Two growing memes: Will the lid blow?

One of the most curious memes coming out of recent August dreams was that of death and church. The more direct content focused on the Catholic Church, making me think of a literal death of one of the important clergy members. Hopefully not.

Important rewind: Recall that on 28 June 1914 (one century ago from this coming Saturday), it was an Austrian Roman Catholic, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who was assassinated and kicked off WWI. History does tend to repeat itself, so is the collective unconscious remembering 100 years ago, emotionally sensing the future, or none of the above?

Other options here:

However, the linguistics pointed to more of a death of dogma, and I am just startled at how much evidence is mounting recently for this meme. In fact, it’s more of a trend that seems to be gaining ground, and I have several links to share as evidence.

Keep in mind that all of these news feeds directly combine some aspect of church, some aspect of dogma, and some aspect of death of that dogma. None of these stories has a super high DreamSeer score, but most of that hinges on the timing. Because this is still a month (+) out, are we just seeing the warmup to something really big?

22 June:

22 June:

20 June: (this one might become the big bombshell, a big-time church votes AGAINST Israel…this has the potential to be huge):


Oh, and don’t forget I talked about the possibility of the economic combination of church and death. This article I was presented with this morning, but it actually happened a few weeks ago (after the dream meme was established, thus it gets a DreamSeer of zero). But, this makes me believe it’s the general trend that might escalate as we move toward August. Anyways, here’s a relevant article:

1 June:




What’s Up with Saturn?

As discussed in the Project August Report #4, we had a single dream about Saturn, but several dreams about various planets. We suspected that the Saturn headline had already happened, but we just received even more Saturn news, this time the third main headline from BBC on June 22, 2014.

Titan: Clue to ‘Magic Island’ mystery on Saturn moon

By Paul Rincon Science editor, BBC News website

“Transient island in Ligeia Mare The bright feature was spotted in images from July last year, but a few days later it had vanished

Scientists have outlined their best explanations for a mysterious feature dubbed the “magic island”, which has been spotted on Saturn’s moon Titan…..

Saturn’s largest moon shares much in common with Earth, such as a substantial atmosphere and a seasonal cycle. Wind and rain shape the surface to form river channels, seas, dunes and shorelines.”


This particular article receives a much lower DreamSeer score (2.0 to 2.3) since it wasn’t focused on much of the actual dream content. But the question still remains: What’s up with the Saturn meme? And what, if anything, is going to happen in August referencing Saturn? OR, is the Saturn dream prediction over? Only time will tell, but notice the article’s curious statement that Titan “shares much in common with Earth.”

Stay tuned.




Copyright © 2014 Chris McCleary. Except for snippets, all rights reserved.


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