Important Proj Aug Update

I have finished going through all the dreams for period 5, and this batch of dreams does have quite a bit different texture to all the previous periods. We do have some different dreamers, including several from overseas, but here’s the deal…even the old PA dreamers’ dreams are strangely different.

This post outlines what everyone can expect for this last period of time before August commences.

To begin with, let’s talk about the dreaming window, specifically, the end of that window. We are not going to be continuing to dream about Project August throughout August. Instead, I’m going to close down the Proj Aug DreamBase category on July 27th, 2014.

This will allow me time to do some final analysis and compile all the headlines into an easy-to-read spreadsheet. By shutting down the PA dream inputs, we’ll also be able to fully concentrate on how the predictions are working, and we’ll have a much better grasp of the important time element (I expect more fulfillment in the early portion of August as compared to the end of August).


Having all this solidified before August will also help with our very exciting radio interviews in the upcoming weeks. Three of the shows will be:

Aug 1st: Kerry Cassidy / Project Camelot

Aug 5th: Mel Fabrigas / Veritas Radio

TBD: George Noory / Coast to Coast


Last Thrust Towards August

Everyone please know just how grateful I am to have read all of your very personal dream accounts. Thank you for sharing such a sacred aspect of your being with me and the world.

But it’s not over yet. We have one more week to finish off this amazing, world-changing project. Do me one more favor…

Put your August intentions into hyperdrive this week. Get your emotions rallied high before bed and really feel the headlines. One last push…we’ve already shown the world how amazing these dreams are…let’s give it one last big thrust of energy.


July 21: Report #5 Published

July 27: Get your last dream input into the DreamBase NLT July 27th.

July 28 – July 31: Final dreams compiled and analyzed. Final linguistics run. Final spreadsheet of all the headlines. There will be no more reports after Report #5. (There will be no all-encompassing final report because that would literally be a whole book in and of itself. So we’ll just have the 5 reports, which will be made public TBD.)

August 1: Headlines are available to Project August dreamers via password. All PA dreams are made public.

August 31: All PA reports and headlines are made public.

TBD: Final statistics are compiled, final report published.


Thank you everyone!


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Don’t miss our daily DreamBot run which shows a brief status of the collective unconscious.


Copyright © 2014 Chris McCleary. Except for quotes, all rights reserved and any reference about this material requires a link back to this page.

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