
Koo Volume 2 (amazing dream is now public)

Koo Volume 2 (amazing dream is now public)

This article is an extract from the recent Project August Report #4. The implications of this dream and the resulting research are simply too big to keep this tucked away from public view. In a nutshell, the dreamer was visited in her dream by a mysterious being and received (allegedly) important information about our world. This is but a snippet of that dream experience and the resulting research that ensued because of Project August. (Note: the full dream is at the bottom in the Appendix)

Please note that the actual dream was not mine, but from our dreamer code-named “Elyse.”

The section of the report was called…

Constellations: Is it Koo or Coup?

First part of the dream: “I can’t remember how I got there exactly, but I was floating in space. I felt warm and weightless, but I wasn’t floating aimlessly, I felt like I was being guided. I eventually came to rest at a place surrounded by many constellations and I heard a warm, gentle male voice call my name. He told me that very soon my world would change and he gently spun me around in space to face a set of constellations.”

I warned you that you wouldn’t want to miss this report, and this is one of the dreams that made me say that remark. This dream is a book in and of itself. Seriously.

So, she starts off getting shown a bunch of constellations and the history behind them.

Dreamer: “He told me that these constellations were those of “forgotten heroes”….He mentioned that the world had “purposefully forgotten” these heroes and that because of this, things have gotten much worse, much faster than it should have? When he had finished telling me about all of the other constellations, he turned me to face a HUGE constellation. This one was shaped like a man clad in armor.”

As a connoisseur of constellations, I know that there are several really big ones out there in the night sky. The biggest is Hydra, which is a super big snake, and number 2 is Virgo, whom I discussed in a recent post. To find the biggest hero, we’d go down to #5, Hercules, whose constellation looks somewhat like a spinning pinwheel. He was a big Roman hero who was actually adopted from ancient Greece. But this figure doesn’t have body armor because he’s busy beating up the big bad Hydra.

So, the biggest armor-clad constellation that’s also a hero is probably going to be the hero himself, Perseus, who was also named after Greek mythology. His constellation depicts him wielding a weapon in one hand and carrying Medusa’s head in the other. And of course he’s fully clad in armor.

But there’s a problem.

Dreamer: “He was holding up a huge shield as if he were protecting himself, but also he had a great, long spear that looked like he was about to thrust forward. It was still pointing upward, but slightly tilted forward.”

Perseus doesn’t have any hands free to hold a large shield, but someone else of the same constellation size might fit the bill: ……Orion.

Sometimes the mythology shows Orion with a dead animal, but other times, he has a bow and arrow. Personally, I gotta say that the constellation itself does look just like a shield in front of him, but different artists have rendered him different throughout the ages.

First picture is the actual constellation of Orion…check out the shield-looking shape out front; second picture is an artist rendition of the constellation…notice the animal out front. Third picture depicts a sword and shield, just as the dreamer discussed (first two pictures courtesy of the free Stellarium program, and the third picture was found here.)



The other information that supports Orion being the center of this dream is that he was well known to be a great big giant, which could explain the dreamer’s comment here:

Dreamer: “Itwas hard to tell if it was so big because it was bigger than the rest of the constellations or if I was just closer to it than the other ones.”

Nope…The constellation is big, but it appeared giant because Orion was a giant.

Why is this important?

Before I describe the next issue (the name), lemme jump to why all of this could be important (either metaphorically or literally).

Dreamer: “Anyway, this fellow either is or will be coming here (to earth) soon. The voice who had been speaking to me didn’t give me a lot of information about this constellation like he did the others… instead, he started warning me.

He told me that there was a “great evil” in the world now. It is everywhere. When he told me it was everywhere, I saw hundreds of images in my head ALL AT ONCE. It felt really weird. The images were that of Televisions, backyards, schools, churches, computers, random crowds of people, the white house, the sky, gardens and LOTS of other things. One was even of a bottle of water…”

Got your attention yet? This character is either metaphorically or literally coming to this planet (if the dream material is speaking truth). Now get this…in a separate blog, I wrote about ISIS and how there’s just so much of this archetype everywhere, not just in the Middle East. This includes a brand new Egyptian president whose name is ISIS spelled backwards (SISI—I kid you not). ISIS is literally everywhere!

