1st Non-PA headlines: 5.0 isn’t a bad start!

The National Dream Center has been conducting DreamForecasts all throughout the summer, but we have not issued any possible headlines like we did for Project August for several reasons that are beyond the scope of this article.

However, once we reached a significant threshold on successful Project August headlines, we knew the technology was strong enough to carry it over … Read more

DreamBot + Uno = “HELP!” A fuse about to light?

Important: If controversial topics enrage you, it might be best to skip this article. It is never the intention of the National Dream Center to push fear or anger into the public consciousness stream. However, at this juncture in human history, dreams are converging with reality, and we must report what we see.

Therefore, by proceeding past this warning, you … Read more

Cleaning up the Sky (Vol I)

Note: This article got too unwieldy. I was going to cover both Airplanes and Sky Flashes, but its way to lengthy. So, in volume 1, I’m going to cover the genesis of Sky Flash and break out Airplanes. Then in volume 2, we’ll revisit the Sky Flash theme to clarify some things.

This two-volume article might also have been called … Read more

Black 1st Place: Linguistics Breakthrough?

It’s always nice to see linguistics coming right out into the headlines. I was just recollecting about how the June linguistics predicted some new surveillance blimps going up along the East coast. The DreamBot accidentally called them “cops” even though they were officially labeled as military aircraft. Sarcastically, I asked whether that really makes a bit of difference in … Read more

Kaboom…goes another Sky Flash

Huge headlines are coming out, and since we saw this very thing (busy-ness and being stressed out) in Project August linguistics, we’re expecting things to pick up even more.

First, the substantiation for the sky flash meme as opposed to one specific sky flash event: The world loses another big airliner….

French official: Air Algerie flight that disppeared from radar Read more

To Catch an Impression: Seeking Advanced Tactics in DreamLand

First off, let me tell you one of the biggest trends from all the people writing me in response to my latest appearance on Coast to Coast:

These prolific precognitive dreamers have been shoved into a societal box, complete with chains and a muzzle to keep them from talking about their Divine Gift. I’ll perhaps provide examples in subsequent posts, … Read more

Major Predictions Get Perfect 5.0 Score

If it’s not obvious by now, the combination of Project August dreams being analyzed by the webbot spinoff called the DreamBot is becoming a very powerful tool. We currently have a backlog of storytelling to do, but this one takes the cake on how the dream material is directly manifesting in real life.

First, lemme give a quick shout out … Read more

Sky Flash: Even more 7s

The world loses yet another Malaysian Boeing 777, and our dream material comes to life. Is this is a “hit” or a message, or just coincidence?

I argue that the 7s are vitally important here, but I’m not so sure that this is what our dream material was projecting for us.

We had a rash of airplane crash dreams in … Read more

Proj Aug: MTB hits again with peanuts

The peanuts meme unfolded early, and MTB scores another hit.

Before we get started, remember that the peanuts meme came in just like the Grand Canyon. It was two dreams put into the database back to back from two different dreamers who have never met.

Again, Elyse is part of this particular meme (we’ve already seen her name in many … Read more

Proj Aug: Neptune Scores Big

As we approach the big month of August 2014, be on the lookout for big hits to the Project August dreams. This one comes from the planetary section of report #4, and two surprises surfaced: 1) Neptune wasn’t a planet, and 2) the headline wouldn’t come out in August, but a few weeks early.

Here’s MTB’s dream from June 9… Read more

Proj Aug: Grand Canyon Doomed

The Universe is working overtime on the Native American theme this week. Yesterday we explored a clear message about the Lakota’s, and now one of our Project August memes is unfolding, having a clear connection with yet another native group.


On May 25, 2014, we had two Project August dreams input into the DreamBase at the same time. They … Read more

Flood becomes a major theme

As always, we are still locating new connections with dreams and DreamForecasts in order to better hone in on the future. One thing that might be significant is that when the linguistics language comes on in a very strong but nebulous way, it might signify more a collective-level trend instead of one specific event.

A great example of this is … Read more

Moon AND Mars Rising

I really wish I had more time to investigate, but it does appear that the DreamBot and Project August are really coming along. A few very interesting headlines appeared in my field of vision last night that generated at a minimum a silent “wow” from me as well as some possibly significant DreamSeer scores.

Let’s begin with Israel…or better yet … Read more

Some Dreamy Economics

One of earliest Project August dreams that turned into a predicted headline involved China inviting the dreamer to a BBQ in celebration of a great financial accomplishment.

Well, I’m not ready to pair up the next financial-type story with this dream, but I bring it up because it does have the same sort of feel here. Of course, the timing … Read more

Linguistics Catchup

We’ve got a backup on headlines recently that stand a chance to fulfill earlier linguistics…

Linguistics on 9 June: “Different life sure felt weird”

I believe we are getting a little tickle on this one. Let’s start with the symptoms and then progress to the possible cause. Perhaps this is “normal,” but for some reason this year’s weather does seem … Read more