Public Dreams
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- Tsunami / Earthquake Survivors (0 Replies)
- Wild Horses (7 Replies)
- Gun in Purse (0 Replies)
- Pipeline (1 Reply)
- OPEN DOORS (3 Replies)
- Earthquake Causes Office Building Collapse (6 Replies)
- Peaceful Cottage by a Lake (1 Reply)
- Not sure is really Prediction, about WikiLeaks I think (1 Reply)
- Odd dreams #3 more relevent here (0 Replies)
- 1 - 2 - 3 MORE PLAUSIBLE EXPLANATION (4 Replies)
- Swaggart dream, 10/9/16,am (7 Replies)
- Presidential Update (0 Replies)
- PREDICTION CAME TRUE: Grisly Murder (1 Reply)
- PREDICTION CAME TRUE ?: Cruise Ship Attacked or HIjacked (2 Replies)
- PREDICTION: Mountain Homes Collapse (6 Replies)
- PREDICTION CAME TRUE: Basketball rule change (1 Reply)
- Home Rules (0 Replies)
- 1 - 2 - 3 (2 Replies)
- Heading for shelter (2 Replies)
- Dream of revelation by Wiki leaks? Conspiracy between Hillary Trump (1 Reply)
- 6/9/2016 11:50pm Flooding in area that has never flooded before (26 Replies)
- Robertson dream, 10/8/16 (0 Replies)
- Intentioned dream, why are the Russians doing their nuclear drill (0 Replies)
- Opening a portal (3 Replies)
- Gators Everywhere (14 Replies)
- On the move (1 Reply)
- st patricks day (2 Replies)
- Santa Fe River Flooding 10/5 (3 Replies)
- Home Window and Doors are Barred from Exit (3 Replies)
- Proofing (1 Reply)