Nefarious Attacks in the Night




This DreamScape is all about sharing troubling dream experiences. Although not really precognition, it may actually be a common phenomenon that could be helpful to those who experience it. Please share your personal stories or provide any support for those who are suffering by leaving a comment below.

The following account is where this conversation begins. You need not have experienced demon attacks, for there are many other nefarious beings that like to perpetrate harm. This account was written by James after our Coast to Coast show on May 12th, 2014.


I know you’re super busy and I’m not sure if this can help you at all, but after Coast to Coast, I felt like I need to tell you this.  I live in NYC and, personally, I’ve been having dreams where demons attack me.  These dreams are so vivid and so intense, I honestly feel like I am being psychically attacked.  I wake up and physically feel affected.  I’ve had intense dreams like this throughout my life, but 2 specifically in the past 4 months or so.

Psychic attacks from demons… whatever.  The part that gets interesting is that whenever I have these dreams, there seems to be a rash of the same type of dream happening on the same night to people in my extended social circle.  On the first occasion, my best friend had a demon attack dream that took place in the same location as my dream took place… although we were not in each other’s dream.

The second dream I had, about 2 weeks ago now, was an even more physical demon attack.  While the location wasn’t the same, I’ve run into a handful of people who had nightmares themselves on the same night.  Some of them, specifically, seem to be demon presences as well.  (In one, my friend was being attacked by a large black dog.)  Other people, I don’t specifically know what their nightmares were, but they were all very unsettled and disturbed by these dreams.  ALL OF WHICH took place on the same night.

Here, in NYC, there seems to be a collective dreaming going on where a number of us people are being attacked.  (And some of these people are cognizant in some ways, that I know of.  One friend will notice things visually, I tend to have a physical sense).  I don’t know how this may help, but we are under attack here in some way.  In a very spiritual manner.

Thank you so much for the work that you do!


James actually was kind enough to expand even more on his experiences. He responds to the question….what do you say to the people who argue that nefarious attacks like this can only happen if the person consents to it. Here is his very thorough and enlightening response:

