Here is an email I received from a very concerned and conscientious individual. I know what site they came from but would like to keep that confidential. By the way, what are the chances that multiple people want to “rain on our parade” for the first time in a single 24 hour period? ….very synchronous I’d say, especially since they all actually exemplified our bigger mission here. Let’s get started.
Here is the user’s comment:
Dear NDC [National Dream Center],
I really really dislike raining on your parade……..
there are black magicians (most of them are negative ETs) who can easily access and are able to manipulate our individual
and collective dreams in order to dictate which areas we
are going to animate and manifest . They have programs after programs that are designed to create fear , anxiety, hopelessness
among us. Dreams are excellent venue to transmit these programs. No one will suspect.
And……..with enough of this created negative energy from bad dreams, they can influence a probable future that they so much want for us.
A probable future full of pain and suffering.
Why…………they even have access to our subconscious and conscious minds. , so the game is rigged against the poor humans.
By the way…..which side are you on..?
Just curious.
—End Comment —
Is this person whacked? Is he/she too ‘out there’ for us to acknowledge the warning? No, in fact…
I am very serious here. The visitor understands the problem, but let me extrapolate.
No matter your orientation about black magic, ETs, aliens, dark entities, or just the seemingly crazy irrelevance of dreams, this person’s warning is the WHOLE REASON FOR PARADIGM 3 at the NDC!
Let’s see here…if someone or some group is messing with our dreams, then wouldn’t we want to inspect our dreams (especially at a collective level) to see what kind of mass manipulation is going on?
Dreams are very subconscious. Most of us recall but a minute portion of our dreams (for many, it’s ZERO percent). If someone is influencing our subconscious, the first avenue of uncovering that influence is by inspecting our dream life. Without this inner work, the influence remains subconscious, and since 95% of our lives are subconscious, we would remain SLAVES TO THE INFLUENCE.
Why in the WORLD would we want to ignore our dreams if that’s what they’re using to control us??
For those who don’t believe in any dark conspiracy or mass manipulation, this message is still relevant and vitally important. Our thoughts determine our destiny, especially at a collective level. Just like our visitor warned, if we’re all focused on war, then war becomes much more feasible at the collective level. The opposite is true, and we actually have a few recent data points on the effectiveness of focusing our energy elsewhere.
Link 1: Results of a war escalation meme is here, but…
Link 2: Results when readers / dreamers focus on peace is here…
(only two data points here, but it does exemplify what Paradigm 3 is all about).
“which side are you on..?”
Let’s go through this logically. Let’s say hypothetically I had a side…If I claim the dark side, then you would believe me and propagate that answer. But if I said the “good” side, then you wouldn’t believe me at all.
Watch my fruits, just as ancient religious figures (i.e., Jesus, etc.) have suggested to us. Stop looking at the person, and instead look at the message. What’s our message at the NDC? There’s plenty of evidence already…how many articles have you read?
In our case here, the mission is to move toward Paradigm 3, a place where we collectively hold two contradictory stances in our minds:
Paradigm 1: Pure, unadulterated reality. We seek to see life purely without influence. We surrender to the greater influences of life. We are powerless to the bigger forces. We recognize the manipulation aimed towards us.
Paradigm 2: Pure, powerful, creative impetus. We seek to empower ourselves without limit. No one else has any power whatsoever over our will, our minds, and our actions. WE control our destiny.
Paradigm 3: Those who can see life purely will know where humanity is truly headed and be better suited to steering the ship to a more beneficial destination. Therefore, we need two teams for our Paradigm 3 operation. The Paradigm 1 Team tells us what the collective mind is up to. They will see the highest probabilities for our future. Then, our Paradigm 2 Team will take the highest probabilities and begin forming the most beneficial outcomes for humanity. Team 2 will focus their creative power (prayer, meditation, intention, etc.) toward that end. Then, we loop back to Team 1 to see how effective those intentions were. Are we still under influence, or has Team 2 done their job?
