The world loses yet another Malaysian Boeing 777, and our dream material comes to life. Is this is a “hit” or a message, or just coincidence?
I argue that the 7s are vitally important here, but I’m not so sure that this is what our dream material was projecting for us.
We had a rash of airplane crash dreams in previous months, but I believe all those manifested already in waking life (minus the additional crash sometime in August), but I think this Ukrainian incident is separate from all that.
Malaysia Airlines passenger jet reportedly shot down in Ukraine
Published July 17, 2014
A Malaysian Airlines passenger plane with 295 aboard was shot down by a surface-to-air missile in Ukraine near the Russian border, according to multiple reports.
The airline, which saw one of its fleet disappear over the Indian Ocean in March, confirmed only that “an incident” had occurred involving the Boeing 777, which was en route to Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam.
As far as tagging this event to our DreamForecast I’m not convinced, but we do have at least three dreams that predicted a “Flash in the Sky.” So, this report will cover that meme and the really obvious, in-your-face sort of symbology that the Malaysian crash signifies.
The Sky Flash Dreams
1. This dream was highlighted in a separate article. Basically, it was a non-Project August dream that predicted a dissolving Earth in August.
Edna submitted:
“ashes/dust” 7/11/2014
walking through a wooded area, nice sunlight through branches, mild temps, birds singing. I touch a tree leaf trying to decide what kind of tree and the leaf turned to (to my eyes) ash (to my brain) dust. Walking further away from area I looked back and all the trees are changing and falling like dominoes.
in my home watching television got up to change the channel (old style!) and touched the dial and the TV dissolved into ash/dust. Then the whole place turned to dust all around me.
in my office across from my desk was a calender showing July. I got up to change it to August and as I turned the page it dissolved into dust/ash.
I woke up just as office dissolved.
A vocal message said “This does not mean everything “you touch” turns to dust as in you are a failure”. “It is what is coming!”
2. JAwake was profoundly surprised about this dream above, and so she copied her dream into the comment section. Lucky for me, this Malaysian flight ordeal forced me to look up JAwake’s dream, only to find out that her dream was erroneously approved, which means it was not counted in the last report Proj Aug report. Anyway, here’s her dream; notice how similar this dream matches the one above.
6-29-2014 I was working in garden and the was a very bright flash. I turned and asked my husband “What was that?” He said it was an EMP I said No! No!.. we have to get inside the ash is coming.. the ash will be falling. I woke up. my first thought was an mass eruptions some where to the North West of NM.
3. NativeAmericanDreamWeaver (NADW) pointed out that her recent dream also talked about bright flashes in the sky. Similarities between all three of these dreams exist, and they come out in roughly the same timeframe (within 2 weeks; notice how #1 and this dream come out within 24 hours)
7/10/2014: I step back into the door way and as I do there are bright flashes of white light in the sky. This is unlike anything I have ever seen. They remind me of 10x the intensity of the flashes from paparazzi camera’s going off.
Today I am the watcher; I stand there as the people run for cover. I feel empathy for them, but I know there is nothing I can do to help them.
The flashes stop, no one is hurt physically yet everyone is so terrified that they can’t stop screaming and crying. The men are shouting, the sky remains a bright white light that blocks out the figures of the clouds in the sky, you cannot see the sun through the blinding white light in the sky.
The temperature rises from the dirt, the paved roads, and roofs begin to get the wavy lines, like a road on a hot day. A misty smoke seems to fill the air but it is faint, I can smell the heat, like the faint smell of hot tar, and the smell of the wood heating up.
I watch all of this from a place of stillness, quiet and peace, all the while feeling every emotion from the people who are experiencing this bizarre phenomenon.
I close my eyes and let myself feel everything that is happening. As if I have moved through time, I am no longer in the doorway; instead I am on a boat in the middle of the sea.
Sky Flash does not equal Malaysia’s crash
Although the Malaysian airliner undoubtedly became a huge, bright flash in the sky, my professional opinion (and my personal intuition) tells me that these dreams were not referencing the Malaysian airliner.
Instead, the flash in the sky is likely to be something else, such as a volcano, a blast of some sort, or even a pole shift. Timing on this is sketchy, but if this group of dreams falls into historical trends, then the real-world event would be immanent (i.e. within a week or two), since we’re right at about 1 week from the first and third dreams and almost 3 weeks from JAwake’s flash dream.
By the way, JAwake’s dream was the only Project August dream in this bunch, and if there’s anything trending with PA dreams, is that these are curiously manifesting about a month after the dream (non-scientific observation).
Thus, if these STRIKINGLY similar dreams are to manifest in our waking reality, then perhaps the window begins today and runs for another couple of weeks.
Already in the Works!!
Also keep in mind that a warmup of these events are already underway! NADW caught the same headlines that I found a few days ago.
Supervolcano Melts Roads into “Asphalt Soup” at Yellowstone National Park
Geothermal Heat Melting Road in Yellowstone
National Park Closed Due To Massive Supervolcano Melting Roads
Yellowstone Volcano’s Heat Melts Asphalt Road in National Park
…and dozen more headlines here. The point is that something big is happening under the surface, and it might be associated with the Sky Flash – Ash Falling – Disintegration memes from these dreams.
Also, note the significant hit here by NADW. In her dream, she specifically noted that, “I can smell the heat, like the faint smell of hot tar…“! There’s now no doubt as to what the dreams are indicating. We only need now to see the rest of the dream material unfold….