Thank you so much for your response!  It was a welcome surprise to hear back from you.
I understand the point of view that these attacks can’t happen without the victim leaving themselves open to it in some way because, after all, that seems to make sense.  Especially considering that it seems most possessions come from people who invite the demons in, in some way.  I suppose there may be some front on which I am personally leaving myself vulnerable to attack… but I don’t entirely think that is the case.
My feeling is that I’m somehow spiritually strong.  I don’t entirely know how to describe it, but I feel like my will is very strong and I’m able to block negative influences from my presence.  I’ve lived in a number of houses with spiritual energy… I’ll call them ghosts for a lack of better recognition… that have been both benevolent and malicious.  The malicious ghosts always presented themselves to me right away in the dreams my first night sleeping in the new location… and I’ve always been able to banish them from my home.  This banishment usually takes place in the dream itself.  (I remember a few very specific incidents where this has happened, if you want details on those.)  But I manage to banish them from my home and they are not allowed within the walls anymore and I feel like my sheer willpower keeps them out.
The specific demon dreams which I mentioned were about these demons trying to gain entry.  The first one I described, the one where my best friend had a dream the same night taking place in the same location…  in this dream, I was in a room almost like a ranger station.  It was a single room up very high, on stilts, with a staircase leading up to it.  The room itself was furnished, almost like a dorm room style.  I was looking out, immediately on a parking lot, but there was a type of city-scape beyond it.  In the dream itself, some people had just left.  I don’t remember who they were, as I came into the dream after they had left, but I knew they were close to me and I had a sense of calm and peace knowing they were gone.  Much as when friends leave your house for the night.
They had been gone for a short period of time… enough for them to get to their cars and drive away, when something made me look out the door.  It was a warm night in the dream and I left the door open to get a nice breeze inside.  That’s when I noticed that there was this shape climbing the stairs…. very very quickly.  The door in my dream was backwards as well, meaning the main, solid door was on the outside and the screen door was on the inside.  I locked the screen door and then realized that wouldn’t be enough, so I opened the screen door and was reaching to close the outer door when suddenly the demon was upon me.  He was the size of a man and he was wearing a black hoodie.  He had human skin that was very badly burned, almost like Freddy Kruger but, you know, real looking.  Except for the fact that his skull was in the shape of a German Shepard.  I’ll never forget the face.
As I’m reaching for the door, he reaches out and grabbed my wrist.  That’s when I awoke with a start… but I still felt the hand on my wrist for another second.  (As I said before, that same night, my best friend had a dream that took place in a room very similar to mine… a single room, high up, overlooking a city-scape.  In his dream, people he loved–but not me–were in the room with him and being murdered in front of his eyes by an unseen force.)
The second dream, the one from 2 weeks ago, was a little more boring, almost more traditionally exorcism like.  I was sleeping in my childhood bedroom in the dream, when an unseen force started dragging my body around the room, eventually throwing it around.  Then it started taking my body and contorting it, bending the limbs every which way, much like you’d see in any possession movie.  I only had control of one hand, which was holding my cell phone incidentally.  I was able to speed dial my best friend, but when trying to scream, was only able to make high pitched groaning noises.  My roommate (who actually has the same name as my best friend) came running in instead, held me down, and helped to unbend my body.  He was holding a crucifix and, as always, I knew how to banish the demon.  As I started to speak, however, the demon contorted my face into something very like a Joker smile, which I saw in the mirror.  I worked through the contortion, however, and banished the demon anyway.
Upon waking up (it was 3:20 in the morning, on the nose), I had to get out of that room right away.  I moved into my living room and made a post about having a nightmare and sent my love and light out to anyone who needed it.  Not only did I get a number of responses (and text messages) that very night by people who also had nightmares, a number of people at work the next day slept very poorly because they were having bad dreams as well.  One in particular, someone else who is sensitive to things, was telling me about his dream, being attacked by a man-sized black dog…. that looked German Shepard like.  He specifically said, “I’ve never heard of nightmares getting spread around like a rash or a bad cold.  It feels like something is going on.”  It was this that led me to research a little more.
I’m sorry, I went on a huge tangent.  I know you have a lot of other very important things to be focusing on.  I wanted to explain things a little more and that led into me going super in depth.  But I feel like it’s important because I don’t feel like I’m inviting them in…. and in fact, in the dreams, it feels like they are always trying to get in.  Like in the case of the second dream.  It wasn’t moving my body from the inside, it was positioning me like I was a doll, externally.  Or in the first dream, it was literally trying to get inside.  I usually have dreams like this off and on for a period every few years.  I remember the most vivid ones.  The common thread, though, is that I banish them… usually in the dream itself.  And the funny thing is… there’s something I do every dream, the same every time, to banish them.  I don’t want to call it a spell, but it’s not quite a prayer either.  It’s words, a very specific sequence of words that I use to banish them.  They are in another language that I’m not sure of… and I can’t even tell you if it’s the same language every time.  Or if it’s a real language.  Or if the words themselves are the same every time.  But I always know them, and I always will myself into speaking them, no matter how the opposing force is blocking me at the time.
That’s why I say that I feel under attack.  I feel like… they either want to stop me from doing something or use some sort of gift that I have for themselves.  I’m not entirely sure what that gift is and I don’t know why when I have one of these nightmares that people in my life do as well.  I’m not even assuming that they have them because of me, but maybe when these dreams do happen… there’s something going on in the atmosphere that makes these attacks or whatever easier for them to execute?  I don’t know.  I almost feel like I’m starting to ramble and spitball here.
To sum it up… I don’t feel like I’m inviting myself for these attacks because I feel like they are attacks to try to break through my defenses.  Why, I don’t know.
Thank you for listening.  I hope, in some way, I am able to help you.  I hope you are able to find a specialist to help you explore this area more and I’d love to assist you in any way that I can… both with this area and any other.  If you have any questions or anything, I’m happy to assist.


Nefarious Attacks in the Night — 6 Comments

  1. Lucky_japi_Go on May 14, 2014 at 1:01 am said:
    Dream date : November 2012


    I am awakened by rattling of my front door. Someone is loudly rattlying the front door via the door knob. I am scared so deeply that I can hardly breathe. I never open the door , but I see them on the other side- it is a dark , moonless night – there are 2 dark black, ETs at my door trying to get in and a 3rd running across the lawn to join them. These are “male” – defintely out to harm me.

    I say to myself “how did they find me here”- as I had recently moved. I don’t know what to do,I can’t breathe and I am literally petrified/paralysed on my side of the door. I flick the porch light furiously , trying to attact attention.

    I wake up sweating , breathless. I am very upset by my own words more than anything …they indicate that a previous interaction – but I have never had one or even a dream like this at all.

