
Would you believe…A real fart invention predicted in Proj Aug!!

Would you believe…A real fart invention predicted in Proj Aug!!

Yes, I know everyone…there are much more pressing things to discuss, especially when sinkholes are opening and viruses are breaking out on Project Uno day, but I couldn’t resist…

I called it a joke when I put it into the second Proj Aug report. I wanted people to have fun with it. However, I did warn people about the level of emotion that was in this dream; it was indicative of something extraordinary. Here’s what I wrote:

Possble Headline: “Fart paper invented by burned-out housewife/entrepreneur!” I couldn’t pass this one up. Of course, I never expect this to be a headline in August, but the dream itself was too funny to ignore. I thought the dreamer deserved a little praise for submitting it, and I will reiterate that the dreamer did, in fact, rehearse the pre-sleep intention.

But that is exactly why I am hopeful for this particular dream. You see, of all the dreams we’ve had so far, this one has the most energy exuding from it. BY FAR this dream is the most lively and passionate dream submitted for Project August. 

So with that, isn’t it fitting that we have real-life news that comes out within one week of the intended month, and it has to do with a huge fart invention. In fact, we have a triple hit here from this Proj Aug headline: “Fart,” “Invented,” and “Entrepreneur.”

Ready for it?

Wait, one more thing. As I read the following news, all I can remember is reading Elyse’s emotional content in that dream. The emotions in the dream are exactly what exude from this inventor…and Elyse picked up on it several months prior!

British Man Builds Giant Fart Machine, Aims It At France

An inventor from Stamford in Lincolnshire has embarked on a project to build the world’s biggest fart machine – and then aim it straight at France. Colin Furze plans to place the machine on top of the white cliffs of Dover so that the French can hear it 21 miles away.

The bizarre invention will employ a giant pulse valveless engine, similar to those used in the Nazi V2 rockets. The noise that will be produced is meant to sound a bit like flatulence, so Furze says he thought it would be a good idea to house it in by specially constructed buttocks so that anyone looking through binoculars from France could see it.

I do have to say that the machine didn’t sound nearly as funny as I was expecting, but the dream emotions were clearly present in the small quorum of English onlookers. In the link below, you can actually watch a video of this absurdly strange invention!


Video: Wacky inventor Colin Furze fires flatulence noise at France from giant fart machine at The Warren near Folkestone | 24 July 2014 | by KentOnline reporter

A wacky inventor has today succeeded in sending a farting noise over the Channel to France… from a giant pair of buttocks in Kent!

Call this one a HIT and give it at least a 3.5 on the DreamSeer scale. Personally, I’m in sheer shock that this headline got ANY hits! But remember…when you see high levels of emotion in the dream, it could very well be talking to you…from the future!




By |2014-08-01T16:16:07+00:00August 1st, 2014|Came True, General News|3 Comments

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  1. james August 1, 2014 at 10:52 pm - Reply

    gives new meaning to that old Monty Python line …

    “I fart in your general direction!”

  2. Spencer August 2, 2014 at 6:09 am - Reply

    Rolling. I’m rolling on the floor while my wife rolls her eyes at this (really she’s rolling her eyes at me). This is exactly the type of scenario that solidifies the project! Great dream and great headline!!!

    Not only is this a hit, I want one. This is exactly the type of toy I would use to disrupt any Marshall law efforts.

    “You come at me with a tank? I fart on you.”

    It will confuse the oppressors AND defuse the fearful!

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