Done with this: Taking it to the next level

Folks, August 14th will be a day of spelling out the next phase of NDC. Phase one might as well be considered a tremendous success, although the data still needs to be compiled to be sure we know what we’re dealing with.

But in the background, my mind is working on overdrive with new conceptualizations of Phase 2 and how that will be designed and implemented. Remember our watchword: USEFULNESS.

The biggest thing we’re going to need in order to employ that word is a new scoring system. Tomorrow, expect to see how this new scoring system will work. It won’t apply for Project August, but we’ll use the next couple of weeks to sort of try it out and get some feedback before it goes primetime.

Therefore, check back later today to see the new ideas and perhaps I’ll have time to lay out some more PA hits. We are making some monumental strides here…Paradigm 3, here we come!




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