Project August Nails Another Bombshell

king crownBy now, I’m sure that everyone has seen the unprecedented move by the King of Spain…abdicating his thrown to his son. I’ll have more on this later, with full links and DreamSeer scores, but here’s what Project August predicted:


Project August headline: “Spanish official steps down…”

This was unmistakeably a major match in the Project August dreams, and the full context will come from overlapping dream material. Initially, this headline came from a single dream, but with the major mainstream headlines pouring in, there will be much more to the story. Please return later for a full rundown. My day is fully booked today, but should have something by tomorrow.

Read more here (once published)



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Project August Nails Another Bombshell — 1 Comment

  1. Peace, Chris,
    No dream today…I’m still unwinding yesterday’s! Turned on CNN and was greeted by a smiling fireman and add for energy which is also Chelsea Clinton’s code name and a blue butterfly flying around. I was following a blue butterfly in the Amazon in one of the numinous dreams of my twin.

    The bowling ball became Rolling Stone’s article on Sgt Bowe a few years ago… I really did not know about him… but it entwined with my twin’s death so I researched him.

    Next the Lone Ranger appeared in this morning’s vigils reading:
    “As light strikes the eyes of a man who comes out of the darkness
    into the sunshine and enables him to see clearly things he could
    not discern before, so light floods the soul of the man counted worthy
    of receiving the Holy Spirit and enables him to see things beyond the range of human vision, things hitherto undreamed of.”