I’ll be on Veritas Radio Aug 5th

NOTE: Veritas is not recorded live, so this show will be first aired on Thursday, Aug 7th, and the podcast itself will more than likely be tagged with that date as well (i.e., Aug 7).

Podcast is here: http://www.veritasradio.com/guests/2014/08aug/VS-140807-cmccleary-p.php

Just know that I have not closed “Sky Flash” for the Italian volcano (not yet anyway).

We’ll obviously be talking extensively about all the 119 predicted headlines we pulled out of the Proj Aug dreams, but we’ll also cover much about how the process actually works. It’ll also be exciting to discuss the amazing predictions that already came true (upwards of 30+% by now!)

Veritas’ webpage: http://www.veritasradio.com/upcoming.html

From his website:

Mel’s ultimate goal? The transmutation of human consciousness from ignorance and darkness to truth and enlightenment. 

I’m honored to be on this show! Mel’s a great guy, and I know we’re going to have a lot of fun. It’s not a live show, but you’ll be able to download and listen as a podcast later.


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