The Malaysian flight is important here, but I think the dreams themselves are pointing to a different Sky Flash, which could have an epicenter of Yellowstone National Park. Something that is not unlike the incredibly-large, bottomless hole over in Siberia.
Symbols of Malaysian Crash
JAwake wasn’t the only dreamer who caught the symbols of the Malaysian crash. She says…
Just catching the Plane crash in Ukrainian .. What stands out to me is the #7.plane is a 777… just saying I know we had that meme on the 7 ‘ s. . do you think this could be a hit?
The last time “Ukraine” made a big appearance on the linguistics run was the 23rd of June as the #2 country. Ever since it plummeted to only 0-2 hits per week. But the number 7, as you know has seen a LOT of activity in all the recent weeks.
We’re seeing 7s in the dreams AND in all the major (and alternative) headlines. Seven is for real and is universal. Plus, get this. NADW also caught the fact that 295 passengers were on board. That’s 2+9+5 = 16 => 1+6 = 7….Amazing! The passengers on board of a 777 reduces to 7.
By the way, the last 7/7/7 for the year is July 25th, 2014, as all the numbers reduce to 7 (0+7 / 2+5 / 2+0+1+4 = 7/7/7). However, alternative media made out July 20th to be a big date, based on the IMF chief’s public numerology lesson.
Standby, as all this could be coming to a head…
Sky Flashes, Disintegration, Big 7s, and Elyse’s big birthing meme. It could get very interesting, so buckle up! But is it a red alert?
Ummm, no, and the reason why is that we’ve lost congruency in the DreamForecast this last time around. We’ll check again early next week, time permitting (Project August coming to a head).
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Copyright © 2014 Chris McCleary. Except for quotes, all rights reserved and any reference about this material requires a link back to this page.
Bright flashes in the sky could be something FAR WORSE a gamma ray burst I believe its called, if so, say good bye because if its of any decent size we are all toast
Dean or even more “Unseen Asteroids”, a Gamma Ray burst or even X-Flare thought scare the crap out of me. Let’s hope your not right! LoL
Hey guys…the good news is that if the sky flash thing happens via gamma or one of the other big ones, we’ll be forced into the “new world,” if you know what I mean. That would almost be cheating us out of our current life lessons. Oh well!
Plane shot down 133 days after 370
1+3+3 = 7
These are interesting dreams of bright flashes and wood. I hadn’t been on this sight since May when I posted my dream for the August Project. But, in June I had two dreams I posted to another dream forum called dreammoods under the mystic dreams link. I’ll copy them here:
The first dream I had was about 4 weeks ago (this would be about June 15). I was in a house and in the bathtub there was a partially built nuclear bomb. It was being put together with Vacuum parts. I don’t remember much more about this dream.. Nothing else happened.
Then about 3 weeks ago (this would be about June 25 or so) I dreamed that I was going down the freeway in a wooden motorhome. We were going down the freeway downhill. There was a wooden transmission and we were trying to slow down. The transmission stick broke and we were going downhill out of control..
I looked behind us and there were 7 or so bright white orbs. These orbs seemed to float then they each got brighter until there were a flash. There was no noise and the flashes were up high in the atmosphere. They each went off one by one. Each time there was a shockwave. I looked forward and there were 7 or so white orbs in front of us that did the same.
Nothing else happened and the dream ended.
I also wanted to say that I posted this on Dreammoods website on 7/11/2014 under the name quemo(same date as the dreamer above). I didn’t think much of it until I read the dreams above. Also I want to point out that any wooden object would not be affected by an EMP attack only mechanical/electrical.
And, after the wooden Motorhome crashed in the dream (it was going downhill out of control) it caught fire but I quickly woke upon it crashing.
July 10, 2014 I was given a vision where I saw this huge explosian, It seemed like it happened in the air but close to the ground, and I saw when it exploided I saw something explosed in a millions of pieces. It had a yellow center and an orange outer ring. With red like spokes all around it. Then to the side I saw a figure of a man, don’t know who this was. What was disturbing is that I saw the American flag bend at an angle towards the ground and a white flag to the left part connected as an X connected at the base. I then saw a thin dark hair man walk up the stairs to a plane, no idea who this was. The last scene was an older bald headed man in tacky colored clothes with what I thought was a machine gun, but now thinking it was an ozzie that shot down the plane???
Thank you. Please know that this is the EXACT date of another similar dream. Uncanny, and definitely worth heeding.
This is the same grammatical nonsense foolishness that Cliff High brought to us which if you recall was the end of the world as we know it was coming and he gave everyone a sad goodbye and nothing happened and destroyed himself. There is going to be a solar event when is the question and so people are queued to this so to bot or not to bot is the question I for one and not going to bot this is nonsense at this point here is my prediction a solar event and the date is unknown now if its in August and your predicted it by the dreambot I say you need serious help at this point dream on brothers and sisters
George. Please keep providing your inputs. I’m with you about nonsense and foolishness. That is why I mentioned to George Noory that none of my predictions are guaranteed. The future is never set in stone. Plus, I thought I made this clear on Coast to Coast: I see golden days after the birthing pangs are finished. But I’m also not a perpectual positivist. I try to see things as they truly are, and that includes the future. Finally, where in any of my material have I ever said, “This is the end?”
Thank you, sir. Please keep me in check,