
Gold: What exactly is DreamBot seeing?

Gold: What exactly is DreamBot seeing?

In the last DreamForecast, we found out that Mr. DreamBot was spotting something fishy going on in the Gold market. Of course, in today’s day and age, High Finance and Fishy go hand in hand, so what could possibly be strange here?

We were particularly intrigued by the way the linguistics phrase came out, as it implied that the coming gold-backed monetary system just will not work, except the timing was more imminent then that. So, we inferred that collapse in gold prices was coming. The phrase was…

Finished gold bar system known acting crash totally”

That DreamBot run was conducted on July 28th, and published a day later. Then, on the 30th, we stumbled upon what could be a significant story coming out of the Ukraine, and it specifically talks about how gold bars are (or were) being maneuvered around the world for one reason or another.

A while back, we had Germany trying and apparently failing to repatriate their gold reserves from the US vaults, and I regretfully did not even consider this aspect of what the linguistics called the “Gold bar system” in my earlier analysis. Nonetheless, I think we’re finally onto something here with this new article.

It’s definitely worth a full look yourself, but the gist is that there might be a connection between the old Ukrainian leader, Yanukovich, and some alleged dealings with physical gold shipments. If the sources are right, we’re talking about a tightly-packed, worldwide gold-charades that might come unhinged at some point.

The events appear to coincide such that debt was exchanged for gold. One party was the Ukraine and the other the United States. Of course, the closer we get to truth, the more discretion that is required, but the exchange (if correct) has a couple of obvious interpretations. John Goss’ summary is this…

Though it might be argued that the US is merely holding the gold on Ukraine’s behalf, it is a fact that what was once Ukraine’s gold is now with the country that funded regime change in Ukraine. Germany, which had kept its gold reserves in the US to prevent them from falling into Russian hands, failed in a recent campaign to get its 3,386-ton gold reserve repatriated and, in a face-saving statement, reported that it now believes that the US federal reserve is an honest broker.

This brings us back to the DreamBot phrase, and whether something big is about to unravel. Gross seems to think that the Malaysia shootdown and the recent US sanctions on Russia are all related to this gold-based juggernaut.

For example, perhaps Ft Knox is called out, “No gold here!” Or perhaps multiple countries are demanding gold repatriation.

In the past, high finance was able to keep the lid on these dark games, but is that about to end? Or were we right to begin with…the gold market is about to collapse again? Perhaps nothing about gold is about to collapse…maybe DreamBot is wrong for once.

But if it is right, what would be the timing on all this? Well, in that previous DreamForecast, there was a significant inference about “Week” and “Month,” and so we’re expecting that if something were to break down in this situation (or a general breakdown in the regular gold market) it would probably be in the last 3 weeks in August 2014.

Keep in mind, this has nothing to do with Project August, although if we want to bring in those dreams, then that means China will somehow appear in the mix.


In conclusion, this additional news article isn’t fulfillment on our linguisticst necessarily, but it certainly adds considerable context for a possible gold crash. Here are a couple of thoughts that are primarily based on the DreamBot linguistics (possible outcomes):

1. The linguistics is simply hogwash (nothing happens). Note: this version of the DreamBot does have several months worth of vetting with remarkable results. However, the statistics are not robust enough to make any reliability estimates here.

2. The word “gold” in the linguistics might have actually been metaphoric for money in general. Based on the broader dream content, this metaphor would tie into a stock market crash very nicely. In fact, some would say that a crash is imminent.

3. “Gold bar system known acting” could very well mean that the public suddenly knows that the whole gold market is all hinged upon paper…in other words, it’s not really a gold bar system–they were merely acting like it was based on gold.

If this last interpretation is correct, then placing that into the full linguistics, we see that the “Gold Bar System” illusion is “Finished,” and will “Crash Totally”

“Finished gold bar system known acting crash totally”



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Copyright © 2014 Chris McCleary. Except for quotes, all rights reserved and any reference about this material requires a link back to this page.

By |2014-07-31T00:24:02+00:00July 31st, 2014|Came True, DreamNews, General News|9 Comments

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  1. dean July 31, 2014 at 2:23 am - Reply

    Sorry but got to call BS on this article linked, The US “did not fund regime change” hundreds of thousands of pissed off Ukrainians caused regime change, they were tired of Yanukovich corruption and taking orders from Moscow, Yanukovich is the same criminal who tried to poison his chief rival in 04 and scammed the Ukrainian nation out of billions. This conspiracy is strait from Putin’s propaganda channel RT, absolute lies like everything that comes from Putin. The people that idolize the Russian dictator (he is a dictator, just try to criticize him in Russia and see what happens)remind me of the people before WW2 that thought Mussolini and Hitler were great.

    • PeterH July 31, 2014 at 3:36 am - Reply

      Come out your hole or from under a rock and in the real world and wake up American.

      The ZioNazi owned and controlled evil cabal/dictatorships in Washington and Tel Aviv invested billions of $ in the last 20 years to get their ZioNazi puppets on power in the Ukraine to steal again (as in a big number of other countries) the gold and all wealth, to get regime change and to place their ZioNazi puppets with false flag MH17 (yes your “goverment” are serial murder/war criminals) in power there to ground a second evil fascist murderous apartheid-monster state IsraHell2.