So now everyone’s asking, “Who cares?”

Orion is actually a constellation that has been emulated in structures around the world from Egypt to Arizona. A prominent theory is that the Giza pyramids were actually built in exact proportion to the Orion constellation, and there’s evidence to suggest that the Hopi tribes of Arizona did the same.

But even more importantly, (from Wikipedia…)

The stars of Orion were associated with Osiris, the sun-god of rebirth and the afterlife, by the ancient Egyptians

Wow….so Orion is the Egyptian sun god, Osiris. Osiris just happened to be joined to Isis, and they had son named Horus, aka Marduk. Now get this. Isis was actually a virgin, and the story between Osiris/Isis/Horus is actually strikingly similar to the story about Joseph/Mary/Jesus.

Now, just so I don’t ruffle any religious feathers, I’m not trying to prove anything here other than to say that Jung’s archetypes are definitely present in this whole dream exploration. We have a resurgence of the ISIS theme playing out on the world stage right now, and VERY prominently in the Middle East, just as I discussed in the ISIS article.

Now we have a dreamer who appears to have symbolically connected the second and third pieces of this puzzle. Incidentally, much of this happened on the same night. The dream about Orion takes place on the 9th of June, and tons of news comes out on the 9th about ISIS (note: not only did the mainstream news about Iraq’s ISIS come out, but other ISIS news made it big, too).

Isis is big now, but so is Osiris (as we’ll see later); thus, where’s their deity son?

Interim Specuation

So, can we make any inferences about this connection here? Are we in for an archetypical rebirth of society? What or who is going to be the new Horus? Is Jesus coming in August? Is Doloros Cannon’s New Earth going to be birthing in August?

My question is…isn’t this character Orion/Osiris already here? In mythology, Orion threatened to kill every animal on the planet. Well, look at all the birds falling from the sky and all the species going instinct. Isn’t this a metaphoric display of the Orion threat taking place before our eyes?

YES says the archetype! The fact that Orion is already here killing all the animals AND the fact that Isis is everywhere in daily headlines confirms that the Horus/Jesus/Rebirth could be right around the corner!

I couldn’t imagine that headlines would even be around for something like this, but what if it’s a metaphor for the long-awaited global reset? Heck, even mainstream has mentioned this concept before. Therefore,

Recall from the first report that we had an interesting character called Kokopelli: “Kokopelli is a fertility deity.” Holy crap…this is actually overlapping dream material from the first report!

Possible Headline: Global reset will now happen. Countries agree to apply new currency values as of [xyz—date unknown—August?] (I’m guessing this is a headline only and the actual reset might happen later)

We need to return to the dream because there’s an issue we need to explore further…

Back to the Name – Koo

Dreamer: “He told me the name of this guy was Koo-Curiosus. I thought the first part of the name sounded funny, so I held onto it in my mind by remembering “goo” with a K… but perhaps it is spelt coo, ku, or cu? As for the second part… I THINK it was curiosus… but it could be something close to that.

Okay, so Koo (or Ku) has tons of inferences in a Google search. First, Ku stand for the chemical element kurchatovium, whatever that means. We also have the frequency band Ku: “Ku-band uses frequencies between 12-18 GHz.” I won’t even acknowledge the band of white-robed idiots that went around terrorizing people in decades past.

But ancient languages might be the most appropriate:

Sumerian lexicon says that Ku means “to base, found, build”

In Latin, the syllable Ku simply is a sound for the letter Q. Could this imply the word Queen (or back to the Isis archetype?)

Of course, the first part, Ku, might simply be the beginning of the second name, and in fact, that’s exactly how the Latin translation lays it out:

“curiosus (Latin) / Origin & history: From cūra (care, concern, worry).

