
Moving to Phase II: Comprehensive Scoring System

A new scoring system at the NDC will be starting immediately after Project August ends. This article outlines the overview of this new system and describes why it’s needed. Let’s begin with an example…Project August Headline #9 said: “Something in the Southern Hemisphere?” Can anyone tell me how this headline is at all useful? If we want to [...]

By |August 14th, 2014|Categories: Analyzing Dreams|0 Comments

Done with this: Taking it to the next level

Folks, August 14th will be a day of spelling out the next phase of NDC. Phase one might as well be considered a tremendous success, although the data still needs to be compiled to be sure we know what we're dealing with. But in the background, my mind is working on overdrive with new conceptualizations of Phase 2 [...]

By |August 14th, 2014|Categories: Announcements|0 Comments

Headline #90: Sparks fly to a near perfect score

This news deserves a whole separate article even though we've already covered it previously. Headline #90 was calling for major violence in a US metro area due to rioting AND we issued a non-Proj Aug warning about impending racial tensions. Because we've been consistently reading the collective unconscious, our readers have been privvy to receiving glimpses of the [...]

By |August 14th, 2014|Categories: Came True, Project August|0 Comments

Headline #1: Falling Knives

Since I've got a lot of personal business to attend to today, I'll make this one quick, and I'll make it about me. My only contribution for Project August (in terms of dreams) was the very first dream called Knife Juggling. Basically a woman and man were intently watching knives being thrown around, but I wasn't watching the [...]

By |August 13th, 2014|Categories: Came True, Project August|2 Comments

DreamForecast 8/12/2014: Hospital and Base Closures

If you’re new to the NDC, then welcome! We’re still in phase 1 of formulating predictions based on collective dreamwork, and thus some of the content seems dire and substantially negative. Stay tuned, though, because the success we’re having here will carry us directly into the next phase, where we actually get to choose the outcome ahead of [...]

By |August 12th, 2014|Categories: DreamForecast|1 Comment

More Hits: Hollywood and Guns

Let’s first look at the status of last week’s non-Proj Aug headlines. We had a lot of linguistical inferences, but came away with only two headlines: 1. Conflict over guns: Lawmakers clamp down on firearms 2. More storms in Hollywood: Shots heard at the Barrymore house What we'll find is that the trends were spot on, but the [...]

By |August 12th, 2014|Categories: Came True|0 Comments
Team 2