    • I used to have nightmares such as yours when I was around 11 or 12 years old. I remember one in particular where the devil was stabbing my back with his pitchfork, I woke up and had this terrible pain in my back but it was due to my position. I was deathly afraid of the dark and would sleep completely covered even though it was hot. One dream stands out that ended my being afraid of the dark and nightmares.
      The dream takes place at my Uncle’s ranch where we went to stay for a month or so when I was 7 or 8. They kept pigs behind the house toward the river about 75 yards or so away from the house. A pig broke loose and came at me as I started to run around the house, as we went by the front door the pig grew bigger, the second time around the house and right at the front door the pig was really big and I just knew that at the third time the pig would be so big it was going to get me so I decided to fly and as we came abreast of the front door I threw myself into the wind and started to fly, looking down at the pig as it stood on its hind legs with its front feet on the roof of the house trying to bite me but I managed to pull my legs up as I struggled to gain altitude which I was able to do.
      Now that I was safe from the pig I started to look around and was amazed that everything was in color, there was the pink pig still with its front feet on the roof looking at me, the house, the corrals, the woods and the river, I could see everything very clearly. I then realized that I was dreaming but I was totally aware that I was dreaming and could control and do as I please because it was a dream. I woke up in my dream.
      I never had any nightmares after that dream and now if something is bothering me in my dreams I stand and confront my fear and it goes away.
      Only recently did I learn that I was having a lucid dream back then and I am now 63.

  2. I was troubled by a creature in my dreams with black eyes that wanted me to “let it in”. Has anyone else seen this creature? It’s skin is white and has black eyes and I saw it as a reflection in a mirror. It appeared as a child and then a woman. The creature didn’t like it much when I told it no and rebuked it in the name of Christ.
    My circumstances bothered me, because after dealing with the creature I found a news article about a man some where in the middle east who had been plagued by such a creature only he gave in to it and ended up murdering his family. Did anyone else see this article or have you heard of other encounters?

  3. This dream was found at

    Church w/Demons

    Date of dream: Wednesday, May 14, 2014
    Level of Lucidity: Level of Cohesiveness:
    Lucid Intent? No
    This dream has been viewed 45 times.

    I come upon a church that has images of both my house and a church. There are generally two rooms that I remember. It is unlocked. The priest is there administering confessions. I somehow end up downstairs in my living room and in the church. Buddy is there. What is peculiar are his eyes which are both a narrow a slit and seems to turn into a demon person every five seconds until I can wake him up by jabbing him with a football. It makes me uncomfortable to see those slitted eyes. The church should be administering confessions and I ought to have a good feeling, but I don’t. After messing around with Buddy for 10 minutes I go back up to the main level and see three figures. The priest is pressed against the wall with a detachable black demon hand covering the priest’s mouth and black demon tape covering the pensioner’s mouth. Mr. L. himself disguised as a demon. My presence seems to create a repressive silencing effect that encourages the demon to smother my voice and myself into darkness and hinder my ability to seek comfort. I wake up from the nightmare.

  4. I totally agree… finding a group to dream a better future for humanity with has been my intent for quite some time… and I am delighted to have found all of you. Thank you Chris for all that you and your co-dreamers do. Perhaps my experience with the dark can help others. Many years ago I was told by Spirit directly and later through a Psychic friend, that in Lemuria, I was a androgenous being whose job it was to dream realities for other people.

    In my many years of meditation and spirit work, I had never encountered a negative entity or experience. I have always seen angels and spirit guides from childhood. I had 2 near death experiences before the age of 3. But…

    About 3 years ago, I started listening to David Icke. This opened my eyes to the possibility of the Dark. Before that, I just thought demons etc. did not exist and that the “Devil or Satan” was just our collective personification thought form of evil. After realizing these parasites may be feeding off of us, one day, I said out loud to the Dark, “You can not have even one photon of my energy… In the name of Jesus Christ I forbid it!”

    Then, I started to have nightmares… It started by… I dreamed I was in a bank-like building. A group of 7ft tall, very muscled, like steel, scaley skinned, dragon looking faces, men were breaking into a bank vault. I was standing behind them watching. I was very very frightened, but I was powerless to stop them. The were using their very dense, boney head plates to ram through the steel fault wall. I dreamed this several times over a period of a few weeks.

    Then, I dreamed I was rapped by these men. This had always been my worst, deepest, darkest fear. They only stopped when I said in the dream, “This is ridiculous”, and had stopped being afraid. My guide was with me the whole time. She said to them, “She’s had enough”. And they left me alone. And I awoke. I was horribly disturbed by this dream. And was very upset that my guide and the Angels allowed this intrusion into my dreams and violation of my astral body.

    Over a period of two years, such nightmares continued. They never successfully raped me again. But they kept trying. Slowly I realized that this had been allowed because I was being trained to face my fears and release them. In one significant dream that I remember, I was swimming in a pool. Suddenly, alligators into the pool after me. There was a tall Light Being, perhaps an ArchAngel standing nearby. I focused on the Light Being, and my fear started to dissipate. As the fear left me, the alligators started looking around and couldn’t see me even though I was right next to them, and could see them clearly. I swam to the edge where the Light Being was standing… he said to me, “See, when you are fearless, they can’t sense you… it is your fear that attracts them, that they feed upon, and that they amplify in you”. This was the turning point.

