
Cleaning up the Sky (Vol I)

Cleaning up the Sky (Vol I)

Note: This article got too unwieldy. I was going to cover both Airplanes and Sky Flashes, but its way to lengthy. So, in volume 1, I’m going to cover the genesis of Sky Flash and break out Airplanes. Then in volume 2, we’ll revisit the Sky Flash theme to clarify some things.

This two-volume article might also have been called “Airplanes, EMP, Volcano, Gamma Burst, Earthquake: Your definitive guide to Sky Flash”

Let’s start from the beginning of how this meme developed and then we’ll hopefully clear up any confusion about what we expect to happen out in the real world. Note that with a double or triple meme seemingly growing into one big jumbled mess, predictive ability or clarity might be troublesome, so read this with a plenty of discernment.

The Beginning

Dean writes:

Can you publish the dream again that started this “meme” where if my memory is correct (unlikely) her and her husband saw a sky flash to the Northwest direction and they were somewhere in New Mexico? and he said I think “a EMP/nuke?” and she said something like “no maybe a volcano” “we need to get inside the ash is coming” as I said my memory is getting fuzzy about it.

The original dream trifecta that started the meme was in this article (note, two of the dreams are in the comment section).

But what is most peculiar here is that the visiting dreamer never talked about any sky flash. Rather, the word “ashes” springs JAwake on the scene because she also dreamt of ashes.

Therefore, the first two dream overlaps were not Flash related, but seemingly Volcano or Ash related. Then, NativeAmericanDreamWeaver jumps on board feeling the Volcano sort of feel because she smells things burning. But there just happens to be a bright flash in the dream preceding all the burning.

To make matters even more convoluted, our visiting dreamer, Edna, later clarifies that her dream is actually none of the above. Her intuition was picking up something even different:

My clarification: Illness, The exposure to this disease will spread wildly and be deadly. (ashes to ashes). This may/could be related to the news of the spread of contagious illness.

Malaysia Crash #2

When the second Malaysian airliner went down, several dreamers made a connection to the sky flash pseudo-meme that was started with the aforementioned drems, and so I wrote a post about it. That post is here.

In that article, I specifically mentioned that the Malaysian aircraft would not fit the bill for sky flash. In response to myself, shame on me. Not that I called this a non-hit, but I should have attached a score, which I don’t believe I did.

Remember, we’re only arguing DreamSeer scores with each other. We want to avoid bantering back and forth about whether or not it was a “hit.”

For me, the Malaysia crash was a very low DreamSeer score (like .8 or 1.0). I gave it a 1.0 because there was most assuredly a flash in the sky, an explosion. This directly matched NativeAmericanDreamWeaver’s dream, but what about all the ash and even the EMP from the other two dreams?

Bigger Picture

At this point, we had no linguistics to match our sort of confusing dream overlap. Remember linguistics not only can help better define the context, it increases probability factors when it overlaps with the dreams.

Without linguistics at this point, we now have disease (Edna’s intuition), EMP, Volcanic ashes, airplanes (user comments), but we also added Gamma ray burst, xflares, and asteroids from other user comments from that Sky Flash article above.

Next, I was running the Proj Aug linguistics and low and behold, a surprising phrase was staring me in the face: “Try change bad thinking flash ever near” Uh oh, there’s probably a lot of truth in these dreams…

Then, while I was talking to George Noory, several people sent in their sky flash dreams, and so we had more EMPs, nuclear bombs, and just some plain old bright flashes.

On top of all this, I saw some comment where Sky Flash was going to be one symptom of a big earthquake.

This is where I conceded to just quickly tossing everything into one big huge cauldron of Sky Flash material. In it, I would put everything that could create bright flashes in the sky and I insisted that we now had a full-up Sky Flash meme going on.



I really like what Sherriann brought to the table:

I am hesitant to believe that Sky Flash has to do with airplanes. I am leaning toward the crashing airplane ‘meme’ that started some time ago and is now taking root.

Seajay echoes those words:

My gut feeling about sky flashes is that it’s NOT human-made; plane
blowing up or bomb seems too “small”

Now, how in the world did I miss this aspect to it? Was I subconsciously thinking that our Red Alert was already fulfilled and thus recent airplanes must go into the Sky Flash cauldron?

May 28th, 2014

This date was the day we published our first Red Alert, and it had to do with airplanes. Basically (and you can see how relatively unsophisticated we were back then-lol), we had 5 Proj Aug dreams and a couple of non-PA dreams all talking about airplane crashes.

The next day when the DreamBot went out, I learned something new (this is actually where DreamBot2 took root). I noticed a very prominent increase of Plane-type words, but they weren’t popular enough to make the DreamBot1 team.

