Headline #76 gets a hit from NYC

I was originally worrying how in world could we ever receive any sort of hit on Headline #76, which said, “False flag in NYC…plan failed; citizens arrest alleged perpetrators.”

I mean, how in the world would we ever know that a false flag failed? Well, lucky for us, the connections were quite easy here, although it doesn’t amount to a perfect score.

We begin with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who (if this person even exists), is alleged to have pleaded guilty for planting pressure cooker bombs at the finish line of the Boston Marathon in 2010, which allegedly killed a couple of people.

A quick question is interjected: If in fact this man pleaded guilty to these charges, then why is mass media still calling him a SUSPECT? This is just one data point in a vast array of ridiculousness that points to a “False Flag” back in 2010. Don’t worry, there’s more connection to the False Flag portion of our headline.

So anyway, Dzhokhar’s sister was arrested yesterday, which fulfills the second part of the prediction: “citizens arrest alleged perpetrators.” She was arrested for threatening “to bomb a woman who previously had a romantic relationship with her boyfriend.” The article continues…

Ailina Tsarnaeva, who lives in North Bergen, N.J., made the threat against an upper Manhattan woman via telephone on Monday, police said. She turned herself in at a Manhattan police precinct, and police charged her with aggravated harassment.

Several media outlets reported that Ms. Tsarnaeva told the Harlem woman she had “people who can go over there and put a bomb on you.”

You might be asking, “where’s the false flag?” This whole story is ridden with false flag. Not only is the Boston bombing false flag mentioned, but this alleged perpetrator actually walks into the police department to turn herself in (Is this normal behavior?). Or is this a fabricated story to keep all of us deeply entrenched in the terrorism mental slavery / thought prison?

Truthfully, it doesn’t matter. Either way you look at this story, it’s not a direct hit, but each element has multiple connections. False flag? Check. NYC? Check. Arrest? Check. Therefore…DreamSeer 4.1, and we are now up to an 88% hit rate on Proj Aug!



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