    After that, they were still in my dreams, but they would “laugh at me”, trying to humiliate me with ridicule. I finally realized that this was “fear” also. That most people are very afraid of, and therefore controlled by, what others think of them… that people are terrified of being “laughed at” or made fun of. I realized then, that these beings of absolutely terrified of that too. Then, in my dreams, I turned the tables on them, I would laugh at them… tell them they were stupid and ugly. They could not take derision. Then, their “boss” showed up in a dream. He was pure evil. He tried to make a deal with me… offering any earthly treasure that I wanted. I said NO!

    Finally, I dreamed that I was in a car driving up an “on ramp to an interstate highway”. These dark beings and their boss were after me. I started laughing at them… and a huge being of light in a cloud/orb of light came down from the sky and carried me away. I looked back at them, there on the ground in their disappointment, and waved, laughing, saying, “Good bye”. This was about a year ago. They haven’t bothered me much since except when there has been a stargate open or some other astronomical/astrological event, like Spring equinox or an 11 or 22 day of the month. But I handle them very well now, and I am not afraid.

    Oddly enough, at the same time they started attacking me… they started attacking my brother. The last time this happened, I was visiting his house… and we were both attacked. We were making plans on writing a book together about the Angels. Unfortunately, my brothers fear of humiliation has kept us from proceeding on that, and they used that against him to stop us.

    I was told by Spirit, that for each of us to ascend, we must face our fears. This only happens once we are strong enough to do so. And the Light is there to help and protect us. As we ascend, our spirits must pass from the 3rd density through the Astral plane. The lower Astral plane is where these dark beings exist, so we must pass through their domain. But once we learn to be fearless, we pass through virtually undetected, and we ascend past them so they no longer can sense us or get to us.

    I hope my experience helps others. I believe all of humanity must tell these beings “NO, you can not have any of my energy” and become fearless, and ascend. Only then will we all have the ascended Mother Earth in higher vibration where these beings do not exist.

    Blessings and Fearlessness to All,
    Dee Ann


    Dream share: This was my dream on 3/1/14 I shared with with a group of friends and copied my thoughts and interpertation as well.

    Fighting darkness. Literally floating pieces of darkness. It was hard to see unless I paid attention. I would think happy positive thoughts of goodness and that didnt help. The darkness was attracted to me. I kept pulling it into my body, not on pourpose but I was like a magnet. I kept floating around my room trying to find the darkness to get rid of it. Then a big area of it came and grabbed me. I couldn’t think of what to do to get rid of it. I was racking my brain. Then I knew. I connected to the dark teddy bear being (dont ask me how I knew it was a bear, stuffed animal like because I could hold it, and it was trying to grab hold of me. I connected to its heart center and planted a seed of eternal light. I started squeezing it, and poof it was gone.

    Meanwhile IRL…(right before I fell asleep)

    I remember my girls in bed with me, as they were in real life last night, and I remember shielding us all in one sheld before bed because I could feel wierd shit going on. I telepathicly heard my oldest daughter say “thanks mom” after the shield and when I closed my eyes I could see my littest daughter tying a bandana on her head like she was getting ready.
    I want to say it felt like we all connected and worked together through one body to fight, but that we used mine so they were safe. Not sure if thats possible, but thats what I get when I look at the whole picture.
    When I woke up I heard more voices, they wanted me to thank them because I was given something, I assumed it was because the working dream showed me what I was good at. Out of the box on the spot problem solving. Even though in the dream what I did hadn’t been done before to my knowledge. ..I MADE a way to get the job done. Maybe im also trying to tell myself I don’t have to find my path that has been walked on by another, but I can make my very own.
    I also heard that my body was the cleanest its ever been, but I have no idea what they ment by that.
    Majority of my communication is when I lay down to go to sleep or when I wake in the middle of the night. No shortage of it, but sometimes like last night before I feel asleep I know it was subconscious me talking to someone else. I just could only hear bits and pieces of what I MYSELF was saying.

    There it is. Does that happen to anyone else? The voices before bed? One of the voices you know is your own? I can feel the thought originating from my brain. I form a thought that has no words yet and as I translate to words (or move a thought from subconcious to conscious thought I hear a word that pertains to that thought like I am talking to someone else.)
    Holy crap this is why I love sharing I think I answered my own question. I think thats it exactly, minus the talking to someone else.