Push-Pull: Awaiting a new circuit

Food for thought from a very thoughtful reader. We begin this post with a copy of the email message…



Today I came across another ISIS definition (below link) and it spawned this

If there is an evil/opposite side to the isis or crisis, we know from
challenges there is a rebirth/anew… A crisis being(is) a critical point.

Meaning of “is” – to be – so  isis means what?  Mirror “is” and in the
middle of the two, is the peak point.  We are experiencing a major turning
point in humanity… So much unrest and distress because people are having
to adapt to changes in a big way (not all are going with the flow and liking
it) and yet in the end, looking at our every moment, we still are (is),
being only what we can be, in the moment – what is, is.

I’ve written you of the car battery analogy.  Though adding, a battery
contains both positive and negative influences (energy). Operating smoothly,
we don’t experience a crisis point (as a rule), the back and forth of the
charging and discharging but when we do, a dead battery is not so much fun
on an extremely cold, below zero day.  Yet one adapts (humans are good at
that) and for that dead battery day, there are stories to share through the
generations… :”)

I am wondering if there are just as many “good” ISIS in use as contrary

Have you seen this – an

“The Institute for Sovereign International Security (ISIS) is
internationally licensed by the Ministry of Justice of a politically neutral
independent country of the non-aligned movement (NAM), authorized as a
non-governmental judiciary body, to serve as an independent Court of
international justice, for binding arbitration, and for the adjudication and
enforcement of international law.”


I found this link from an upcoming livestream interview to occur today of
Michael Henry Dunn – “The Templars, Global Accounts and the Rule of Law”


In conclusion, “crisis” contains both opposite pulls, is/is, yet the
emphasis (sis LOL) is on the critical point the middle, as is, in the, to
and fro, yin and yang etc.  With so much turmoil going on worldwide, we must
not overlook the present(gift) and the good yet to come, because with the
birth pains we get “new life”.


Cj :”)



Thank you for that message, Cj, and “yes” to many of the questions you posed! I cannot believe I overlooked the word crISIS initially when the ISIS meme first entered the media stream. Luckily we have you to fill in some of the holes I’m leaving in my various theoretical ramblings of late.

Your mirror concept made me think of ISIS as a before and after with “crisis” in the middle. In other words, IS – Crisis – IS. There IS before the Crisis, and there IS after the Crisis. Such is exactly what you’re talking about…the growing pangs of the new world. Not everyone is adjusting so well to the turmoil and change of energy.

Now for two of my favorite topics…energy and good/bad (i.e. positive/negative). Yes, batteries have positive and negative terminals, but in a DC (direct current) setup, there aren’t two influencers…it’s a one-way street. The positive terminal simply flows toward the negative terminal. Period.

Now, what Tesla developed was AC (alternating current), which moves first in the positive direction and then moves in the negative direction very quickly (or normally very quickly….for example, the house electricity goes back and forth 50 times a second, but even that isn’t fast for Tesla’s work).

Here’s my point…

Tesla’s AC electricity is never “good” or “bad” (that is, until a human uses for one or the other). Another observation is that “positive” doesn’t equate to “good” and “negative” doesn’t equate to “bad.” In Tesla’s circuits, if there’s no negative current, then there is absolutely no electricity. His electricity had a push and pull. By the way, Tesla’s circuit was much more powerful than the previous DC circuits. The push-pull has a lot more flexibility and can do some very powerful work.

This is the same concept I use to visualize a replacement for “Good/Bad” or Positive/Negative. The replacement is the circuit itself, which requires push and pull.

Now enter Carl Jung, who made famous the concept of the “shadow” self. The shadow is the dark side of ourself. It’s the hidden poker addict or perpetual liar or dirty con-artist lurking in the background of our inner being.

Humans love to ignore and hide this hidden unpleasant side of us, but Jung argued that we can never be whole until we acknowledge those “negative” feelings inside of us. All those repressed images and hidden crises we’ve bottled up throughout the years.

Carl Rogers called it “Self-Actualizing” when we begin to look inward and excavate the hidden, authentic being…our true selves. This isn’t to say that we suddenly act out all our ugly emotions, but rather we simply stop ignoring them.

We become whole when we acknowledge all the various aspects of our person…the good and the bad, the push and the pull. We create a complete circuit, pushing sometimes and pulling at other times.

…and thus I greatly appreciate your summary statement…

“In conclusion, ‘crisis’ contains both opposite pulls, is/is…”

I love it, because “IS” and “IS” are two identical words that represent two totally different things. One is before and one is after, but all the while, it still IS…

No, I was unaware of Arbitration Court’s version of ISIS. Whether it’s good or bad, well that depends. Is it the push or the pull, or maybe it’s an entirely new circuit. Excellent points, Cj, and thank you.


