-2010, 11:28 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I was at home but it was not the place I live now. It was a wooded place but we were surviving and things were rustic but at least we were making it. I saw some rickety looking sheds and I saw they were chicken coops.
In the dream I sawno people and I was just there as a viewpoint notin a body.It was like I was being shown something though and was drawn to the first of the three coops.I saw it was not builtas a fortress. A basic coop with an indoor area for protection and an outside run.They were all hidden in the woods though not inan opensunny field like I wouldnormally locate poultry. In the first coopI saw aflock of barred rock chickens and noother breed. There were hens and a rooster or two.Then suddenly I was drawn to the next coop. It showed me another sturdy chicken breed butthe exact type wasn't clear. But again it was just one breed kept with enoughbirds to have a healthlypopulation. Then I went to the third coop. There I saw only game bird type bantams. It seemed there were also some pidgeons around and a fewbirds were running loose.
The message was immediately clear to me so I immediately changed my livestockstrategy with all my animals. Separate populations not merging so something thataffects one group doesn't affect them all andkeep the strong genetics of a good variety strong don'tdilute with careless breeding and they will still go strong into the future. It was also interesting the coops were placed in such a wooded shaded area. There was no sun on the coops. I think the dream was also telling me to keep them hidden.
(A dream inside of a dream) criss-cross neon blue lightning bolts |
Posted by: Spike - 09-02-2010, 08:12 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I found my self standing looking at a park bench with a kid and a African American lady sitting next to him talking to each other. I stepped forward to sit down because there was a space next to the kid but he got up like it was my turn to talk to this 50 or 60 year old lady. As i sat down I looked over to my right saw She had nasty black blisters on her arms. She poked each one over and over with a needle. I asked her if I could go back she said no. I asked why? Then I teleported to my old neighborhood every thing was in place fences objects very strange some thing out of google maps if you will. When I got there I was in 3rd person looked down on my self then bam I became my self.
It was late at night I walked over to a table in the front yard. Then once I looked up I saw huge criss-cross neon blue lightning bolts. It took up the whole sky. It was really strange because the lightning never went away. It also was flowing fast straight forward then up into this bubble/blackhole. I don't know what was sucking up the sky but it was crazy!! It felt like there was some thing pulling on me I felt a steady wind. It picked up so fast. IT took the table from under neath me. I fell down and found myself on my belly trying to hang on to some thing as my fingers were dragging the pavement in front of me. But I was slipping down the street feet first into this black-hole.
The end
Dreamer's thought
Its was strange every thing was in color very vivid. Realest dream I've every had. Could be some thing to do with cern and or project blue beam. They are both making great advancements.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I had this dream before I started reading this book by Patrick Geryl.just to let you know The book is about pole shifts one thing he said was ONCE THE POLES SHIFT WE WILL SEE VIVID SHEETS OF YELLOW, PURPLE, BLUE LIGHTNING BOLTS THAT WILL CRISSCROSS FOLLOWED BY A HUGE TIDAL WAVE.
Guerilla warfare- subterfuge and drug traffic? |
Posted by: kristielee98 - 09-02-2010, 06:31 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Alright. This dream was a humdinger. Initially in my dream I was apparently working undercover for local police department in a town called Conyers- who's claim to fame was that 10-15 years ago a lady use to see the Virgin Mary in her pasture, which caused an international sensation and people traveled across the world to witness this apparition in her pasture. Present day- I am meeting with the police force and we have figured out that drug drops are being made around this field that now is hosting rock concerts. Apparently the rock concerts are jamming the radar, which allows the planes to drop bales of hay that house drugs. We are in the woods undercover at night and the concert is going on. One of the suspects I am tailing, when another undercover person comes up and shows me his gun,which spooks the guy waiting for the drop. He says something into a walkie talkie, and takes off running and shooting back at us. I am dodging bullets, when these telephone wire spools start striking around me- the plane is dumping these spools to allow their friend to get away i guess. THEN, my dream jumps to some unknown locale, however this time I am dressed in guerilla warfare camo clothes *no i have never been in law enforcement OR armed forces!*. We are all carrying war weaponry, grenades, etc. It seemed as if we were in south america, but most people were speaking english. We are trying to convince one of our people that he has to "give one up for the team" and to throw himself on a grenade in order for us to go forward with whatever we were trying to do. He's screaming "no, man don't make me do it!", and the senior military were yelling back "sacrifice yourself for the greater good" or something along those lines. Finally with this bloodcurdling scream, he throws himself on the grenade and explodes. We all duck and run, and that's where I woke up.
Peeking Through A Wormhole |
Posted by: Kasota - 09-02-2010, 05:39 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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In this dream I'm floating, almost like an out of body experience. A tunnel opens up in space/time and I float/fly into the hole. The sides are grayish black and there are all sorts of twists and turns. A light begins to glow and as I float/fly further on the tunnel opens into a room. It looks like a futuristic room. Everything in it is white and very clean-lined. It is a person's person room and there is a man sitting at a workspace with his back to me. He is dressed in white. The walls of the room are white. He has very black hair and seems on the smaller side - perhaps Asian.
I glide to the very opening and then suddenly he knows I am there. He turns around and stares straight at me, our eyes locked, and I can hear him wondering "Who are you and WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"
Snap! I wake up.