      Everywhere those evils coward “goverments” grounding there false “democrazy” they make a real mess and killing baby’s, children and woman (their Agenda21=genocide)
      The very long time real ZioNazi propaganda and lies (Goebbels-like)exist in the ZioNazi owned media. Hitler 2 and Hitler 6 sits in Tel Aviv and Washington with other ones in the City of London and Hol…land.
      But the world is waking up and support the honest Putin (more then 180 countries) because they are sick of the lies and crimes of the USA(SSR).

      Regards from other ZioNazi dictatorships being the EU(SSR) and Hol…Land (Amsterdam) with interests to invest and live in a real free and honest country Russia from Putin who throw out the ZioNazi banksters and their Bolsheviks (which toke over the USA) after they made as usual a mess and the biggest real Holocausts ever with murdering over 100 million people in Russia and around 80 million in Ukraine.

    • john July 31, 2014 at 10:36 am - Reply

      The U S has been involved in every regime change in the past 50 yrs. That’s why the results are starting to come home to roost and they won’t stop until the whole system breaks.

  2. Spencer July 31, 2014 at 6:13 am - Reply

    I’ve been following gold and silver for decades. One thing that is certain is that I notice big US investors love to try and manipulate silver (and are very good at manipulating price). Whereas they are NOT very good at manipulating gold prices. This is where the Europeans are talented (at least on paper). The real gold is being moved to Asia. China has been collecting gold by the tanker load for the past few years. China has been in an asset accumulation phase of their economy while the fiat countries hedge against the accumulation phase.

    What we have been watching is two opposite strategies working together to create the same desired effect which is – a slow upward movement of gold price. Meanwhile, the US players have been quietly “teeing up” silver for an unknown revealing of some sort. Silver has been suppressed while gold has been allowed to climb. However, some fed/London suppression on gold has also been taking place at the same time. The gold suppression has only been a paper tiger though. Not exactly sure as to the purpose of the attempt on gold suppression except to prop up the dollar, but it seems to have a much more significant underlying reasoning which only time will tell.

    Bottom line opinion?

    If gold is involved in some sort of “crash” it probably will be revolving around a battle between those who have the authority to manipulate gold and those who have the authority to manipulate silver; the fog of money war will bring a financial dust cloud with it. Who will win? This is hard to project, but one thing is for sure…

    The global main street economy will lose out while the Titans bang heads.

    So – JUST SPECULATION HERE – I will suggest that the crash is an economic crash / stock market crash and the winners once the smoke clears are going to be the ones who hold gold and silver. The only question is… Who would have profited the MOST based on the position they held before the fog of war began?

    It’s kind of like this analogy:

    Let’s say you were consciously deciding to pull a fast one on your bank and decided to allow the bank to foreclose on your house. Why would you do this? Well, you noticed your home value plummeted in the housing crash and are now mad that your mortgage balance is magically higher than the market price of your home. Meanwhile everyone else’s house around you is in the same position. So you take all the money out of your bank, 401k, IRA, and mutual funds. Once this money clears, you buy as much gold or silver as you possibly can and stick it in a portable safe/secured location and keep it for later.

    Then the bank forecloses and two things can happen. You can either get served and then evicted, or you can move on to your next location and wait.

    2 years goes by and the house you left has now been sitting on the market the entire time.

    You have also filed bankruptcy since your withdrawl and you still have your gold because there is no way for the govt to find it or get it (because you claimed to have spent it all on various items related to your financial hardship).

    Now your house goes up for auction since the bank cannot keep it on the books any longer.

    You show up with your gold (money you actually just deposited a few weeks earlier by this point) and buy your house back for cash.

    IT’s a win for the calculated mind. You consciously planned it out, so there was no stress on your part. You did not file bankruptcy because the bank made you do it, you chose to do it in a premeditated manner.

    *This is the type of actions we could be facing. The large players have already sold their paper holdings to place their money into their positions. Now we soon get to see the tablecloth yanked out from underneath the dishes.*

    I am only using an example I helped someone plan, but this same tool is available to all entrepreneurs in America. It’s called a “planned” Chapter 7. It’s the golden parachute. It is mostly used in higher socioeconomic circles, but this strategy has been used more and more in recent years by the upper middle class as well.

    All I can say is expect the middle stages of this similar strategy to be revealed soon… in SPECTACULAR fashion.

  3. charlie July 31, 2014 at 10:59 am - Reply

    I believe Putin maybe re collecting all the gold that was stolen when the USSR was bankrupted by the Wanta/Reagan gang along with Bush 1 .When the towers came down I’m certain 242 billion of bonds were due for payment the next day and the two gangs (gubb a mints) have been jockeying for power ever since but unfortunately for the gangs the whole world is awakening rapidly and the top tier of this world are either going to wipe us minnions out or they are going to hell in their handbaskets.

  4. pollyann July 31, 2014 at 11:42 am - Reply

    Gigi is a long time poster at Rumor Mill News and always has something interesting to report. I had not been keeping up with her occasional posts at RMN but caught this recently:


  5. Clawsy August 5, 2014 at 2:35 pm - Reply

    Perhaps what they are portending is not the downfall of the Gold bar – but the downfall of the Gold bar paper market…….

    • ndcadmin August 5, 2014 at 2:38 pm - Reply

      I was thinking along the same lines. To outside observers, as the paper dies, it appears that gold is worthless, but the worth was all built on….well….fakeness. Great observation.

  6. JimT August 6, 2014 at 5:29 pm - Reply

    If you want to go in depth on gold go to King World News.You will find the story about Singapore becoming the new world headquarters for gold trading; outside of the grasp of the federal reserve manipulated gold comex.

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