
ISIS vs the Divine Feminine

ISIS vs the Divine Feminine

While we’re on the topic of ISIS from the last post

I’ll veer us into something that I find pretty interesting. First, my hypothesis is this:

Assuming that non-dream archetype symbology is as indicative of future events as are our dreams, then humanity could be poised for a second-coming-type event or at least a significant and profound turn towards a more conducive environment for the divine feminine. Yes, of course, this requires explanation, so here we go…

I was initially bland about the acronym that our intelligence agencies used to define the Iraqi and Syrian “insurgents.” They called it ISIS, and perhaps this is just coincidence, but after thinking about it for awhile, it dawned on me….

These codes and acronyms that the intelligence community makes are rarely just accidents. I’d rather not go into the whole explanation of this becaause that would just take too long!

But knowing that ISIS was likely no accident, I went into a meditative state and let my mind do some free associations around the word ISIS. It didn’t take me long to get over into Egypt, imagining the ancient goddess of the ancient lands. This took me over into the Virgin Mary, which then caused me to see the constellation Virgo in my mind’s eye.

As I came out of this state, my first task was to see if anything big was happening in Egypt. For some reason I thought the free association was telling me to investigate Egypt. On my first google search I found out why I was sent there. There didn’t appear to be anything big happening there right now, BUT I learned something interesting about the new Egyptian president.

Cairo, June 8 (Petra) —- Egypt’s new president Abdel Fattah al Sisi was sworn in on Sunday after his victory in last month’s elections in which he won 97 percent of the vote.

The former army chief took the oath as president before the Higher Constitutional Court at a Cairo suburb in a ceremony attended by over 100 top officials and figures, including interim president Adli Mansour, prime minister Ibrahim Mehleb, the Grand Mufti of al Azhar, the country’s higher religious authority, the pope of Alexandria and members of the committee that drafted the country’s new constitution.

97% of the vote? Please……but did you catch his last name? SISI….spell that backwards….ISIS….hmmmmm. Just another coincidence I suppose? Remember, presidents aren’t accidents either.

That got me started into the word ISIS just to see whether my premonition might be right…Yep, the word ISIS is being used everywhere!

Our government has an ISIS system for global monitoring, there’s an international academic board named ISIS, and for God’s sakes there’s a prison doula program called “ISIS Rising.” Check out google for over 23 million more options!

Many of these programs are very new (i.e., this year). ISIS is everywhere, so does this mean that humanity is poised for something really great?

What does ISIS represent? Well, if you investigate ISIS on your own time, you’ll most likely see all about her days in Egypt, but I was looking at this more from Jung’s archetypical point of view.

ISIS just happened to also be a virgin goddesss, and some research suggests that the Virgin Mary was a similar or identical story. The constellation Virgo has a dedicated birth story for her, too. I’m not here to dispute or prove anything. I’m just fascinated that whenever a virgin archetype shows up in antiquity, something magnificent is born.

So, in my estimation, humanity is swinging towards a new birth. But that doesn’t solve anything, because here we are again with our Paradigm 3 discussion. If humanity is poised to birth something soon, then what will it be?

The powers that be have a say in the birth, just as much as we do. I imagine they’re not interested in a well-balanced culture, and so it makes sense that they stamp “ISIS” to so many traditionally patriarchal things (like dangerous insurgent groups).

If this hypothesis is right, then everyone should be getting their a-game together. What do you want the new world to look like? Better start imagining it now, ‘cause SOMETHING is about to birth…it’s up to us to create it.

If you don’t put your vote in the kitty, then we might end up with this sort of grotesque femininity (you don’t want to see the picture):

A catholic priest in the province of Batangas, Philippines, has started marrying believers on Skype, a practice that seemingly went unnoticed until recently when the phenomenon went viral this week on social media as a drunk philippino man suffering from multiple personality disorder and dressed as his own wife urged the priest to marry his own sister on Skype. The video has spread like wildfire on social media and brought much criticism to padre Andres ‘Chichi’ Juarez, the catholic priest who has started this new trend of converting followers through the web.”

Are you kidding me?!

Finally, you can cotinue with yet another ISIS investigation here.


By |2014-06-17T10:30:43+00:00June 17th, 2014|DreamOsophy, General News|9 Comments

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  1. sister rosemarie June 17, 2014 at 3:44 pm - Reply

    “There’s a sacred one inside. All the stars and galaxies run through her hands like bees…” – Brooke Medicine Eagle was just singing this refrain as your post about Isis came to me. Thank you… wonderfully creative way to view our present world chaos which unfortunately has shut down my dream life and left me breathing peace out into the cosmos in prayer in hope that a miracle will stop the violence. I also found myself in Egypt… and was delighted to see the new president at the head of a bike cycling group hundreds strong… so care for environment and health is at least manifesting something positive…

  2. dean June 17, 2014 at 3:49 pm - Reply

    ISIS stands for what they call themselves “The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham” Sham is the regional name for what we in the West call the Levant region thus you will often see it called the English equivalent of ISIL for the Levant not Sham, lately I often see it reported as S for Syria, that is not exactly correct although much of Syria would fall under the region called Sham or Levant. As for a second coming this time as a “divine feminine” count me out, the last thing I want is a messiah with angry violent mood swings.

