In case someone wants more information about our upcoming sojourn (i.e., cardinal cross), this might help…
The Cardinal Cross refers to positioning of four planets (Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto) in the form of a cross. A cross contains four planets at ninety degree angles and creates two oppositions at 180 degree. Think of two (or even four) people of equal strength pushing against opposite sides of a table. Think of experiencing two thoughts or emotions at the same time. It can feel confusing. Sometimes, it’s difficult to find a way through the temporary obstacles of life, particularly when the planets offer a push/pull scenario.
When the alignment is exact, we feel more pressure. Pressure can presented as frustration, tension, disconnect, or tiredness. In any case, it’s there. The pressure can come as physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. It can come from a need to align with the higher self through changing the body, altering our thoughts, practicing emotional non-reaction, or pulling out the stops by creating an entirely new life.
The first throes of awakening–as encountered on a group or individual level– demand decisions followed by actions. The actions can be small or large, but the universe usually pushes for them. We’re in this position now. Many people feel the call of the heart and soul. It’s time to awaken and move forward. The solar eclipse will heighten emotions, thoughts, and desires on April 29, making this week an excellent time for envisioning a desirable future. (If you don’t know what to envision, recall moments of good health, happiness, and harmony. The objects of our focus are always expanded by the universe.)
Here are a few thoughts:
1) Awakening brings up frustrations, sadness, anger, and old emotions. It’s impossible to move to a higher level without understanding where and how we experience a lower reality. Again, it’s different for everyone. It’s important to notice the frustration, emotion, or tiredness. Look at it as a hint. It shows where and what you need to change. It can indicate desires, patterns, or a need for a new venue. Stay creative and open to new possibilities.
2) The real reason for any change is expansion. Real expansion relates to spirituality–and the expression of spirituality in the physical world. For example, it’s important to learn how you like to work, your ideal client, what you love most about work, and create more of it. The same holds true with the body. How can you become healthier, better rested, or more vital? How do your projected changes relate to the True Self?
3) Everyone will feel this shift along with the pressure and confusion. It can bring greater consciousness or chaos. It’s also possible to find a higher frequency. (Energy is energy. There’s a tendency with this energy to think about what “you don’t want”. That’s okay, but use the experience to define your desire.) You can remember who you are and how you feel when you’re on an even keel. You can ask for disconnection with lower consciousness. You can ask, “What is it like when I’m truly connected?” In other words, plan to use your favorite techniques for finding the flow. Focus on peaceful feelings, walk outdoors, garden, or sit outside.
4) It’s okay if you don’t have clarity. It will come if you listen to your inner feelings, and think about what you truly want. You can also try a Hindu meditation.
HUNG VAJRA PEH (pronounced Hoong Vah-Rah Pay, repeat 108 times.)
“By the power of will, through the spoken word, I invoke the thunderbolt of my mind.”
5) Higher consciousness comes from spiritual connection; it also comes from pivotal decisions to invoke a higher state by envisioning a positive outcome, interrupting the inner dialog, and staying in the flow. There’s also a “bounce back into place” theory. For example, if you catch a reference in the inner dialog to words like impossible, difficult, or “can’t”–change it. Remember the times you prevailed and accomplished more than you thought possible.
6) A solar eclipse involves a reset, a new beginning. It’s helpful to think about the return of light–after the event–as illuminating new steps in life.
~ Julia Griffin
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