The Fate of Paradigm 3
Predicting and Creating. Regardless of whether anyone recognizes these two processes, just about every human on Earth is accomplishing them every minute of every day. Now take those processes and magnify the energy and intensity. You now have high energy and high frequency directly clashing with behind-the-scenes reality creation. It might actually be a legitimate metaphor to envision [...]
Aliens Stealing Brains: More Lessons in Dream Linguistics
This post is not the startling and mind-blowing research project that we saw from the Canadian shooting, the Dallas ebola ground zero patient, nor many of the Project August predictions. It’s probably more akin to the Heidi Klum double-top linguistics fan fare we got that predicted her magnificent Halloween outfit a month ago. This post is not nearly [...]
DreamBot4: Same old bot, brand new face
If it’s been looking pretty quiet here lately, I’ve done a great job at keeping the tremendous activity hidden. There are so many exciting things going on here I can hardly keep a lid on my enthusiasm. But I will, because I must….at least for another couple of weeks. Over the holidays I got a chance to really [...]
Project August Final Report (Summary)
Throughout the summer of 2014, a group of dreamers from all over the globe participated in a revolutionary dream initiative called Project August. Hosted by the National Dream Center (NDC), this 3.5 month collective project was designed to see how well a group of dreamers could intentionally see the future. Each participant accomplished a specific incubation protocol prior [...]
The Secret Mirror to Wall St., Part II
This is Part II in a series of posts. I recommend the reader start with Part I first, which has some necessary background information that will enhance and clarify what we’re covering here. Shortly after Project Año got underway, I received a most interesting message from someone I’ll call D.P.: The problem with such esoteric endeavors? Outside of [...]
For those with eyes to see: Secret mirror to Wall St.
Ingredients that went into this recipe include: 1 part utter shock, 1 part synchronicity, 1 part scientific research and 1 part otherly world. In addition, there are other overarching seasonings, including a sprinkle of equality, a drizzle of hope, and one gigantic heaping ladle of gratitude. I start off with what could be the best news of all....This [...]