I have no side, and this is inconceivable by most minds still afflicted by cognitive dissonance. The fact is that we are truly powerful AND powerless all at the same time. My mission is to simply tell YOU, the visitor, where humanity is currently residing / heading / creating. If you don’t like where humanity is going, then YOU can decide whether you’ll be a Paradigm 1 person (limp, accepting, surrendered), or a Paradigm 2 person (powerful, creative, free-will advocate).
By now, the people who have reached the bottom successfully will now ask, “If we have Paradigm 2, then why would we need Paradigm 1?” This is a super duper question, but it is one that I’ve covered many times in my radio interviews.
It has to do with the greater cycles (ALL the cycles affecting us humans). Some are controllable forces and others are not. For the uncontrollable forces, that is like a parent pushing us on a swing (imagine being a kid again). What happens if the parent pushes at the wrong time? It doesn’t work. Push at the wrong time and the swing slows or stops. It’s a bumpy ride. But push at just the right time, and you get the biggest, smoothest swing with the smallest effort. But remember, our parents are in control, not us…these are the uncontrollable forces (like moon cycles, solar energies, Schuman resonance, etc.)
The same concept applies to the controllable forces. Imagine being the kid again but now we know how to shift our body to swing higher. It’s the same concept. Shift your weight at the wrong time, and the swing goes lower, but shift at just the right time and you get maximum swing.
Sometimes the uncontrollable forces and controllable forces are at odds. That’s when it’s up to us to adjust our shifting pattern.
It is synonymous with Tesla’s concept of RESONANCE. If we mass vote for something out of phase, then we stop humanity’s swing. That becomes catastrophic or at least dampens our collective frequency. All of this is outlined in my book.
The other question might be, “when does Paradigm 3 begin?” Answer: After Proj Aug is finalized so that we know statistical probabilities and other date-related info for our future Paradigm 1 team.
Final Note
I tend to shy away from gloating, which is why I tend to avoid pushing out congratulatory comments for myself. BUT, just realize that for every seemingly negative-type entry (which there just aren’t many), there are countless positive ones in comparison. This last one is very encouraging:
You should be really proud, this project has been in my eyes a success. To narrow down the detail you need, you have to specify time or most important event. The last dream in the Project August scheme was my most intense, and I really dreamt of the person whose story it was about. The story or information is there in the dream, you just have to understand what is being told to you. Translating the dream CORRECTLY is the most important part.”
This comment is just as important as the first comment, but neither in my mind are “good” or “bad.” They are all worthwhile communication to express a point.
Thank you for ALL for ALL comments….the “good” and the “bad” comments are welcome here, so fire away. All we ask is that you research a little about what this site is about before you judge, but if you’re not that patient, then that’s fine, too…
Director, NDC
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Copyright © 2014 Chris McCleary. Except for quotes, all rights reserved and any reference about this material requires a link back to this page.
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Copyright © 2014 Chris McCleary. Except for quotes, all rights reserved and any reference about this material requires a link back to this page.
A great analogy Chris well done. No matter what it is always about balance universe demands it. As this is a balance read. Blessing and much love .
Thank you. It is quite important in my mind to distinguish different modes of balance. Most people would find “the middle” to be very comfortable, safe, and appealing. However, in my work, this sort of balance lowers our ability to adapt and create, two of the primary forces needed for true spiritual growth. I want people to recognize the two contradictory poles and not be afraid of them, but rather experience them fully. New levels of creativity, life purpose, and much more are virtually automatic in this new paradigm. Therefore, welcome!
I wonder if that email arrived at the time I wrote you of creating from the heart, heart energy…
Makes me wonder if debbie downer ever tries doing anything because she sees ” the game is rigged against the poor humans.” Of course there are opposite forces out there, if not, we’d never be able to strut our stuff, shine when the odds are seemingly against the good in all…
Become untouchable, live with love in your heart and adversity is becomes a cake walk.
cj :”)
Just about the same time, CJ! Your message was an important one. As we discussed, it might be the very need to model out our reality that causes restrictions and ensavement. Models propel us into new understandings, but once the usefulness is gone, they tend to restrict and bind. Therefore, we’ll watch carefully whether the Paradigm 3 model becomes restrictive in nature.