Pronunciation (Classical): IPA: /kuː.riˈoː.sus/


   – Careful, diligent, thoughtful, devoted.

   – Elaborate, complicated.

   – That injures himself by care; careworn, emaciated, wasted, lean.

   – in a good sense – Curious, inquisitive.

   – in a bad sense – Meddlesome, officious, prying, interfering, curious, inquisitive.

   – substantive – One who pries; a spy or scout; secret police, informer.”

The reason that Latin is important is because this is where most of the constellation names came from (in addition to ancient Greece).

Fast Forward right back to the beginning

This is the point where I really started doing some really deep research, and I got some pretty profound results. Without going into a whole new full-blown research project, let me try and skinny it down for everyone.

The Egyptians and Hopi weren’t the only ones mesmerized by the Orion constellation….so were the Mayans. We already know that Orion was the Egyptian sun god, but now we know that the Mayan’s sun god was also in the constellation Orion (these words directly from a Mayan elder).

Would anyone like to guess the name of the Mayan god that happens to be in the Orion constellation? Answer: Hunab Ku. Yes, exactly…….wow!

Hunab Ku is actually the Orion Nebula that is situated directly in the middle of the Orion constellation. I find it amazing that ancient cultures saw something magnificent in this section of the Orion constellation, being that they supposedly only had the naked eye in which to see this. In my experience, the Orion Nebula looks just like an ordinary tiny star.

Here’s what Hunab Ku (Orion Nebula) looks like closer up. (I thought it was pretty cool to see a white/pink heart right in the middle of this thing, and in fact, the Mayans called this place the Heart of the Universe [more on that later].)

orion nebular

…and the picture below shows it’s exact position (it’s the middle tiny star in the vertical of three stars below Orion’s Belt; the vertical three stars represents Orion’s knife or sword):

orion nebula2

Furthermore, my research took me into what science has found out about Hunab Ku / Orion Nebula. Scientifically, it’s actually where new stars are born!

I kid you not. These are big-time astronomers we’re talking about here:

Cosmic dust unveils birthplace of stars in the Orion constellation (That was published in May 2012 of all months….May=Maya and   2012 was a big year for the Mayans and possibly humanity).

Now, if you want to get more esoteric here, we find out that…

All of the major ancient creation myths point to a beginning in Orion.  This includes the Sumerians, Egyptians, Olmecs, Dogon and the Mayans.  It is clear historically we are all worshiping the same God.  These Vatican artists were separated by thousands of years from ancient cultural spiritual ideology yet they too capture the origin of worship to the Orion nebula.  These artist have validated what the Hubble Telescope captured as exact and irrefutable evidence of  a link between Earth, Man and Orion.

If you go anywhere on the web that connects spirituality and this Orion nebula, you’ll most likely come across the concept of Christ Consciousness, which Edgar Cayce said was the “Holy Spirit.”

Okay, so basically we have a dreamer that was clearly visited by the god from the Orion nebula, and we’ve skimmed history to see a correlation among all god-like origins (can we rule out coincidence on all this yet?) But wait….there’s much more even!

Back to the Name – Third and Final Try

The only thing we haven’t fully affirmed yet was the Curiosis aspect to the dream. First I suggest going back to the Latin definition and reading it as if this entity might be the same as described by the ancient texts of the Old Testament. Certainly not all of it applies, but it does tend to have a texture of what those books present. Maybe it’s just me.

Then again, the dreamer presents doubts as to the exact name. Based on my research and the connections we’ve made so far, I hypothesize that the name might have been more like ‘Ku of [something]’. The something would obviously be in or near Orion, and I came across a website during my research that names out all the stars in that constellation.

They all have a somewhat informal name and then the associated Latin “Orionis.” For example, Kappa Orionis, Lamda Orionis, Tau Orionis, Chi-1 Orionis, etc. Basically, they are ancient letters (mostly Greek) preceding the Latin word ‘Orionis’.

