
Aug 1st: False Flag Averted, Virus Still on the Table…

Aug 1st: False Flag Averted, Virus Still on the Table…

Several Project Uno dreams have made some seriously staggering hits already. We’re within days from gametime (August 1st), and I have both good news and bad news.

The good news is that a false flag event predicted by one dream will not happen (or let me say that the percentages have drastically diminished) which is obviously fantastic news. However, a VIRUS dream has gotten monumentally stronger…not so good news for sure.

We are also investigating a third Uno dream that was highlighted yesterday during the racial tension article. Without offering news articles, the dreamer is now going to discuss the dream with the authorities in that area. A homicide occurred late last week that matches the dream headline, but some details do have to be ironed out, and I want to allow the dreamer to discuss the important dream material with the investigators. The last thing they need is a dream site trying to do their work for them.

Latest Update on Uno

Note: each of these points are based on individual dreams. Although all these dreamers have already proven their predictive abilities, predictions based on single dreams do seem to be the least reliable thus far from our Project August observations. Nonetheless, most of these dreams already have major hits associated with them, with very good timing…within a week of the target date (Aug 1st)!

Here’s what you need to know for the Uno dreams:

1. Possibly some sort of announcement from the Fed chairman. The dream did not include the nature of the announcement, but it appears that this dreamer is also geared for a big hit:

Is there anything the Fed could say to rock the market? Maybe this tweak

July 28, 2014, 9:40 AM ET Reuters

The Federal Reserve has a choice to make this week, whether or not to attempt to shake markets out of their complacency by highlighting that the first rate hike may come sooner than expected or that rates could rise faster than expected.

2. The risk of a false flag in Atlanta/Phoenix is now greatly reduced because this bomb-themed dream came true metaphorically with stunning accuracy (lucky for us it was metaphoric and not literal). So assuming that there isn’t a bomb incident in Atlanta or Phoenix, this dream/headline will be assessed as the best possible outcome. In other words, the dream/headline came true without it coming true (too bizarre to comprehend?)

3. Possible virus outbreak, and it might be MERS. This one got remarkably stronger just days ago with headline news. We’re hoping the news itself was the connection to this dream and not the actual virus outbreak. Regardless, here’s what you need to know

4. Risk of a Nazi-related incident in Michigan has been moderately reduced with recent headlines out of that state. Because that case is still open, we will not be providing details at this point.

5. A headline story about airborne toxins might be coming out. It appears to be dispensed from an airplane, and might even be related to chemtrails / climate engineering.

We’ll keep you updated on all these developing stories.

By |2014-07-29T00:33:56+00:00July 29th, 2014|Came True, Project Uno|3 Comments

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  1. Marissa July 31, 2014 at 4:28 pm - Reply

    http://mic.com/articles/95214/the-deadliest-ebola-outbreak-in-history-just-took-a-terrifying-turn?utm_source=policymicFB&utm_medium=main&utm_campaign=social I would say this is about the virus
    As it is already August the 1st and this would be the biggest story line there

  2. NativeAmericanDreamWeaver August 1, 2014 at 3:37 am - Reply

    Marissa, that is one of the biggest news stories, unfortunately no one was dreaming of that headline! LoL

    Hands down I believe the winner is:

    Drum roll please…. goes to Jennifer Joy

    MERS Virus goes Viral!


  3. NativeAmericanDreamWeaver August 1, 2014 at 3:53 am - Reply

    I have given my dream information to the authorities from my project Uno dream. Obviously they do not have a suspect in custody so my dream isn’t going to happen on August 1st 2014.

    I have to admit I was really upset when I saw her photo on the news because I didn’t want my project august dream to come true.

    Here is the latest news story…


    Here was the dream I posted for project Uno
    Possible headlines for August 1st 2014

    Two teen boys kill a teen girl, the boys have associations with the Nazi movement/party.

    The kids were parting in the back country when the Murder occurred, in Michigan.

    Grief, Loss.

    The mother of one of the boys says “My son didn’t kill anyone, don’t punish my son and ruin another family because of the loss of this young girls life.”

    ***In my dream there was blood on both of the boys hands, and there are others who know what happened but they are too scared to come forward***

    The details I emailed to Chris and the authorities only, I am still sitting on the edge of my seat to see how this one progresses.

    In the mean time I am unable to recall dreams, and seem to be blocking them out. Being a parent and seeing this in my dream was completely different when I saw the news headlines. I felt as though it was my own daughter I lost.

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