
Evacuation or Salvation, what are these dreams all about?

Evacuation or Salvation, what are these dreams all about?

Summary: Three VERY profound dreams worth paying attention to and good news in the DreamForecast once again.

So, as I was perusing the world’s dreams late last night, I was sort of thrown back in my chair. I wasn’t interested really in the content of these dreams because I was just getting everything set up for my next bot run. However, as I was scrolling up to make sure the top of the page was clean and ready for processing, the word “EVACUATION” caught my eye. “Evacuation? Didn’t I just see that on a Project August dream that was JUST SUBMITTED?”

I was over yonder at RadOwl’s neck of the woods (the dream section of Reddit.com), and the most recent dream there at the time (at around 9:30 PM on May 5th) just happened to be eerily similar to the one that was literally just submitted to our database. Because I was in a hurry, I did a brief scan, and my scan did throw me back in my chair.

Yep, they both talk about evacuation….Yep, they both have really big ships in the dream…well isn’t that just amazing. What’s more is that both of these dreams were apparently dreamt on the same night, and what’s most amazing of all?…..

The second I was scrolling through the Reddit dream, I was receiving the notification of the Proj August one in our own database…I thought this was quite bazaar!

I scanned both of them quickly and I thought, “I’ll bet this is the same guy just posting his dream in two places…but why would he do that?” I decided to actually read the dreams, and here’s what I saw…

(From Reddit.com) posted by Kaiosama

One of those rare dreams that I remember. It must’ve been a sudden flood because from what I saw, the evacuation was absolutely chaotic. Can you even call it an evacuation?

Basically the scene in dream was like as many cruise liners and larger tanker ships being in the vicinity of the island of Manhattan as the eye can see… trying to rescue as many people as possible.

And there were *so* many people.

So much so that some of the cruise ships were so packed people were hanging on on the railings, on the sides, and some people were falling off back into the water

It was a massive effort to try to rescue so many people. And I remember a voice in the dream. Just like a voice speaking in the past tense saying ‘the were not enough ships’.

Somewhat eery.


Yeah, that is somewhat eery, but what’s even more eery is seeing this next dream at the exact same time…This one posted by ‘MTB’ back here at the DreamBase…

(first paragraph) This dream was in two parts. In the first part, my wife and I had been evacuated onto an aircraft carrier. I recall I was asking why we had been evacuated; there was no answer. In terms of emotions, I suppose confusion would be the closest.


Mathematical probability games

Cruise ships, tankers, and aircraft carriers, eh? Of all the dreams I’ve seen so far in my lifetime, how many of them had big ships and evacuations? What are the chances that these two dreams would be posted within 5 hours of each other on different sites? Who knows. I’m wondering if Kaiosama was watching MTB being evacuated in the dream….heck, it was the same night!

Seriously, though, isn’t there something eerily similar about these two dreams? How about I give you another facet of this by introducing a third archetypical dream? This dream was submitted to our DreamBase by ‘Deepsleeper’ on May 5, 2014 (i.e. same day as the other two and note that this one was not a Project August dream).

“I dreamed of a huge being of a bluish white color, I could see through him, like a spirit being.  He was about two times larger then the earth and he was holding the earth up above his head.  The dream felt very positive, as if the earth was being uplifted.”

Attention Project August dreamers….did you catch the colors? There has to be something to this…it transcends August, too!

Back to the three dreams from yesterday…Are you seeing what I’m seeing, yet? The immediacy symbolism is evacuation, rescue, being uplifted, hoisted up, saved, salvation, etc. And compare the entities doing the saving….they’re all very big, whether it’s a big boat or a great-big blue/white being.

So, what’s it all mean?

I was really hoping you could answer for me. It sort of rings as a second-coming sort deal, doesn’t it? Is BLUE-beam right around the corner? OR are mass evacuations coming?

Oh, stop thinking so negatively (i.e. internment camps), I was thinking more along the lines of planet Earth evacuations. After all, we’re well overdue for Peter Sterling’s cautionary galactic wave about to hit “around the year 2012.

I really wish I had more time to hunt down that more recent video I watched about the scientific evidence of a galactic wave that was inbound. Still waiting on that one, too (although I don’t thing that time window has completely passed yet).