    • ndcadmin June 17, 2014 at 4:08 pm - Reply

      Well, shucks, that was my point. The archetype is presented to us, and it’s up to us to determine which side of the coin is dominate. “Good” doesn’t just show up by accident, nor does “Bad.” Rather the “Good/Bad” archetype shows up and we then determine which side it ends up being. For example, nuclear energy shows up, and we use it to bomb the living crap out of a whole civilization, when we could have used it to free ourselves from oil (note: there’s better ways to free ourselves from oil, but I’m talking about back in WWII; plus, the NEW nuclear doesn’t have a detonation issue while it maintains the very strong energy. Other examples: Tesla’s inventions was a sort of archetype. When it showed up, he wanted to use it for good, but the handlers chose to turn it around for controlling others (and then putting him under house arrest). Another example, a hammer is not always good. If someone beats the crap out of someone is it an evil hammer? In the macrocosm, we are given archetypes, or opportunities. If we continue to let the self-appointed handlers control things, then you can expect more wars, more purposeful famine, more sweatshops in Asia to help keep our Walmart prices nice and low. I believe ISIS is an opportunity afforded to us. Let’s take it and turn it for good.

      Hope that makes the point clearer. As always, your inputs are like gold, Dean!

  3. cj June 18, 2014 at 8:34 am - Reply

    Your ISIS research is amazing – it truly says a lot with ISIS popping out everywhere~!

    Meanwhile, this line of yours is very funny!

    “If you don’t put your vote in the kitty, then we might end up with this sort of grotesque femininity (you don’t want to see the picture):”

    Though I must comment upon the feminine discussion …
    Today we have an unbalanced world, patriarchal run, with these evil wars run by masculinity. If women (feminine ones) were 50% of the top brass, we’ have no wars feeding the banksters’ lust. Moms do not put their babies in harms way.

    • ndcadmin June 18, 2014 at 9:57 am - Reply

      Thanks, cj.

      I agree for the most part, but the patriarchal energy runs through women, too. There are some women who would continue the status quo if given high positions. Just because we get a female in power doesn’t mean the wars all of a sudden stop. The femininity we’re talking about runs higher than just gender and it grips a whole socio-economic system. Thus, the system itself needs balancing. Putting females in power is a decent start, but you won’t find a whole lot of change when the economy itself REQUIRES war in order for it to survive. Thus, what you really need now are woman and men who hold both energies and have fortitude for great change. It takes the right people to do this, not just a specific gender, but your proposal would at least get us started in that direction. Bottom line….you really want the socio-economic system more feminized, but it cannot be transitioned for the system itself is patriarchal (look into the banking system and you’ll see all sorts of this energy running through the very core, underlying processes). The system can’t be balanced, it can’t be overhauled. We need a whole new system.

      • dean June 18, 2014 at 4:12 pm - Reply

        My angry rant was not directed at you Chris but the sexist commentator, I more or less agree with you I would just use different wording, it should not be called feminine or masculine but good and evil simply, there are as many horrid women as men in this world and this crap they are somehow “better” morally than us is no different than racism, her comment about “mothers not putting their babies in harms way” would be laughable if not so sad, I am a firefighter/emt do you know how many children I have seen harmed or even killed in some cases by their mothers? look at history at some female leaders they can compete with any man for pure evil.

        • ndcadmin June 18, 2014 at 4:59 pm - Reply

          Dean, you make some good points here. Good/evil I’m not sure will solve our woes either, though, because one person’s “good” might be another person’s “bad/evil.” For example, in cards, any ‘2’ card is looked upon as worthless, but what if the game is poker and you’re dealt four ‘2’s? All of a sudden you’ve fallen in love with these “worthless” or “bad” cards. That’s part of the problem today. You have all these religions claiming that they are good while everyone else is “bad/evil.”

          I vote to do your recommendation to change the wording. Yin/Yang is much more appropriate for this whole conversation because it denotes two necessary polarities or energies without having to talk at all about gender. Yin is generally accepted to be the loving, forgiving, accepting, “feminine” energy and Yang is the big bold powerful “male” energy.

          In Eastern culture, both men and women alike work towards balancing these two polar opposite energies. This is the context that I was talking about in the post and in my reply. It’s not the gender at all, because if anyone (male or female) gets too Yin, then they become aloof, complacent. But if males and females get too Yang, then they bulldoze everyone else and get too aggressive. We have a Yang-polarized society. In fact, capitalism promotes Yangness.

          Uh oh, the bees nest again, I just stirred it up. No, I’m not anti-Capitalism, nor am a supporter of ANY -ism. I’m anti–ism, if you will.

          Now, cj does have a valid point also. Our society is still one-sided genderwise (removing ALL context of Yin/Yang here.) 50/50 male/female by itself would generally be healthy for our society, and I would support that. But if we get better Yin/Yang balance with a 70%/30% (either way) then I would support that more. My whole point though wasn’t either gender or Yin/Yang. I was simply arguing that getting a good balance is IMPOSSIBLE under the current system.

          That’s the same reason we bicker back and forth about Repubs vs Democrats, but no matter who’s in office, the same crap still ensues. Its not because these people are morons. Its because the system itself has to break. And break it will because mathematically, a ponzi scheme cannot go onto infinity. And even if it could, the system would run out of raw materials eventually (such as we’re seeing everywhere in the world, especially water).

          Everybody repeat after me….ITS THE SYSTEM ITSELF THAT HAS TO BE REPLACED…

          • dean June 18, 2014 at 5:44 pm

            Good with yin/yang 😉 Could not agree more on the system is broke and MUST be replaced

    • dean June 18, 2014 at 4:05 pm - Reply

      OMG do you know nothing of world politics or history? Hilary Clinton, Indira Gandhi, Golda Meier, Catherine the Great, Elizabeth 1st and I could go on and on! some of the worst war mongers in history have been women, your opinions of women being “better” than men are sexist beyond belief but due to PC reasons people are afraid to call people like you out on your sexist crap

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