The sound Ku probably originates in the Roman Empire, where they derived the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics symbol and made it Q (pronounced Ku). So my hypothesis is that the entity that showed the dreamer the constellations was:

Q-Orionis, or Ku of Orionis.

Imagine if you only heard those words and weren’t allowed to see the words. Imagine how it might have sounded to our dreamer: ‘KOO-ree-oh-nis’ or ‘KOO-of-REE-oh-nis.’ That’s pretty doggon close to Curiosis or “KOO-ree-oh-sis.” In fact, it’s just one sound off (the ‘n’ instead of ‘s’ sound).

Conclusions to Koo

In conclusion to the constellation dream, there are four possible end-states (note: I’ll include the entire dream at the end of this report for those who want to really take it all in…there’s quite a few goodies and lessons for those who are interested—see appendix):

Possibility 1. While the information is pretty cool, all this research could mean nothing at all. Nothing happens.

Possibility 2. This dream might simply be telling us about the situation in the cosmos. In the past, our DreamBot has been spot on about celestial phenomenon (e.g., blood moons, Cardinal Cross alignments, etc). In this case, the Egyptian/Mayan/Hopi sun god (Orion) just happens to be transited by….well, the Sun! Don’t believe me? Here’s today’s snapshot of the cosmos on my Stellarium program (the sun is in between Gemini and Taurus, but just barely skirting Orion):


Could this be all it is…just telling us that the sun is close to the ancient Heart of the Universe? Somehow this explanation seems relevant but still incomplete.

Job 38:31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?

Possibility 3. God visited the dreamer to tell her our world is about to change drastically. For those who like this possibility, there’s even more to the story. Elyse goes back to sleep after this dream, and receives an amazing dream about BIRTH (full dream is provided in the appendix). The theme is undeniable because everyone in this dream is birthing lots of kids/kittens/etc. Incidentally, the dreamer picks up on the collective’s false understanding of birth (that it has to be painful).

Newsflash…births do NOT have to be painful, as my wife can attest in her multiple birth experiences (she’s a hypnobirthing practitioner, too). The point here: Life is about to change and it involves a birthing of something incredibly new, BUT, humanity is currently poised for a painful birth, and it doesn’t have to be painful….its up to us, the collective unconscious!

Possibility 4. Ditch all the celestial and goddess stuff presented here and say that Koo actually equals Coup. Now, this one is also a possibility, and not just because of this dream. We actually bring in another dream to overlap.

Dream Yoga Master sends us this fairly detailed dream:

“I am walking east to west across a nation that is quite large. After walking for a long time I approach the western end of the country. Several individuals walk up to me and inform me they are breaking away and forming their own nation. Behind the man are a tractor and a grain drill used for drilling grains such as wheat. The man turns around goes over to the tractor and drives it with the grain drill lowered into planting position into what they consider the border of their newly formed independent nation. For a while I follow behind watching as the man plants or drills into the earth the new grain seeds forming the outline of this new nation.”

Support for Probability 3 above:

Before we move out of the celestial body section, we MUST cover two more dreams because it infers the same sort of concept here. On June 6th, Eric dreamed this snippet ….

Suddenly and unexpectedly, an ancient relic emerges from the ground across the grass field behind. It is an enormous 100 ft. animate stone statue of an Egyptian war god who sits on a “throne of stone soldiers”

There would be some contention as to which Egyptian god this was referring to, but “war god” narrows it down a lot and Horus would be the best candidate because he was both the “first known national god” and a war god. More importantly for our purposes, he was the son of ISIS, and the god that emerged from the virgin, just as many others over the years: Ra (to the virgin Net), Attis (to the virgin Nana), Zeus (to virgin Persephone), Rama (to Vishnu and his virgin wife), Huitzilopotchli (to the ancient Mexican virgin, Coatlicue), and MANY more. The point is….this is further evidence of the emerging birth archetype….at a collective level.

