
DreamForecast: Humanity Waking, Vol 2

DreamForecast: Humanity Waking, Vol 2

Note: this article is part two of the latest Dreamforecast


This latest version of the linguistics basically serves to map out specific areas of the collective unconscious. We’ll look at various topic areas that typically arise in dreams to: 1) see what’s subtly surging in the collective unconscious 2) store meta-data on these areas for long-term storage and analysis.

We typically like to begin with the weather words that were discussed in the dreams. Weather is an interesting thing to explore in individual dreamwork because it could indicate the emotions going on inside the person. As such, it might indicate the weather from the past few days, or it also might pinpoint the weather in the future.


The results this week are significant because the biggest trend in the weather category is exactly what we’ve expected to see all along (but didn’t). The past few weeks have been all about floods, storms, and even cold stuff.

But this week the number one word is HOT, and it came to us via a very large jump of over 200%. Warm is #3 and Sun, #4. Shall we conclude that July and August will be “normal” as far as temps and summer heat? I’m not so sure, as small hail is tapping at our Arkansas home right now, with temperatures dropping like an iron weight!

Or, does this indicate that humanity is getting metaphorically hot (i.e., conflict and violence)? This question cannot be answered with any certainty until we explore further lingustics because there is absolutely too much day residue from recent hostilities throughout the world.


Weather and emotions do tend to work in unison, which bodes well for dream therapists who use dream weather to measure emotional context in the client.

This week, everyone will be FLOORED with the top emotional surge. Remember that typically, it’s sometimes fear and sometimes love. Other times we’ve seen a perfect split right down the middle.

This week’s emotional surge is: Nice, Calm, Smile, Happy, Love, PEACE (all in that order starting with a 214% increase for Nice and 108% increase for Peace).

This list, when added together, has a hit ratio of nearly 6 times the next grouping (Hurt, Scared, Angry, and Evil)! This meme is no accident. It’s purposeful and VERY unusual.

Folks, this is unprecedented and will absolutely infuriate the perpetual negativists. My how this resonates with DreamBot1…the Yin trying to break through to the other side. We might actually combine this also with the hot, sunny weather from above. Humanity is mirroring a bright sunny summer day.


Typically, we’ll either see White, Black, and Red with the highest number of returns, but we also throw in certain shades, such as Light and Dark, which are normally near the top.

“Light” was the biggest winner this week, and so is there any question that it matches everything else we’ve covered so far? White is number 2 and Red ahead of Black, which is somewhat strange (Black normally comes in ahead of Red and all the other colors).

The biggest surprise is Purple, which enjoyed a hefty 77% increase, except Violet dropped to zero from it average of 4 hits.

Locations – US Cities

Unfortunately, we haven’t had enough time to hunt down any connections between DreamBot locations and probabilities of big news affecting those locations. We present the locations just for grins, basically, and perhaps we’ll have some time later to go back and analyze whether there are any relevance to real life news.

We had a few big surprises this week, when it comes to locations. Dallas made a 63% increase to lead everyone else, and Chicago rose 43% in #2 position.

Seattle and Tucson were also decent gainers. Indy received a tickle as did Concord, Hollywood, Sacramento, Amarillo, and Aurora.

The biggest surprises were Atlanta and Phoenix with zero and one hit respectively.

Locations – US States

Is there any surprise that Texas (#1) and California (#2) are at the top of the list considering all the incredible memes that are happening now in these two states (immigrants and droughts being two mega trends).

The big question is whether this day residue or precognition. We’d have to look at the specific dream material to answer that question, and sorry…I don’t have the time for that unfortunately.

Let me move on with other definite surprises here: Alaska gets several hits, when it normally gets none, Oklahoma, Michigan, Minnesota, and Hawaii following suit here (getting unexplained hits when they typically get none).

Finally, since Georgia received zero hits when it normally receives at least some, that seems to match the lack of hits from the city of Atlanta. Does this mean that Georgia will not get the most newsworthy headlines in the next week or so? Something to look at, but again, this isn’t something we have any expertise on yet. Do plan to gain meaningful connections here in future installments.

Locations – Countries

Whoa…152% rise from Germany. Germany was the big winner last week, also. Since the World Cup, we hypothesized that this might simply be day residue from winning the grand ‘Futball’ championship, but this is now most certainly going beyond day residue.

The reason I say this is two-fold. First, Germany made a big jump last week, only to jump substantially even more this week. Plus, a growing but still very subtle trend in both the regular dreams AND the Project August dreams are the words “Nazi” and “swastika.”

Therefore, there seems to be a very important trend here, and I might even expect to see something largish coming out of either Germany or the Nazi-era. Timeframe? Ummm, I don’t know to be honest. These are two big jumps two weeks in a row, which does seem to imply “soon.”

