
A 3rd Dallas Hit: Are you blown away?

A 3rd Dallas Hit: Are you blown away?

Just like the previous bomb threat prediction, we are very pleased to announce that our third of four Dallas predictions has successfully come to pass without any loss of life. There has been extensive damage to someone’s property, but 5 children and their mother escaped a tragic situation that could have been total disaster.

The predictive headline stated, “On a sunny day, chemicals or oil spew from big tank somewhere in Dallas; Note: may be near day care center.”

Real-World News

…and the news out on August 26th is…

Woman, 5 children hurt in Dallas house explosion

Posted: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 4:28 pm | Updated: 7:05 pm, Tue Aug 26, 2014.

Associated Press | 0 comments

DALLAS (AP) — An explosion that was likely caused by a gas leak destroyed a Dallas family’s home on Tuesday and injured a woman and her five children, authorities said.

The blast happened after the children’s father had gone to work, Dallas Fire-Rescue spokesman Lt. Joel Lavender said.

Those who were hurt were taken to hospitals. Lavender said the mother was the most seriously injured, but he didn’t have more information about her condition. The children’s injuries weren’t considered life-threatening, he said.

Only the charred frame of the home was left standing after the explosion. “Bricks were off the house, glass blown across the street. Basically the house has suffered severe damage,” Lavender said.

He said they were working with Atmos Energy to determine what happened.

Atmos Energy spokeswoman Jennifer Altieri said utility workers found no indication of a gas leak in its system that would have contributed to the explosion.

She noted that Atmos only investigates its lines, which run to the house’s meter, and that lines from the meter into the home are a homeowner’s responsibility. It would be up to fire officials to examine those lines, she said.

Lavender said they are still investigating on the home’s property.

Angela Washington, who lives two doors down from the family, told The Dallas Morning News that she heard a “loud boom, like dynamite” and rushed outside. She said the woman and children were running out of their house, which was already completely engulfed in flames.

“They were crying. They were hysterical,” Washington said. “I could feel all the emotions they were going through.”



The new scoring system is formatted with 3 numbers that stand for WHAT – WHERE – WHEN.

WHAT: 5 out of 5 – In essence, our headline reiterates the story with very little error. Obviously it wasn’t a day care center, but rather a mother with a large number of children…sure sounds like day care! The day care aspect wasn’t technically required here, but it did very much add a high level of congruence to the story.

WHERE: 4 out of 5 — “gas leak destroyed a Dallas family’s home.” The city was a direct hit, and so this receives 4 out of 5. With more time we might have been able to get an address, but the article never talks about the house’s specific location anyway.

WHEN: 3 out of 5 – This is again the biggest detractor. We predicted close to the September 20/21 timeframe, which is almost a month off. By definition, that receives 3 points.

Summary: This sequence receives a combined score of 5 – 4 – 3. In the future, we’ll have further iterations of dreams to nail the exact location and time. Timing, by the way, continues to be our biggest challenge, this sequence being our 3rd big hit that happened immediately following the headlines being published.

This means that iterative dreaming must be conducted swiftly and purposefully in follow-on meme hunting. Nonetheless, this was a hit that deserves much celebration. Not only was the headline correctly formulated from seemingly strange and obscure phrasings and symbology, but we are grateful that the mother and kids are doing well (or at least that is what I gather from the AP story).

It almost appears that Paradigm 2 people are already beginning their protocols, even though the process hasn’t officially begun. I’ll have more on that tomorrow. Stay tuned!

By the way, our working thread for this story (i.e., the place where we consolidate information and develop headlines) was here: http://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=36&pid=235#pid235


By |2014-08-26T21:43:26+00:00August 26th, 2014|Came True|3 Comments

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  1. sherriann August 26, 2014 at 10:39 pm - Reply
    • ndcadmin August 27, 2014 at 12:54 am - Reply

      Well, I checked the linguistics, and there was nothing there that could have honed in on “Oak Cliff.” Anyone else see any metaphoric indications of Oak Cliff in the dreams? I’m thinking we should have done one more night of intentional dreams to get these finer details. Lessons learned on our way to perfection….

  2. A August 29, 2014 at 2:32 pm - Reply

    Chris, i will most likely not be back to your “site”. 3 rings or “paradigms” working seperated but together as turn dials moving tumblers on a lock. A Compass navigating a sea of potential.

    It has been a while since I have done the two clocks experiment. I’m sure you have something more advanced. I’m not sure if this will help your “dreamers” or not. I hope it does.

    Get two clocks. Set them in view across from your bed. Sync the times. When you go to sleep. Add the times together.

    9:00 and 9:00 =1800.

    Tap the total on the center of your fore head and say it out loud 3 “times”


    When you wake up, before you loon at the clocks say the total of each clock. Eventually, you should be able to keep track of the sensation of chronus time while asleep. This will greatly advance the subconscious ability to decypher actuality, the sub conscious operates mostly in “karious” time. The alignment both karious and chronic “time” gives us the sensation of “dejavu”. In that sensation, we gain greater accurate glimpse of the future. Once both are aligned, decernment is much easier.

    It is an experiment I came up with some odd years ago to assist in synchronization of both the sub conscious and conscious. It works amazingly well. I used 2 identical cheap alarm clocks I got from a major retailor. I know a few have tried it that I gave that tool to had amazing results, at honing their Precongnitive abilities.

    You need not reply, although it is good to see your thoughts.

    The velocity of life carries us all forward into the ever unfolding potential.

    With that, As the song goes, I must “ramble on.” Led Zeppelin.

    All the best in your ventures and adventures.


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