Then, on the 11th of June, someone on the other side of the planet (‘Yoda’) dreamed this…

Drank 2 beers in the evening. Went to bed about 0:00, made my notices about 03:07

I’m member of a crew wich operates a huge simulator, like sim-city but much more enhanced, more like sim-earth or sim-planet. On the ultra wide screen in front of us I can see a river flowing in curves from right to left. The river has very steep waters edge, 90 degree steep and about half the width of the river deep. very unnatural. Amidst the river are snow-white isles. These isles have the same steep edge as the river and have exactly the same height, so that their upper side is flush with the surrounding. I explained the strange view to me with the knowledge that it is the result of a simulation.

The sky was partly (fifty-fifty) covered with dark clouds. The rims of the clouds were illuminated from low sun light. Could not see the sun itself. At the edge of the river there was standing an huge mass of uncountable people.

The people were in a state of expectation of something. Could not tell what they expected. Then someone from my simulator-crew says: “All various scenarios end similar. There is no difference in outcome.”

The title came spontaneously into my mind, just before writing down the dream. Maybe the mass of people waits for the journey to start…. (name of the dream: Journey Begins)

Possible Non-Headline: Attention all Earthlings…the journey has begun!



Constellation/Birthing Dream in Full:

I can’t remember how I got there exactly, but I was floating in space. I felt warm and weightless, but I wasn’t floating aimlessly, I felt like I was being guided. I eventually came to rest at a place surrounded by many constellations and I heard a warm, gentle male voice call my name. He told me that very soon my world would change and he gently spun me around in space to face a set of constellations.

 (Or at least I assume he was the one spinning me) He told me that these constellations were those of “forgotten heroes”. Each hero was portrayed as some kind of warrior, animal or mythical beast. He named each one and gave me a bit of the story behind it. I was shocked that a few that he mentioned were part of the crusades. Aside from the crusades, however, I didn’t recognize many of the battles he told me about, the rest I forgot.

 He mentioned that the world had “purposefully forgotten” these heroes and that because of this, things have gotten much worse, much faster than it should have? When he had finished telling me about all of the other constellations, he turned me to face a HUGE constellation. This one was shaped like a man clad in armor. He was holding up a huge shield as if he were protecting himself, but also he had a great, long spear that looked like he was about to thrust forward. It was still pointing upward, but slightly tilted forward. It was hard to tell if it was so big because it was bigger than the rest of the constellations or if I was just closer to it than the other ones. He told me the name of this guy was Koo-Curiosus. I thought the first part of the name sounded funny, so I held onto it in my mind by remembering “goo” with a K… but perhaps it is spelt coo, ku, or cu? As for the second part… I THINK it was curiosus… but it could be something close to that. It reminded me of the name Clavacus that I had in another dream… Anyway, this Koo fellow either is or will be coming here (to earth) soon. The voice who had been speaking to me didn’t give me a lot of information about this constellation like he did the others… instead, he started warning me. He told me that there was a “great evil” in the world now. It is everywhere. When he told me it was everywhere, I saw hundreds of images in my head ALL AT ONCE. It felt really weird. The images were that of Televisions, backyards, schools, churches, computers, random crowds of people, the white house, the sky, gardens and LOTS of other things. One was even of a bottle of water… Then he told me that soon, any who were religious or “peace seekers” would have no choice but to “pick up their swords”. He told me that the great evil had been sacrificing themselves and innocents to their Lord, and that soon, those that sought peace would also have to sacrifice themselves. I thought to myself that this was unfair… if evil was killing those who were good AND also sacrificing themselves, then if the good started sacrificing themselves as well… maybe there would be no good left. I guess he could read my mind, because he told me not to worry. The “righteous and valiant” have already won, and that is why the constellation was in the sky… but the pain and suffering endured would depend on those on earth now and their willingness to “pick up a sword and seek the truth” with Koo. I woke up from this dream feeling warm and fuzzy. Even though the message was a bit grim, it was nice that it had (or will have) a happy ending.