Here are the phrases that came through (May 29, 2014):

– “Found Plane”

– “Wake Ground Turned Plane Building”

– “Inside Plane Found Wife”

– “Probably sky stuff dead”

– “Flying class taking three” (They say major accidents come in threes…will we see a trilogy of sky-related events?

Based on my experience now, I am floored about how much overlap I had with just the linguistics. Remember Sky Flash has only phrase: “Try change bad thinking flash ever near,” and no other meme before this has had more than one or two linguistics phrases attached to it.

Sherriann is spot on with her assessment. We received some great DreamSeer scores when the Boston airplane crashed, Miranda Lambert’s plane had an in flight emergency on her way back to Nashville, and they found that old WWII plane in the mountains of Vancouver.

However, think about the DreamSeer scores now with the amount of planes/airliners dropping like flies:







I could go on, but this is old news by now…you get the drift. Lot’s of big airliners have crashed recently, causing some people to question whether it’s safe to fly anymore…




Updated 2200 CDT, July 26: This wasn’t a crash, but holy cow. Might as well toss it into the big airline meme:  http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ali-shahi-sunwing-threat-suspect-released-on-bail-1.2719016


Timing: The 1st Beast

First off, what a great lesson we got out of timing. Yes, a lot of dreams come true within 1 or 2 weeks, but many come true much later. How can we tell if it’s later? Here’s a new hypothesis: the more options that you see in the list below, the further in the future it is:

1. Made a pre-sleep intention for a specific timeframe (will drift the occurrence toward that intention, but perhaps not right at the intention)

2. This dream overlaps with other dreams (the more dreams, the bigger the collective “memory” of the future event)

3. The emotional content is stronger than normal

4. The emotions between dreams overlap

5. Overlap in linguistics and/or an increasing linguistics trend

6. Specific dates are shown in the dream

In the airplane crash meme that started May 28, 2014, and is being fulfilled now, that’s roughly 6-8 weeks hence. This meme had a longer fulfillment window because it hit on #1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Basically, this monster of a meme did in fact produce monster results that were within a couple of weeks of the intended month (remember that the bulk of these were PA dreams).

OR, perhaps the non-Project August dreams were predicting the one-week headline crashes and the PA dreams were projecting the 6-8 week crashes, the latter being much more pronounced.

Location: The 2nd Beast

Sherriann continues her comments about how dreams are fulfilled in waking life:

I realize that dreamers gave locations but sometimes, unless we actually see a map or have a vision of a city or actual writing in a dream, dates and locations can be an ‘ego thing’. I think it is sometimes important to look long range and actually map dreams of these kinds of dreams when they appear in volume and continue to do so until the story unfolds, like it is now. Often, there is a build up of energy toward an event or events. We all want to see predictions become nearly instantaneous (not that we want to see bad stuff happen), and they often are, but there are also slow arrivals, perhaps months of buildup.

I would have to concur, although some of the same things from the timing could be said about location. Look for dream overlaps and heightened emotion. Perhaps we’ll one day have some reliable methods to connect DreamBot3 locations to certain events.

We had three overlapping dreams about the Tennessee area and airplanes, and then we later got a bath of weird Tennessee headlines pertaining to airplanes.


Project August

More importantly, all this means that we have more DreamSeer scores for another Project August headline (from report #2)

Possible Headline: “Airliner crashes during low level flight.”

To add to the already high level DreamSeer score here, I do believe that these recent airliners were relatively low. In other words, they were just climbing to their intended altitude.

Thus, any more airline crashes or big plane crashes from here until the end of August will go under the above PA headline and not sky flash.


Next, we’re going to talk about the all-important sky flash theme and see whether we can clear up the important timing and location issues. Expect that by Monday.



Copyright 2014 (c) Chris McCleary. Except for quotes, all rights reserved.

By |2014-07-26T09:25:37+00:00July 26th, 2014|Came True, Project August|2 Comments

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  1. dean July 26, 2014 at 5:08 pm - Reply

    You mentioned Sky Flashes or lights with quakes, scientists have confirmed this as an actual thing, they are still unsure what causes it. Another sky flash is lightening and its rare companion sprites (which according to some scientists are becoming more common) the large amount of lightening in the West this summer is causing huge fires (and thus lots of ash). Still another is light shows caused by huge CME’s like the Carrington Event, people could read newspapers at night they were so bright, a lot of media talk lately how we just dodged a Carrington like event. Just some other possible flashes to think about.

    • ndcadmin July 26, 2014 at 5:26 pm - Reply

      Thanks, Dean. I’ll have the definitive guide for Sky Flash out on Monday, to include probabilities, timing, maybe even location data. As always, thanks Dean!

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