
Vampires, Happy Humanity, and Project Uno

Vampires, Happy Humanity, and Project Uno

I could hardly believe my eyes…

When I rolled over to CNN last night to catch the latest headlines. It turns out that our DreamBot (fueled by our collective dreams) located an impossible headline topic that I honestly thought would have less than a zero percent chance of being fulfilled. Recall our article from the wee hours on the night of the 26th/ morning of 27th entitled Earthchanges, Cops, and Vampires. Because I gave the word “Vampire” very little credence in the overall report, here’s what I wrote on the matter:

In fact, the lower you go, the worse it gets. Take for example the bottom rung, where the word “Vampire” just pops right out…totally in your face.”

Notice that I didn’t even try to investigate the linguistics surrounding vampire because frankly there was too much juicy activity happening above that word. After all, the collective unconscious had already found the “Better Cop” and we were hypothesizing about “Dark person turn world” (the highest linguistics phrase).

I at least documented that the word was somewhere significant in our linguistics chart, but unfortunately, I didn’t save the adjoining words from that day’s DreamBot2 run. The closest two words from that run that I actually recorded were “jet” and “elevator.” So, obviously, I need a better mechanism of recording each run, for times like this!

So anyway….the CNN article was very high, garnering the #2 position in the upper left column. The article’s headline was “Vampire burial keeps myth alive.”

(CNN) — Popular literature would have it that the vampire’s preferred habitat is Transylvania (or, if you’re under 15, the slightly less glamorous Forks, Washington). But modern day vampire hunters might better focus their attention on a little-known area of northwestern Poland, where earlier this month a suspected vampire grave was exhumed.     Continue Reading…

The actual article was published on the 28th, but based on the URL, it looks like the article was actually written in about the same time that everyone’s dreams were coming in. Of course, many of the dreams were actually dreamt up to a week prior to the run, but there’s no way of telling whether the vampire dreams were early in the period or later (if I had the time, I could get this data, but going through hundreds of dreams is not something I feel like doing right now).

I’m now wondering if “elevator” had something to do with ‘below ground.’ It goes without saying how disappointed I am to have lost that data. I have Grady over at Nostracodeus.com looking to see how I can log and save each of my DreamBot runs for time like this.


Iron Down even more

Iron ore prices for May are now down 12 per cent for the month.” This is apparently wreaking havoc on the Aussie exchange. DreamBot has no further hints on where Iron Ore is headed from here, but we’ve certainly fully confirmed our original Dream Linguistics, that is for certain.

Airplane Watch

Did you know that the “NTSB is reporting a near miss between Alaska Airlines passenger jet and a cargo plane over Anchorage’s Fire Island south of the city’s main airport” on Wednesday, May 28th? They apparently came within ¼ mile of each other, which doesn’t sound too close, but when that happens in the middle of clouds, all bets are off.

Hopefully, this is as close as we get to the Airplane meme we’re watching.

The number one headline on CNN was the same meme as our number one DreamBot2 linguistics phrase from yesterday “Found Plane.” Except the actual CNN headline was 180 degrees off of that. Basically, they have NOT found the plane in their search of the Indian Ocean (surprised?)


Trying something NEW with the DreamBot!

I almost was going to call this DreamBot3, but there just wasn’t enough evidence yet that it deserves its own niche. Basically, I can now dissect the dream data in a little different manner, and I’ve decided to look at some of the key highlights that will better help determine the true, overall state of the collective unconscious.

I have a special mix of colors, emotions, numbers, and even some weather terms that I believe to be indicative of our overall mental states (we’re talking really big picture here). But because this hasn’t been tested at all yet, take this with a grain of salt. After some time of doing this, we’ll know whether one color is always more common than others, but we’ll also be able to see trends from each days’ run.

Okay, so if I had to guess at the state of the collective right now based on this new regimen, I would say, “pretty good!” At the very top of all words, is the pair “Black” and “Dark.” Of course, this doesn’t necessarily have to imply evil or bad, it’s just a marker that we take note of.

Next, we see the pair “Light” and “White” substantially lower than the previous pair (about 25% lower). Incidentally, the highest emotion is “Happy!” Now, of course, maybe happy is normally the most common, but I supply evidence below to show that it is not (or at least it hasn’t been during earlier research).

I found these tidbits that are apparently based on Calvin Hall’s excellent work with “content analysis.” The following 3 items were found at this link:

“The most common emotion experienced in dreams is anxiety.”

“Negative emotions are more common than positive ones.”

“The U.S. ranks the highest amongst industrialized nations for aggression in dreams with 50 percent of U.S. males reporting aggression in dreams, compared to 32 percent for Dutch men.”

Therefore, based on the stark difference from Hall’s work and this DreamBot run, I believe that Humanity right now is happier than normal. That’s EXCELLENT news! Just six points below that is another positive indicator: LOVE. Wow, is this just a transitory period, or has Humanity really ascended since Hall’s earlier research? OR, perhaps we have finally made that turn that we were anticipating from our very first linguistics analysis (see Blood Moon Dreams).