 My boys were still asleep, so I decided to catch a little nap before I had to start the day… This time I dreamt that I was sharing my home with another woman. She looked familiar to me somehow, but I don’t think I know her. I was pregnant, she was pregnant, and even the cat was pregnant. I had fallen asleep in the dream, and woke up in a HUGE amount of pain to find out that I had given birth while asleep. Of course… there was a lot of cleaning to do now so that I could keep the baby in a clean area… also, I didn’t have time to wallow in pain… I had three boys that also needed me. I managed to clean the baby up and wrap he/she in clean sheets and change the bedding before I heard horrible screaming coming from the living room. The woman staying with me was also giving birth, so I ran to get some towels and warm water, stopping constantly to lean on the wall for a second or two when I found it too hard to take another step. It seemed like her baby’s head was stuck, and (as horrible as it sounds) I had to turn it. I don’t know how I managed to do this, but I somehow managed and the baby came out with no further issues. I cleaned myself up and gathered my boys in their playroom, so that I could check on my new baby lying in the middle of my bed. He/she was doing fine and sleeping soundly… but then I heard tiny cries in my bathroom… when I opened the door, the CAT was having kittens! Good grief! There were kittens EVERYWHERE, many had not even been cleaned yet, and one was lying still in its bubble on the floor… I was frightened it had died. I cleaned everything off of him and rubbed him as he lied limp in my hand. I opened its tiny mouth and blew into its nose and mouth while rubbing it’s belly. After a while, it started coughing and gave me little kitten squeaks. Words cannot express how relieved I was. It looked like the Mama cat (we call her Fuzzy) had been ignoring the other kittens because she had other problems. Her last kitten was stuck as well. I massaged her belly and talked to her sweetly, and eventually the kitten was birthed. I helped her clean all of the kittens, and made sure that they were all gathered around her before I left out again. The woman in the living room was still crying out in pain. I by no means felt well either, but SOMEONE had to hold it together in there. I thought that now would probably be the best time to call my husband and inform him that I just had a baby… I grabbed a phone, only to find that there was no service. This was a game changer, because with two newborns in the house, we NEEDED a phone… what if we had some kind of complications? After all… that woman was still screaming in pain …

 A strange man appeared in front of me and told me that if I participated in his game, he would not only fix the phone, but bring my husband directly to me. Well, considering I had very little choice, I agreed. The game would teleport you into the presence of a complete stranger for a short amount of time, then back. But you never knew WHO you would meet. It could be an ax murderer… it could be an angel…

 I was transported into a room with a returned American solder. He was sitting up in a bed. His legs had been completely crushed… and they had not been amputated. The poor guy just lied there. He seemed to be in pain, but either it wasn’t too bad, or he had some mean self-control or mind-over-matter techniques. He told me that his legs had been crushed while he was at war, and when he got home, he found that he no longer had any family and he had no access to any kind of VA care. I felt horrible. I asked several times if there was anything I could do and he replied “Just sit and talk to me.” He told me that he had been treated like a criminal since he came home. He could barely pay his bills, and shortly he would be out living on the street. I couldn’t hold back the tears and I started crying… when I cried, I was transported back into my home holding the phone.