Might these headlines be a warmup or fulfillment?




Remember the Germain-specific linguistics from last week were:

Stall browser queen generally tower relax German sub beside trapped ass
Egg Nazi analytics


Perhaps we’ll need a separate blog post just for Germany in the days ahead…

Other countries / continents that gave very impressive returns this week were (in order):

USA, Japan, Argentina, Africa, Europe, Iran, Russia, Singapore, Italy, Haiti, Netherlands, China. (Might as well throw in Armenia and Venezuala, although small hits)


Numbers: Back to Normal?

#1 is the undisputed #1, which is common in normal terms, but has been very uncommon in both Project August and the recent DreamForecasts.

Super duper valiant surges were expressed by atypical number sets and here they are: 12, 15, 19, 18, 20, 17.

The biggest surprises downward were 3, 4, and 6, with 3 being the worst loser.


Wow, there is absolutely no similarity to Project August dreams here, which should be noted as significant, since the dreams came from roughly the same period of time.

The top of this list is Beach (can you get any further than Proj Aug’s “Hill/Mountain”?)

In order, we then have Forest, Park, Ocean, Hill, Cliff, Cave, Sea

This is a stark contrast from recent runs, so this will be very interesting to see if any trends arise in the news. Unfortunately, this is similar to our location markers in that no connections can be made as far as whether a Beach event will happen or not.

Where we go from here

We’re actually still somewhat rooted in the formulative stages of the DreamBot, to the surprise of some people. You know what, though,, a truly impassioned view of any worthwhile mission would argue that their program is always in the formulative stage. In other words, we’re always trying to make this better, more powerful, more predictive.

The reason I say this is because we’re moving the regular DreamForecast closer to what we were doing for Project August. The reason why should be fairly obvious: Project August is working!

With over 30% hits on our memes (AND with a very decent 3.5 DreamSeer score average), it really is hard to argue that this system doesn’t work, especially since August hasn’t even started yet.

So, we’re taking the Project August methodology and moving as best we can toward the greater dream landscape. To be sure, there are LOTS of challenges here, but I don’t have time to go into all of those now.

Our first step will be to get our resident intuitive to try and take over how I handled the Project August dreams. She’s going to look at the DreamForecast and see whether the trends she identified in the dreams can somehow connect to, explain, describe, locate any of the trend data from the content above.

There’s really no limit to what we’re looking for here. Metaphors might overlap with locations and significant dream events. OR, perhaps the dreams will commonly explain what is happening in Germany, for example, to get a better idea for why “Germany” is making such a big run in the DreamBot linguistics.

The goal of all this will be to start publishing future headlines in our DreamForecasts. Hopoefully, you’ve noticed that the only headlines that have come out so far were for Project August. Now, we hope to make this a weekly event.

But remember, this is all new because bringing headline generation into the weekly DreamForecast will take plenty of planning, adaption, and learning. So, please be patient. It might even take a couple of weeks to get this ironed out, but perhaps not.

Our new dreamreader will get on the case tomorrow and get some thoughts / data back to me within hours to days. Check back by the end of the week, as some definitive forecasts might have been made by then.

Please don’t hold us to this, now, because we may also find some unexpected problems with the carryover.

Everyone be well, be blessed, and let us know if any of this speaks to you from a collective level.


Copyright © 2014 Chris McCleary. All rights reserved.

By |2014-07-23T19:04:24+00:00July 23rd, 2014|DreamForecast|2 Comments

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  1. cj July 23, 2014 at 8:04 pm - Reply

    So much going on, looks like a crescendo building.

    Germany info – pivotal…

    “Germany Secretly Planning on Joining BRICS, The DOLLAR WARS & Much More…”


    Fully detailed posts –
    Keep up the great work~!

  2. NativeAmericanDreamWeaver July 23, 2014 at 9:29 pm - Reply

    I have a friend that lives in Concord, and noticed just the other day that there was a small earthquake there, I am also noticing in the “Towns, cities, & States” that have come up that there are quite a few that reflect area’s of small earth quakes.

    I am a daily checker of the USGS since I live in the bay area of California, but there is another site I check as well which some may find surprising. This site shows the smaller quakes, if you zoom out it shows all of the US and all of the smaller quakes as well and you can see patterns emerge!


    On another note: Germany has been in the news a lot lately and for different reasons, one being the NSA Spying! I saw one news article that said Germans were contemplating going back to type writers to keep the NSA of their business.

    It will be interesting to see how the Germany phrase will play out in the week/weeks to come.

    Thank you again Chris for all of your hard work, and thank your wife for me too! Because behind every great man, is a great woman! 🙂

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