The Carrier: Hero or Victim?
I’m really not sure how to keep my cool on this report. When George called me yesterday to discuss some extraneous stuff, he randomly blurted out a word that I recognized from my post yesterday. He was in the middle of a different discussion point, when he said, “Grady’s big word yesterday was “Aircraft Carrier.” The shock waves would reverberate through my very soul. “Holy…..!”
George, without having read my latest piece stopped mid-sentence to ask, “What?”
So, here’s the deal…none of us three had watched each other’s material yesterday, but it was actually all in tandem. One of the featured dreams I discussed included an aircraft carrier in it, and I went on to compare this dream to the other featured dream which also had a very big boat. Recall that both these dreams (as well as one more) all had a rescue/evacuation theme running through them.
It turns out our aircraft carrier dream would be identical to what Grady is looking for in the Nostracodeus bot program. I guess the way to begin this is just to let you read MTB’s entire dream entry. I held back the second part of his 2-part dream because I’ve been working hard to keep as much Project August material from tainting the public consciousness stream. However, this incredible turn of events causes me to do what I did to the other PA dreams: show them off because something incredible is happening here!
Anyway, here’s MTB full dream account:
Title: Aircraft Carrier Hit by a Missile (dreamed morning of 5 May and input into the database later that day)
This dream was in two parts. In the first part, my wife and I had been evacuated onto an aircraft carrier. I recall I was asking why we had been evacuated; there was no answer. In terms of emotions, I suppose confusion would be the closest. At the end of the dream, someone was saying that the aircraft carrier had been hit by a missile, the word “silkworm” was used so I take it that was the type of missile that had hit the ship. I did not feel the ship rocked by an explosion and it was not going down at the time my cat woke me up (which at least allowed to remember the dream). Upon falling asleep, I was now on a dock. There were two missiles out on the dock. I don’t recall if there were any other people. I could tell the missiles were small, I interpreted them to be shoulder launched type missiles. In the dream I asked how these missiles could sink an aircraft carrier, they’re shoulder launched. I did not get an answer, I was woken by one of the cats again at this point.
Grady’s Nostracodeus matches MTB’s dream one day after the dream.
Okay, so are we ready to see Grady’s bot run yesterday on 6May? I just hope this image picture is big enough for you to see. The image is littered with the word “Aircraft carrier,” and Grady then goes on to say, “Next week’s Indicators are a concern as ‘on alert’ is number one with associated ‘carrier’ words nearby.” and then he says, “Indicators – and again, carriers on alert in the near future.”
Grady is expecting a carrier in about a week from now. MTB’s dream intention was obviously August, so we’ll watch this one carefully (it’ll be a very hard one to miss, I think).
Mainstream article reveals this
And now, another dream is already in the consciousness stream. It took all of a day and change to start seeing this dream unfolding in the news media. This headline is dated yesterday at midday from Drudge:
Iranian admiral says US aircraft carriers would be targeted in war
Was the dream predicting a headline or an actual event (or both)? Either way, the dream has come true, at least partly true for now.
Numb over Numbers
What does the number nine mean to everyone? Has everyone here seen what I’ve been seeing? Just yesterday, I took a snapshot of two incidences of 333, but I actually had THREE incidents of 333 on Cinco de Mayo.
First, when I sat down to print out my final paper for Theories Class, I glanced at the bottom right of the computer…wow…3:33 PM. Very profound, considering that someone had just posted a 3:33 dream one day prior:
I had a dream early this morning that I woke up and time was 3:33 AM and then the following dream took place. When I wake up in real-life after this dream, I look over at the clock, it was 3:33 AM. WOWW.
BUT, it doesn’t end there. Still on Monday night, I pass a gas station with $3.33 per gallon gas (also notice how many 10ths of a cent, which is 9):
Finally, when I get home, I noticed that the average time on our Dream Center site is 3 minutes and 33 seconds per session:
Add it all up = NINE
As if that wasn’t enough, we get yet another dream to underscore the whole theme:
This dream was very short. In the dream, I was on my hands and knees in the middle of a field of dirt. I could not see any trees or plants from where I was, only dark brown loose soil. About three inches deep. At first, there were other people around, but as the dream progressed they faded away. It was a very overcast day as everything felt shadowy. I kept running my hands over and through the dirt. I was looking for something. I was looking for ‘nine’. Not the numeral 9, but the word ‘nine’. It wasn’t etched in the harder dirt underneath, but maybe printed on a small translucent piece of plastic. I don’t know for sure, but I never did find ‘nine’ and I finally woke up for a bathroom visit.
Dreamer “Crystal J” submitted that dream and I surmise everyone can guess the title of it: NINE. By the way, did you notice the depth of the soil? 3 inches.
Oh, gosh, here we go again, trying to keep the Project August dreams secret: There’s yet another 9 dream, if you can believe it. It was labeled Pound a Peg, 9.1%. That would be close enough for me to call it a match with the other 9s. I will have you know, though that you really don’t want to miss this dream in the next report…get your Project August dream in so you find out when and what this 9.1 could stand for, and when the expected pounding will (could) take place!
Any bids for answer?
Hmmm, I guess we have to jump into some numerology, perhaps.
This all sort of sounds a little shallow to me. I’d like something more tangible. In the following video, the author comments that “numbers are alive and govern the universe and help create reality…Numbers are the bots moving in and out of reality…” The video is long, but in it you’ll see how much of our basic reality, including time and geometry reduce to nine. For example, “Minutes and seconds in a day, week, month, year will always reduce to NINE.” If you don’t have much time, start the video at 5 minutes, 10 seconds and watch in wonder how circular geometry reduces to 9 on every single additional slice. It’s pretty awesome.