 There was a ringtone now, but I hung up the phone, and went searching for the man who sent me to play his cruddy little game. There was a portal in my kitchen that opened into a creepy looking place; I saw the man inside. He was on the phone. I walked into the portal and tried to talk to the man, and he waved his hand at me, as if to tell me to go away. I got angry and slapped the phone out of his hand then demanded to know who the solder was that I had just met. He grinned and told me that he couldn’t tell me… it was the rules of the game… I was transported back into my home. The portal was gone now. I felt empty and defeated. I felt like I needed to find that soldier… but how? The woman in my home, who had just had her baby, sent me to fetch her some food and drink. She was whining about how much pain she was in. (It was her first baby… I guess she had no idea that the after pain is MUCH worse for each one after…) Every part of me was tired, hurt, upset, and frustrated… so, it was hard for me to hold my tongue and not tell her to “Suck it up…” I saw that my boys had fallen asleep, my new baby was asleep, and even the kittens and their mother was asleep. I was trying to keep my mind off of the pain… ALL of the pain, both physical and emotional… I went to wash the little bit of dishes that were sitting in the sink and the woman brought her dirty plate and cup to me. When she saw the small pile of dishes in the sink, she commented on how she keeps her home spotless and how she never understood women that let dishes sit in the sink. She told me that she understood that I had my hands full, but that maybe I should have thought harder about having so many children. It takes a lot to anger or upset me… but this woman had managed to do it with very little effort. Here I was taking care of her, her baby, my children, my new baby, an unnaturally large litter of kittens, while coping with excruciating pain and washing dishes… and she complains about me being a poor housekeeper and the size of my family? I woke up before I got to tell her how I felt…

By |2014-06-26T07:19:10+00:00June 26th, 2014|DreamNews, DreamOsophy, Project August|3 Comments

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  1. Sr Rosemarie Stevens June 26, 2014 at 9:26 am - Reply

    Yes, really a beautiful dream… thank you for all the work you put into it… after I entered the two dreams from last night I went to my morning prayer and this was from St. Gregory of Nyssa mentioning pillar and dizziness… I was dizzy the night before last…

    Consider the feelings of a man who looks down into the depths of the sea from the top of a mountain. This is similar to my own experience when the voice of the Lord from on high, as from a mountaintop, reached the unfathomable depths of my intellect. Along the seacoast, you may often see mountains facing the sea. It is as though they had been sliced in two, with a sheer drop fro top to bottom. At the top a projection forms a ledge overhanging the depths below. If a man were to look down from that ledge, he would be overcome by dizziness. In this same way my soul grows dizzy when it hears the great voice of the Lord saying : Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God.

    The vision of God is offered to those who have purified their hearts. Yet, no man has seen God at any time. These are the words of the great St John and they are confirmed by St Paul’s lofty thought in the words; God is he whom no has seen or can see. He is that smooth, steep and sheer rock, on which the mind can find no secure resting place to get a grip or lift ourselves up. In the view of Moses, he is inaccessible. In spite of every effort, our minds cannot approach him. We are cut off by the words: No man can see God and live. And yet to see God is eternal life. But John, Paul and Moses, pillars of our faith, all testify that it is impossible to see God. Look at the dizziness that affects the soul dreawn to contemplating the depths of these statements If God is life, then he who does not see God does not see life. Yet God cannot be seen; the apostles and prophets inspired by the Holy Spirit, have testified to this. Into what straits is man’s hope driven!

    Yet God does raise and sustain our flagging hopes. He rescued Peter from drowning and and the sea into a firm surface beneath his feet. He does the same for us; the hands of the Word of God are stretched out to us when we are out of our depth, buffeted and lost in speculation. Grasped firmly in his hands, we shall be without fear: Blessed are the pure of heart, he says, for they shall see God.

  2. cj June 27, 2014 at 8:09 am - Reply

    I love your in depth constellation/historical dot connecting research.

    You said –

    “In this case, the Egyptian/Mayan/Hopi sun god (Orion) just happens to be transited by….well, the Sun!

    “Could this be all it is…just telling us that the sun is close to the ancient Heart of the Universe? Somehow this explanation seems relevant but still incomplete.”

    How many people realize sun = sol = soul
    We are the solution…

    All this talk of consciousness, Christ consciousness, people are realizing life is empty without recognizing ones soul.
    (What’s it all about, Alfie”)
    And to boot, there is a Soul car by Kia.
    From the Soul car page “build your soul” :”)

  3. Julie June 28, 2014 at 11:59 am - Reply

    I am sitting here smiling as I read this post. I am so thankful that I found this site where people actually take dreams seriously. Thanks! Oh, and you are so right when you said: Attention all Earthlings…the journey has begun!

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