
New DreamScapes Added

New DreamScapes Added

As I continue divining future headlines through your Project August dreams, you may find it pleasurable to peruse the various DreamScape categories (see the main menu item of same name above). The two new DreamScapes are “Ingesting for Dreams,” where guests discuss, compare, and refine their optimum pre-sleep concoctions, while in “Open Mic,” guests finally have a place to just spout off whatever they want (as long as it has taste and merit).

Please keep plugging away at the Malaysian Airliner mystery…that one is far from over. Do we have any lucid dreamers that may be able to get some more coordinates or foresee the next headline expected for that saga?

Also, we’re starting to get some really interesting stories about dreaming with the deceased. If you hear your friends or fellow-workers discussing any of these topics, be sure to send them straight to the DreamScapes channel in the main menu above. Keep checking in and provide your take on these fascinating topics!

Project August report #2 in T-2 days (or less). Talk to you soon, and sweet dreams, everyone!


Copyright (c) 2014 Chris McCleary.

By |2014-05-16T22:38:55+00:00May 16th, 2014|Announcements|2 Comments

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  1. Mary E. May 17, 2014 at 3:09 pm

    Have any people submitted dreams about the kidnapped girls in Nigeria? I’ve been trying in meditation to send them hope and strength, but haven’t been able to see anything in dreams.

    Are any dreamers out there interested in trying to get dreams that would help our troops find & free the girls?

    P.S. Thanks for your great website!

    • ndcadmin May 17, 2014 at 3:21 pm

      This is a fantastic idea, Mary. If we can get some support for this category, then I’ll initiate a new DreamScape. Actually, let’s do this…the first person who has a dream about the Nigeria mystery, then tell me so I can start the category for you. Great idea! Thanks,

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