Furthermore, “Angry” is 50% of where “Happy” is, and “Fear” is just below “Anger.” We are slightly “Colder” that we are “Hot,” and we are “Crying” at exactly the same position as “Peace” exists (are we all happy but crying for peace?)

Weather inside the dreams can sometimes show the inner state of the dreamer…is it stormy in the mind or peaceful and sunny? Well, get this, the collective mind sees “Sunny” as the highest weather! “Cold” edges slightly higher than “hot.” “Dry is just below all that by about 7 points.

Okay, that’s it for the DreamForecast today, how about a new project to really stir things up today?



Project Uno

(Starts June 1st and ends June 30th)

No registration necessary (other than establishing a DreamBase account).

As we head into the final days before our #3 Project August report will be published, I have good news. We are going to introduce a parallel project called “Project Uno” for all you competitive dreamers out there. I wanted to do this as a totally separate project, but I just haven’t got the time to do it. Therefore, in order to make this thing work, I attached it to Project August.

The goal is to see who can dream up the biggest, international headline of the very first day in August 2014. More specifically, what will be the biggest, most popular headline of August 1, 2014? You must have dreamed of this headline…it must not have been imagined, meditated, etc. You must have had a sleeping dream of this headline in order to enter into this contest.

The procedures will be slightly different than Project August, but the main gist of Project August is still in tact. In fact, these dreams will still be considered Project August dreams (except they’ll be public).

Dreamers who want to participate will get only ONE ATTEMPT at a headline, and here’s how it will work:

1. Intend to dream about the biggest international headline for the 1st of August only.

2. In the morning, go to the Project August category in the DreamBase and type in your dream, but it will be slightly different.

3. When typing your dream, you must provide your dream details AND you must provide your anticipated Aug 1st headline by typing this: “BIGGEST HEADLINE ON AUGUST 1ST, 2014 WILL BE: [put your headline here]

4. Your headline must resemble the dream details you submitted either by way of metaphor or direct representation.

5. Each contestant will only get ONE attempt. If you try to submit a second headline dream, it will be denied.

6. All Project Uno dreams will be made public immediately, viewable by the general public, and they will all be under the “Project August” category.

7. The winner receives non-monetary accolades TBD. We have no money to offer, sorry, but I can offer free advertising or free facebook exposure, something along those lines. If you don’t care about privacy, I’ll post your mug on the front page and give you a chance to highlight yourself. If you do care about privacy, we can work something else out for you.

8. The actual headline on August 1st (the one that will be used to judge the winning dream) will be determined by me, Chris McCleary, on or about August 2, 2014. The winner may be announced right away or a considerable amount of time afterward (whatever is most convenient to me).

Don’t forget, these dreams go under Project August. I will know they are Project Uno dreams because of your expected headline in all caps at the end of the dream input. Also remember that you only get one chance, one input. If you don’t like the dream you got, just put it in as a regular Project August dream and try for Project Uno the next night.


If you have ANY questions, please ask them below so that others can benefit.



Copyright © 2014 Chris McCleary. Except for quotes, all rights reserved.

By |2014-05-30T00:40:46+00:00May 30th, 2014|DreamForecast, DreamNews, Project Uno|3 Comments

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  1. Sister Rosemarie May 30, 2014 at 10:51 am - Reply

    Peace, Chris,
    Have not read all of the above yet, but just wanted to submit my dream snippet for today. By the way, I saw a “lego” of a pilot in a helicopter who had rescued a Pakistani in joint enterprise with another Pakistani pilot, but you were focusing on America so I didn’t say anything. It was the joint branch of airforce Wing – Wing or something and the child was framed for burning a Quran and carrying ashes of it. Turns out she was framed by the Imam and now he is in jail. May have been the man in orange shorts i saw in one of my dreams.

    So the dream snippet this morning is that I am with someone named Sterling and we are looking at a fence where a train came very close.

    My brother had a friend named Sterling who is a heart surgeon, I think,
    so I was thinking of him until I turned on CNN and saw headlines of Sterling and 2 Billion sail of Clippers…

  2. sherriann May 30, 2014 at 4:35 pm - Reply

    I’m in a bit of a quandary here because I had the UNO dream about the time this notice manifested on DreamBlog, which means I had it on May 30 and not June 1 or after. I was going to post it to PA but after I saw the notice, I had to hold it back because, well, that was it. *L* Can I still post it as an UNO?

    • ndcadmin May 30, 2014 at 6:00 pm - Reply

      Sherriann, This is a great sign…almost precognitive in a way. AND you’re not the only one, so please go right ahead. I probably should have just opened it yesterday instead of opening on June 1st. No worries, go ahead and post it! 🙂

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