If this pole shift never happens…

Have I mentioned that I still have visions of rolling out Paradigm 3? Depending on how successful Project August ends up being, we’ll have enough data to get started on Paradigm 3. I’ve already received interest on this project, by the way, and still other readers send in comments every now and again to indicate a sort of talent that will become very important in our new project.

Basically, in order to make this thing work, we’ll need authentic, agenda-less, precognitive dreamers and visionaries. These will make up our Paradigm 1 team. Then, we’ll have a separate team full of strong creators. These people are heavy into positive intentions, prayer, and anything else that helps form our outer reality. This group will end up being our Paradigm 2 team.

BOTH of these teams will be vital to how Paradigm 3 unfolds and how successful it will be. So, someone like Julie, for example, would make for a great team member for Paradigm 2. She wrote that…

For the past year I have felt the need to Pray for Putin. It’s like the Holy Spirit put put this “urgent need” request within me to pray for him.  Sometimes the need to pray for him is stronger than others.

The way I see it is that there are others like me around the world that are given World Leaders to pray for. I do believe that it is the prayers of millions of people around the world that is keeping the majority of this world civilized.

This is part of the essential mindset for Paradigm 2 players…affecting change and helping to mold the future. If we have any down times in these next two months, I’ll hopefully be able to outline how we’re going to get this thing started.

I may even conduct a miniature pilot op to see how we will administratively accomplish our new concept here. If you would like to be in an early candidate for either teams (it won’t take any money or cost you any extra time than what you’re already doing), then please contact me.

This project is going to be very revolutionary and extremely fun. I PROMISE!


---------- NDC Announcments -----------

Don’t miss our daily DreamBot run which shows a brief status of the collective unconscious.


Copyright © 2014 Chris McCleary. Except for quotes, all rights reserved and any reference about this material requires a link back to this page.


Push-Pull: Awaiting a new circuit — 3 Comments

  1. I wish I could link to the article but a article from a science mag popped up today talking about pole shift on yahoo, specifically that its been quickly accelerating, they are now saying its happening ten times faster than expected. They mention the heavily talked about “hole” over the magnetic field in the South Atlantic has expanded all over most of the Western Hemisphere (weakest over South America) while strengthening over the Indian Ocean. They mention no geologic evidence exists of mass extinctions from previous pole shifts but they correctly note it could create unknown amounts of chaos with our electronics and the grid.

    • Dean, if you don’t mind, keep searching for the article. I’ll be on the road all this week, so may need some extra eyes on our dream linguistics. I’m frankly not sure which media outlets will cover a pole shift. For example, I think most alternative readers would just assume that the bid dogs (CNN, Fox, etc.) will NOT cover that news, but if/when it does accelerate, I just can’t see how they CAN’T start talking about it. The symptoms of a quickly-moving pole shift are going to be impossible to miss, probably by everyone on the planet. As always, thanks a bunch, Dean!

  2. I may not be able to remember my dreams from sleep time, but am truly grateful for my day dreaming. The visions that come to me during the day are also defined as dreams (“an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake.”) And thus, my crazy writings at times can be just as nonsensical as the dreams person share from the sleep mode. Chris, you did a fab job in expounding upon my thoughts.

    Elaborating upon birthing “pains”.
    Pain does not have to be physically demanding in a way people are aware of the strain, nevertheless discomfort exists at some level, what we know as stress – even happy times can contain stress to some degree. Losing a home to fire or otherwise is painful/stressful. The birth of new life, events of change are stressful with anticipation as well as adaptation.

    Stress causes physical changes within the body. Breathing is shorter when stressed as opposed to the long breaths of a relaxed individual. Everyone has heard that line “stress kills” and it does. With shorter breaths less oxygen is taken in. This is turn makes a body acidic. And finally, illness/symptoms show up in an acidic environment.

    If I was to describe my observations of persons awake (and even those not sure but feel something) to major changes taking place, I’d say people are pained in that they are stressed out awaiting yet another “shoe” to drop. The air is thick with anticipation as we await the “new circuit” I just envisioned as not only a circle (a circuit is a circle), but two circles side by side, we know as the infinity symbol, the sideways figure 8 – ∞ (hope the icon showed up properly)

    elaborating – Eight sideways as infinity

    eight = ate (-ate suffix denotes a state or status. And thus, infinity is the “state of being infinite”.
    Innate = to be born

    Every moment (mo is short for motion) is new, yet a many big somethings are in the air and people feel it~!

    Cheers~! –
    and with thanks,

    cj :”)