
DreamBot meets C2C and other exciting musings

DreamBot meets C2C and other exciting musings

Wanna see how the DreamBot reads C2C dreams? I took a very big risk with the DreamForecast this morning, and the results are quite astonishing to say the least. Plus, there are at least three solid explanations for how dreams ARE our future. Not only can dreams tell us our future, but they are quite literally equal to our future. As I explain this concept in depth, I also answer one of our guest’s excellent (but traditionally very tough) questions.

We’ll start off the post with a couple of comments/questions from the guests. First up, Dr. Bob writes:

For the last 30 years all of my dream premonitions have all come true. I would now like to share this information with others. I hope you will listen with an open mind.

With that level of confidence, who’s going to turn away from Dr. Bob’s information? Not me! Fire away, Bob, we’re all ready.

Then, Wanda writes to us:

I know that having dreams that predict future events runs in families as my mother and I both have this ability. But when I visit a close friend who is not related, we often share a dream. My friend will start telling me about a dream I can state what happened as well. How can this happen? I also dream about events and then when I see things on the news, I can tell everyone what will happen next, I even guided a driver in a car around an area I did not know by what I had dreamt.

If there was one thing I wanted to mention in the live show on Monday night with George Noory, it was the explanation of how dreams ARE our future. These gifts that people have that afford regular glimpses into the future are seemingly out of this world and unexplainable.

But people are ready for answers. There has to be real fundamental explanations, and part of those explanations are offered here. So basically I’m covering two questions in one post.

I have three different explanations for how the future can by synonymous with our dreams. The first two are absolute and cannot be circumvented. The last of the three is theory, but one that has just now entered prime time (mainstream science has almost completely adopted it as a major explanation for consciousness.) The last also is arguably the best of the three in answering our second guest’s question.

1. Day Residue

The first way that our dreams are synonymous to the future is the basic dream notion called “day residue.” Those who know what this is would invariably say, “What? Day residue is our past, not our future.”

In a way, they are right, but they don’t know the whole story. Day residue is nothing more than our experiences during the day that become the basic building blocks of our dreams at night. If you eat a lot of cake one day, then you might dream about eating a cake in your dream. That’s the day residue. Some of the day residue is metaphoric….if you spent the whole day with a friend named Sue, you might dream about a court case of someone getting sued. That’s day residue also because it’s based on your previous experiences.

But if you’re diligent about watching your day residue, it can give you a very strong idea about what kind of a future you’re creating for yourself. According to the law of attraction, that which you focus on, think about, emotionalize, and even strongly oppose, that is precisely what you are creating for yourself. Thus, your dreams are telling you your future condition.

For example: suppose you play lots of violent video games or watch lots of horror flicks. What sort of day residue would you expect to show up in your dreams? In my experience, I used to get some really scary dreams. Fear, impatience, and hate would fill my subconscious mind space (until I stopped feeding that crap to my mind).

Be careful here, because a lot of day residue is very subconscious and metaphoric. It takes dedication to see the trends involved and scrape away the natural bizarreness that typify our dreams. But the rewards of doing so are very revealing. It can explain a bout of depression, an underlying fear that prevents you from moving forward in life, and so much more. In short, day residue IS your future (at least part of it). Oh, yeah, and you can’t get around day residue at all—even you types that have the most literal precognitive dreams in the world!

2. Re-creating Dreams

At least some portion of what we consider precognitive dreams are nothing more than us recreating the dream in waking life. The idea is this: we wake up without really paying attention to the dream. We’re in a hurry and go about our day without ever really paying attention to the dream. Then all of a sudden, real life triggers a memory of the dream, and suddenly, the dream is recalled and it just happens to match the dream very precisely.

Precognition? Well, not always. You see, the dream itself is more in the unconscious terrain of the human mind, and the unconscious controls much of what we do during the day in wakeful activity (some people say up to about 95% of our activities are all subconscious). Basically, Freud’s unconscious has desires that it seeks to fulfill. One of these desires might be a dream memory.

So, without the agreement of the 5% that is still aware and conscious, our 95% unconscious is sneaking cookies out of the cookie jar or self-sabotaging ourselves all because it got the idea from the dream! The term might be called Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.

Now, one my first articles on this blog was a concept called Conscious RE-creating (as opposed to conscious co-creating). The concept is that if we can bring all the unconscious dream memories to the surface and become consciously aware of them, we can then mindfully choose which dream memories to employ in our life (because we consciously like the ideas) or we can purposefully turn off other dream memories that we don’t want in our life.

Fulfilling dream memories is a very common form of creating our future, but it’s normally done all under the radar.

3. Integrated Information Theory (IIT)

This relatively new theory seeks to explain the nature of consciousness. It just got a kickstart a few years ago when Christof Koch endorsed it and brought the whole mainstream science on board at the same time.

The theory basically states that consciousness is everywhere and can be described like weight and mass. It is made up of infinite amounts of networks like brain synapses, cell functions, nerve function, earth’s electromagnetic field, and so much more. You can’t get away from it. Consciousness is all connected and everywhere.

