Headline #114: Rats! The Peeping Tonya meme was just a wee bit off!

Who remembers the peeping Tonya meme? We had two dreamers who dreamt about sneaky women who were trying to peek in and observe them.

Yes, very strange indeed AND the overlap came in the very last week of dreaming, which meant to me that this was something to really keep an eye on.

Looking at the news recently I was not at all let down, except that (so far) I selected the wrong flavor of this meme. Don’t worry, I’ll explain.

Headline #114 said:

Female spy agent detained in [??], raising a controversy about gender in the field.



From the dreams, it was clear that there was big news coming about FEMALE SPIES, because not one but two of our most gifted dreamers had the exact same snooping women!

But beyond that, NativeAmericanDreamWeaver and Elyse tried very hard to convey what the real news would be, but I didn’t pick up on it. In Elyse’s dream, the snooper was someone saving the world, and DreamWeaver saw this…

Suddenly she Bursts through the bottom small square window with her head. My eyes grow wide and I think to myself, this woman is insane. She then records my responses using a camera that took video…


So, the big question now is, “Why in the heck did I choose a theme about the female spy getting captured?” Was I tired at the time? Was I distracted? Can’t remember…

Again, just based off this little information, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the peeping Tonya would be more of a conqueror or authority figure, or at least someone who was determined and successful.

The pump is now primed, let’s dig into the news…


“Wow” is all I can say…

CIA Vaults a Woman into Top Spy Ranks

By Jeff Stein |   Filed: 8/7/14 at 10:41 AM   |   Central Intelligence Agency

Move over, boys. Continuing its appointment of women across its senior ranks, the CIA has promoted a veteran female operative into the number two slot in its espionage and dirty tricks division, Newsweek has learned.

The woman, whom Newsweek is not naming because she remains under cover, is the second female in a row to become deputy chief of the National Clandestine Service, the home of the spies. Its previous occupant also served briefly as acting NCS chief until her connection with the CIA’s detention and interrogation program doomed her chances for holding on to the job. After accepting a demotion back to deputy earlier this year, she was compensated with a transfer to London.

Note: Doesn’t the “dirty tricks” notion sound a lot like the dreams?

DreamSeer Scorecard:

Dreamers: 5.0 / DreamForecaster: 1.5 (What was he thinking with that headline?!)

Fortunately, there’s another hit that helps the poor DreamForecaster just a bit…

Army man takes Pakistan spy bait, arrested for espionage

Published on 8 Aug. 2014 11:17 PM IST

…he is accused of passing on vital information to a female Pakistani spy since last July. In return for his bits of information, the spy deposited money at regular intervals in his account, entertained him with her nude videos and even promised an all-expenses paid trip to London.

DreamForecast: 2.9. We at least have a someone detained here, although it was not the female spy. So in this news, we have a female spy, someone getting detained, and the detainee really regretting the fact that females can be spies. Not the intended prediction, but three details similar.

It does beg the question though: Does the DreamForecaster get to accept ANY DreamSeer points if their interpretation was not ideal? The problem with that question is that the intent to grade the extracted prediction, not the dream itself. Remember we can always look back in hindsight at this. Our goal is see the right details prior the event….period.

That’s the whole point for debriefing articles….to reduce errors next time.

Peeping Tonya: The Meme?

Peeping Tonya might actually become a full-up meme in August. Now Hollywood even gets in on the action with the very first episode of a new female spy drama…

The Honourable Woman: Upending the Sexy Spy Drama

by Sara Stewart   |   August 7, 2014 11:33 AM

“The Honourable Woman.” After watching the first episode of The Honourable Woman (SundanceTV) last week, I tried to put my finger on what felt so unfamiliar to me about it

Final Score

This one was a GREAT example of how talented our dreamers are. Unfortunately, I wan’t on my game that night I created the headline, so we all suffer just a bit. The aggregate score is nothing more than just the highest hit, but it’s measured against the predicted headline, not the actual dream material.

Bummer, huh? Therefore, we get a measely 2.9 out of one heck of a big story. Better luck next time.



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Copyright © 2014 Chris McCleary. Except for quotes, all rights reserved and any reference about this material requires a link back to this page.


Headline #114: Rats! The Peeping Tonya meme was just a wee bit off! — 2 Comments

  1. Let us not forget the dream “Project DIVERSITY – COUP”
    Project August – Meditation for August 15th 2014

    “I am a female spy and I work for the CIA, and NSA”

  2. Peeping “John” from my dream, is for August 29th 2014, so I believe there will still be news for that one.