One more TWIST

Dreamer MTB after seeing his “brother’s dream” over on reddit, sent me this tidbit of possible fire and brimstone:

Based on the newsletter, I’d say the reddit dream ties into a real possibility of a “reverse Katrina”.  Katrina started in the Atlantic and crossed over Florida into the gulf before destroying New Orleans.  The floods and “bulge” along with Fort Myers could mean a huge hurricane hitting the west side of Florida from the gulf (Grand Cayman was 81 when I was there, the Caribbean and gulf can already support a cat 5).  A storm of that size could cross Florida and then head up the gulf stream and hit Manhattan, causing the massive flooding, covering the water surge for Florida and other areas seen in dreams.  The time frame fits, and Manhattan is a huge cruise liner port – after a cat 5 hurricane flooding out the high rises, the people could be evacuated to cruise liners.  I believe at least one aircraft carrier was used for New Orleans, so that could fit too.  Time will hopefully not tell this to be true.

But it doesn’t end there, folks, because we have yet another dream to bring into this. Remember the New York dream where people were standing on the roofs? Lemme refresh your memory:

This from a Project August dream:

I am in the post office waiting in line. I am waiting for such a long time. A man walks in wearing an old New York Yankees jacket with the patches all fuzzy…….I am on a roof looking in a window. I notice everyone else is on their roofs as well. No one is in their home

The story has legs, people, with lots of connecting dots. Are these predictive dreams, though? If not, what are they for? Just coincidence?


We’ve now in essence upped the ante, so to speak with this triangle of rescue. We’re looking for the “Different/Unfamiliar” that is still outstanding and now some sort evacuation. Of course, evacuations aren’t too hard to come by in the news these days, so we’re probably looking for a much bigger sort of rescue op.


DreamForecast for Today:

Crisis averted it appears! Perhaps the massive re-connection helped yesterday, or there was nothing to it to begin with. Seeing how much outpouring and support we got from yesterday’s DreamForecast, I’m guessing it was the first option! Nonetheless, ‘Mom’ is back on the board to join forces with ‘girl’ which definitely balances out a lonely ‘Man’ in the upper half. Interestingly, ‘Car’ maintains the top spot for the third session in a row after coming up from nowhere last week. I’m not too sure what to make of car at the top, whether to watch the price of oil and gas, or to watch out for a new form of Stan Meyer’s water engine.

Not only are we balanced gender-wise, but the “Sure Man Large Still Inside” definitely keeps the testosterone confined…hmmm, that sounds like patriarchal old-order is still in check, so we might have a nice calm week, at least at the collective level.

The forecast doesn’t change from yesterday. BUT, I did receive more information about our exit from the collective rut: set your calendars for May 19th, because according to New York Daily news, that’s when we’ll be “Turning dreams into reality.”

Today seemed like a special occasion, so I took the liberty of conducting some additional bot runs on Positive versus Negative. Of course, the negative came up with the expected atrocities like death and dead, but if it doesn’t have legs on the positive side to match it, I toss it out. What IS consistent are these key terms: “Waking,” “Earth,” and “Transparency.”

Not even Ukraine is consistent, even though it is top dog on the negative side (of course). What is very interesting is that the positive side produced this: “Ukraine Hope,” without contradiction from the negative.

People, I think we’re sitting pretty. It’s always tough in this situation, but the data isn’t sounding any alarms. Keep watching for the “Evacuation” and, of course, the big “Unfamiliar.” Take frequent breaks and get your plans ready for the 19th. Apparently, that’s the first day out from the collective rut. You’ve got to get your ducks all in a row so you’re ready to hit the ground running once the chains come off!

Take care everyone, and keep those Project August dreams a-rollin’ in!



(c) Share directions GRAY

By |2014-05-06T02:35:21+00:00May 6th, 2014|DreamForecast, DreamNews|1 Comment

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One Comment

  1. ARIZONA May 8, 2014 at 10:09 pm

    PAY ATTENTION HERE,the LORD said ,three months ago ,”EMP ON THE 22nd”,no month or year,I thought I’d throw that at you,he tells me all kinds of things,some of them would scare everyone to death,if they aren’t ready and they won’t be…….WATCH what happens the day they put the ink to paper,DIVIDING JERUSALEM,….OH,every worse nightmare anyone ever had, will come to pass………………………

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