I know that others have more to say on the 9, but I’ve got to get started on the DreamForecast. Be sure to tell me your thoughts, and by all means watch the dreams close for the numbers.
Let’s continue this discussion right into a quick DreamForecast:
This is the day that has been probably the most in balance thus far. All opposite words are nicely cuddled up with its counterpart, as to be expected with the continued energy swirling around until the 19th. In the linguistics, we see no alarm bells. Trouble is contained, except this interesting phrase: “Mom Felt Old.”
Initially, I was thinking that this was a reminder to prepare early for Mother’s Day; however, something else popped up just a few hours ago (as of this writing). Down in Miami, a 47-year-old woman gives birth to not one, not two, but THREE little babies! This story weaves in “Mom Felt Old,” but it also ties in our numerology!
My, how all this dream stuff threads together. In searching for meanings for 3’s, one website says that 3 signifies “a union of mind body and spirit. It signifies truth and that we are all one. All things are equal.”
Another website offers this: “Trinity, Union of Divine plus Human, Manifestation, Positive, Negative and Neutral, Expression, Subconscious Mind/Imagination, Creative, Optimistic, Enthusiasm, Expressive, Charming, Humour, Fun, Attractive, Friendly.“
…and finally, we probably should cover the top of the list of the linguistics.
Finally, “car” has been dethroned, but it still sits at number 2. The top three dream words are “Think Car Old.” I, for one, resonate with this phrase for sure, but we aren’t concerned with individuals for DreamForecasting. What could this possibly mean for humanity? A new type of transportation on it’s way in? I’d love nothing more, but this is probably but a pipedream.
Putting it all together: Ultimately, we are sitting in a well-balanced position. If we stay focused on this through the next week, perhaps we can create a future that doesn’t involve a missile and an aircraft carrier (i.e. our top news story above). But to do so, focus your attention on the balance in the world. It’s there….the dreams are telling us so!!
Everyone coast out the week with joy and bliss. I’ll see you tomorrow.
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Don’t miss our daily DreamBot run which shows a brief status of the collective unconscious.
Copyright © 2014 Chris McCleary. Except for quotes, all rights reserved and any reference about this material requires a link back to this page.
I talked with Crystal Jo (Nine) yesterday we did some note comparing.. With another Void dream last night.. I would watch Aug. 9th for America to become a land of darkenss(loss of the grid ) and brought to its knees.Just saying..
How about a pure 9 date…. Sep 9th? Thanks for the input….I’ll put your guess into the lottery kitty. Whoever gets closest to the actual date wins a million grains of sand!
Just a thought…after my ‘nine’ dream, I looked up meanings of ‘nine’. I was looking for something not ‘run of the mill’ interpretations. One interesting thing I found is that even numbers are feminine and odd numbers are masculine in nature. I was sifting the soil through my fingers in the dream…soil=earth=’Mother’ Nature. Our planet is a sentient feminine consciousness (my belief) created not by a ‘god’ but a ‘goddess’. Since I couldn’t find ‘nine’ in my dream (which I thought in the morning that it might mean the 9th month–Sept.) I thought, just maybe, it would mean the disappearance of the patriarchal rule on this planet…which we have been under for thousands of years. Anyway…this might tie in with Judy’s ‘Void’ dreams of the ‘loss of the grid’. This grid, as I understand it, is really a Matrix net around most or all of our solar system to keep other ‘good’ ET beings out and humans trapped in a prison of sorts. Even the dimensional level to which we go when we die is included in this ‘grid’/Matrix. Alex Jones has it right when he calls earth a ‘prison planet’. So most of us get ‘recycled’ or reincarnated back to earth, even though it feels like a great idea to come back and live out our ‘karma’. Our ‘wardens’ are some of the trickiest, manipulative entities in the Universe. So…losing the grid would be very chaotic for most, but in the end, a great thing! We could finally be in control of the planet and lose most of the negativity that controls us!
Your “sifting the soil through the fingers” sounds very similar to the words I chose for my joke above….grains of sand. Also, based on the words you used here, I think you’re really going to like Thursday’s post. Thanks for commenting!
Some info, in Celtic culture and in several others, I think also maybe Jewish, three is a sacred number and in ancient Celtic culture the belief in the sacredness of three bordered on obsession and thus 3 x 3 =9 makes 9 very sacred.
As for the 19th I found it really interesting you mentioned that date as significant, I am not really into astrology at all but glanced at a horoscope that was on my computers sidebar on a news site and it mentioned the 19th as VERY significant as a date where everything would began to change for the better but the change at times would be painful, also had something to do with cardinal alignment that just passed etc. So we have two significant dates coming up, just a wild educated guess but obviously the big issue in the world or hot spot is Ukraine, Putin if he is going to invade probably would do so before the 25th national election, suppose he invades on the 9th, there is a lot of rumors floating around that Poland and perhaps others nearby would send forces to Ukraine to help, Poland is no push over militarily, suppose Putin on the 19th decides he needs to strike back at Poland on Polish soil, that would trigger NATO defense treaty and WW3.
The dream that mentioned silkworm missile and aircraft carrier hit is interesting because as you may know the silkworm is a older model Chinese anti-ship missile still used by many countries including China and Iran, the one issue is unlike in the dream it is not small at all but unusually big for a anti-ship missile but a caveat is the media being uneducated in such matters has a history of identifying all Chinese made anti-ship missiles as “silkworms” example the Israeli ships targeted by Hezbollah a few years ago were identified as “silkworm missiles” by the media, they were not, they were more modern much smaller missiles.
dean, I’ve got more comment gremlins here. I’ve already pasted 2 replies to you, and it always deletes it. Let’s try it again…Can’t make all my previous comments for time, but I just wanted to thank you for all this extra information!