What’s more is that every one of these networks holds information (thus the name of the theory). They’re all integrated together and they all hold information. And finally, the information they hold is orderly and timeless. It falls outside timespace and so the past, the future, and present time all coalesce into Now (hmmm, sounds very mystical).

Okay, so now you’re lying down at night totally oblivious to the timeless networks that are touching your body-mind all night while you’re dreaming. Your body is completely relaxed, which makes this subtle effect much more pronounced than when you’re in the alpha waves in daytime activity. Thus, the subtle effects of the IIT timeless information is influencing your dreams. Every single night, all night long, you’re being influenced by the past and the future.

Therefore, I find it amazing that 100 years ago, the mystical psychologist Carl Jung would argue that dreams have images and information about future events….all dreams, that is. And that is third reason why dreams ARE our future. It’s quite literal and quite meaningful.

Today’s Unique DreamForecast

I took a big risk today, but I thought it was a very interesting project. Since we had a gazillion dreams enter the database yesterday (we’re VERY pleased, by the way), I decided to conduct a quick scan of the C2C portion of the collective unconscious (in other words, I ran the DreamBot on the dreams submitted by C2C listeners yesterday). Little did I know that I was headed for a real shocker…

For long-time readers, they probably have been accustomed to relatively neutral readings from the DreamBot. On occasion, you’ll see very positive swings, and some negative swings on other days (but not too extreme or worrisome.) So, here we go.

Off the DreamBot went, scouring only the non-Project August dreams that were input starting yesterday. When it returned, it had a Halloween costume on…I literally didn’t recognize it. Here’s the start: “Dog, Black, Old.” How’s that for a start? For the first time in DreamBot history, the word “Gun” shoots to #7 on the list and “DEAD” is smack dab in the middle.

So, phrases that are thrown at me from the linguistics processor include:

“Walking wave dead man”

“Dead man money woke”

“Ground wave coming man large woke”

“Man walking woke dead”

“Black old around ground”

“Coming wave large man near”

Not a lot of the phrases make complete sense, but I don’t think there’s any question that they’re very ominous. So, what do me make of this? For me, I’m worried about next week….is this what we’re going to create on the 19th when the chains come off?

NOPE, hold your horses. I then fed the DreamBot to the rest of the web, diluting the findings above, and here’s what resulted:

“Room” now at the top, but “Think” and “Old” stayed in #2 and 3. Big deal, what’s the rest say? “Night” is directly in the middle, while “Dead” is nowhere in sight. By the way, since Sunday, “Night” has moved down three notches, making it slightly more positive than before. Interestingly, “Weird” is exactly in the same spot (lower 1/3 in the hierarchy).

Another trend from Sunday is something very interesting, and this may be a huge indicator for next week. Toward the top, most of everything is still the same (“Car” is still not on the top as expected. “Think, old, around, sure” are still up there, too). However, “FEELING” has disappeared and replaced with “LOOKING.” Uh oh. Big time red flags here!

Feeling is our connection between each other. Its other name is emotion and even the more important word: INTUITION. Humanity has lost its intuition going into the last half of the week, right before the ending of the Grand Cardinal Cross. And instead of feeling connected, we’re relying on our sensory eyes from the materialistic plane to guide our steps. Folks, alarm bells are going off!

These short phrases seem to be singing the same tune even though the individual words may sound pleasant: “Kind feeling going.” There it is. Humanity is getting sucked down into the physical plane and as a result, kind feelings are disappearing.

What’s this all mean for the future? If we don’t act quick, and with gusto, trouble is almost guaranteed next week (starting on or around the 19th). Do you want to help stop this trend? Focus on pleasant thoughts. Concentrate on connectedness. Be the world you want to see.

Around a week left, let’s get this thing turned around. While you’re at it, focus on creativity in the human spirit. The word “Weird” is still making a strong presence. We can use that to our advantage. Weird doesn’t have to be bad or negative. We may see a new overunity machine, a new method of purifying water, Congress decides to end climate engineering. The possibilities are endless. Let’s see WEIRD working FOR US this time and not against us. Sound good?

Tomorrow, let’s talk about music in dreams and answer some questions. That is, if the DreamForecast allows it! See ya tomorrow.


Copyright © 2014 Chris McCleary. All rights reserved.

By |2014-05-14T01:45:12+00:00May 14th, 2014|DreamForecast, DreamOsophy|4 Comments

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  1. Judy May 14, 2014 at 5:13 am

    Chris a great read. Keep up the good work..

  2. ed early May 14, 2014 at 5:12 pm

    About the Florida coast in August?

  3. Lucky_japi_Go May 15, 2014 at 12:07 pm

    Where is dr. Bob’s dream or information within your site ? The suspense is killin me…Lucky_japi_Go… registered dreamer.

    • ndcadmin May 15, 2014 at 4:49 pm

      Dr. Bob, everyone’s waiting anxiously to hear your premonitions…. 🙂

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