
What’s Coming in Paradigm 3…in succinct words

Paradigm 3 incorporates two completely separate and contradictory teams. You might see them also referred to Group 1 and 2, Teams 1 and 2, or even Paradigms 1 and 2. Group/Team/Paradigm 1 will be our prophetic dreamers, remote viewers, seers, etc.. They will be helping us get a clearer picture of: 1. The current, authentic, pure state of [...]

By |August 24th, 2014|Categories: Paradigm 3|2 Comments

Scoring: Change 4 posted + Sherriann’s latest validated precog

Link: nationaldreamcenter.com/wp/how-to/score-a-dream/ This change is very profound, I believe. Historically, if dreams are to come true in real life, the bulk of them do so within a week (that is according to JM Debord, whose link is on the right sidebar). Therefore, it makes sense that people not be penalized if they are not given a specific date [...]

By |August 24th, 2014|Categories: Announcements|4 Comments

3D Printing: We have our first villain!

As we've stated before, 3D printing absolutely REQUIRES a villain, and now it begins. If you remember, 3D printing has just enough potential to pretty much wipe out every major areas of the manufacturing sector, including (but certainly not limited to) biomedical supples, plastics, telescopes, you name it. We've even written about how the military and prison systems [...]

By |August 24th, 2014|Categories: General News, Project August|0 Comments

What’s Paradigm 3

Intro: What is Paradigm3? Paradigm 3 is a new process of interacting with our collective reality. Currently, we seem to be tossed about, to and fro, by the two different forces affecting our daily experience. By not being aware of these forces, they both run havoc in our lives. Most people might accidently make the mistake of equating [...]

By |August 23rd, 2014|Categories: Paradigm 3|3 Comments

Scoring: More validations today and Change 3 added

Congrats to Sherriann, who receives her first validated dream and NativeAmericanDreamWeaver for yet another great hit. Doing some validations this morning got me to thinking about how we haven't defined which direction to score (news TO the dream or the dream TO the news). For USEFULNESS of precognition, we can't take a dream and try to inject it [...]

By |August 23rd, 2014|Categories: Scoring|0 Comments
Team 2